I'm about to hit up sevs, senpai. Anyone want anything?

I'm about to hit up sevs, senpai. Anyone want anything?

The cash drawer

2 packs of camel lights and some mixed nuts. Thanks

Carton of Winstons and two bottles of Yoo Hoo

Coffee presso's and some noodles pls


Blue slurpy

couple of taquitos, chicken

Get me a green monster. Thanks

4 lokos peach and watermelon with some tums and a coffee cake with some nachos

2 tallboys of natty ice and a bag bold flavored chex mix, thx

Coke Slurpee with cherry or pina colada if they have it.

banana slurpee, for banana is best slurpee.

yes. bag of cash

Just take this bag and fill it up with as much shit from the slurpee machine.

An apple fritter and a cherry fritter.

And some pepto bismol.

My nigger, except I'd go with a 12 pk.

Wild I in a skirt, pack of Bugler and as many taquitos as you can hide in a Big Gulp before the dude notices.

>>mfw the new dude knows me already as the dude who buys alcohol daily told me as i walked out "see you tomorrow:D"

For me it is the Big BiteĀ® Combo, the best combo

Get me my usual

>four buffalo chicken taquitos
>bacon dog
>Raspberry Arizona
>Boston creme donut
>Jarrito, grapefruit
>pack of Camels

small regular peter jackson red please. and a couple of packs of matches, I need them for the bbq

Why is it that American garbage food producers aren't content with just feeding people trash, why do they also have to drag Americanism into the gutter with it?

Every shitty fast food chain is all "THIS IS MURRICA, FREEDOM BURGERS SERVED HOT N READY NOW! GOD BLESS!" with flags and shit all over the place. Fucking disgusting.

The phone number of that qt tranny working the register. Thanks bro, XOXO

Can of Camel's Frost snus, a couple hotdogs, and some cranberry Red Bull
Also, tell Mehmet I said Shalome.

>tfw you rotate between 3 different stores just so they think it takes you longer than one night to finish a bottle of whiskey

I'm not proud, but I'm too 'noided to go to Seven-Eleven right now bro. I need you to get me the two-dollar Big Bite/Big Gulp combo with jalapenos, mustard, sauerkraut, chile, and cheese, with a mix of horchata and coke for the drink. Then I'm going to need an apple Arizona if they have it, original flavour if they don't. None of that light shit.

Thanks man. Here's five, should about cover it. Get yourself some cheetos with the change or something if you want, man, 'ppreciate it.

vanilla coke, doritos cool ranch large bag, double mars bar, tropical skittles, 2 corndogs, 1 hot dog. fuck yeah

Whatever I can easily shove up my ass. Here's 20$

18 of Busch and Marlboro red shorts, here's $40 bucks. Ill call my dealer

what does your dealer got?


Just a pack of filterless camels and some of their shit coffee. Thanks man.

pack of gold american spirits and some flamin hot cheetos.
thx bb

Some reds, pb cc cookie, skins and a cherry slushie

A hell of a product. Hurry back

k. im back. I got everything you wanted. Here, try this. (Garden salsa Sun Chips, dipped in roasted pine nuts hummus)

If I wanted something fruity in my mouth, your dick would be in there already.

Im not sure I want to share my shit with you now.

thats okay. Im just going to stab your face and take your stuff.


Im so coked up I tackle you and bite off your balls

*Officer Smith unzips dick*

that didn't happen. Your dead now. I get your drugs. Went through your room, got a bit of cash. I had to go to the back shed to get the jerry can we keep for lawn mower.

Just gonna burn the house down with you in it. I'm gonna take your vehicle, you won't be needing it.

Some heroin from the homeless dude outside the store

*grabs throat*
Back the fuck off???

what an interesting turn of events.


You're delusional. I hand you a couple of 20s and you think Id let you destroy me. I know you're a no-good-nic. The 20s were laced with fast acting arsenic. You're dead, baby.

When penis nosed dogs are wiped from this earth.

>giving a shit


used to anyway, quit drinking some time ago

Since it's Nippon Seben, a nikuman, cc lemon, and a sea chicken onigiri.

2 smart waters and regular funyuns