Functionally tailored to be a hunter

>functionally tailored to be a hunter
>spends his life dwelling in his basement, lurking on a Taiwanese hentai forum

Please. Just kill yourself.

The Hunter vs Farmer hypothesis is among the most retarded in the field of evolutionary psychology and thats saying a lot. Sorry kid, you were never meant to be some warrior killing saber toothed tigers. You're a fucking neurotic faggot with poor executive functioning skills. Also
> But after nearly a decade of introspection, I can formally say that there is truth to this hypothesis
A decade of what? Lab research? You write a protracted dissertation? Write 16 peer reviewed articles, or did you just look for an excuse for incompetence and go with the sexiest choice?

Fellow adhd sufferer here. Take your fucking meds and stop embarrassing us with asinine threads

>tfw diagnosed ADHD but can't take any medication for it because it will trigger a manic as I'm diagnosed bipolar as well
just euthanize my shit up senpai

I mean - he could be a shitty hunter right? A little slow... gets eaten - but saves the better hunters from being eaten.

Kinda related... Is adhd actual physical disorder? Or simply result of all instant gratification and staring at tv whole day as a child...

Maybe you should look it up instead of asking on a known schizo hangout african spiritualism discussion forum.

Im not sure how more i trust all that shit on google either. Its same as googling good diet, you read 10 articles at least few will say exact opposite

Whatever, I have it, and I find it almost offensive that you insinuate the shit I'm struggling with is because of TV or internet.

Without meds I'm a worthless fuckup, with meds I can work on my PhD in comp sci examining actual neuron cultures. Maybe I can make a culture of my own defect neurons and see if they behave differently...

So no idea whether its physical?

That's for you to look up, not me. You claim that google isn't reliable, but you'll listen to some random on Veeky Forums?

I wish I could have this level of projection so a simple off-handed statement can trigger me! I'm 'functionally tailored' to chase after females but I'm not doing that either here.

>Off meds I'm useless
>On meds I'm extremely productive
Literally the basic outcome of any amphetamine.

Was diagnosed ADHD as a kid but am actually bi-polar (the manic episodes made them think I was ADHD). They threw amphetamines at me and it was the expected outcome.

Really that's the cure to ADHD is to 180 it with the average university student's study buddy.

Yes, as any hunter knows patience is not important.

Op here

I mean, you're supposed to be a berry-picker yet you're here too, what's your point?

10% of children have these poor executives functioning skills. Are they just mentally retarded? Should we send them to the gulags? Your argumentum ad lapidum assumes that you have any idea of what pre-Agrarian people were like; prove that these "poor executive functioning skills" weren't advantageous back in the day. "Poor" assumes that lack of inhibitory control was bad in caveman times. I was being a fag with that "tailored" statement but cut me some slack. I want to discuss this hypothesis, so explain why it's shitty because I'm genuinely curious.

This isn't OP.

>modern day sophisticated hunting involving long-range rifles and bows being anywhere remotely similar to early hominids jogging after prey and lashing at them with primitive tools
As an actual hunter, Fuck you.

>As an actual hunter
Post your rifle with a timestamp.

>jogging after prey for hours doesn't require patience and attention to detail
You've really not thought this through.

Not who you're replying to, but I'm in the same boat as him. I'd probably be in prison if I was never prescribed ritalin/adderall. Now I have a master's in EE. My psychiatrists always wrote me up for like 2x what I actually needed, so I have been selling them on the side to make up for the ridiculous price of vyvanse for years. Without meds, my peers would be infinitely more productive than me. If we were all on meds, however, I always rose to the top on tests, homework, labs, research, and side projects.

I don't understand why people think it's such an outlandish idea that there may be more than one way for your brain to prioritize the use of its resources, and that modern society has found more value in some of these ways than others.

Try mixing Adderall and weed.

Honestly I wish I stayed on the ADHD meds because it at least allowed me to bypass a standing issue with bi-polar and that's not having a lot of motivation or energy. Not hard to have motivation and energy when fucking concerta is coursing through your system.

>sprinting for long-distances while flowing with adrenaline being remotely similar to squatting for prey playing the waiting game
Are you actually, ACTUALLY retarded or just grasping for straws? Don't tell me you've never went for a fucking run before.

I'll post bow if this threads still alive when I get home.

>Is adhd actual physical disorder?
I'll go with "real".
Back in the early 70's, my sister clearly had some kind of problem, but nobody had a name for it, or knew what to do about it.
We did know that caffeine slowed her down.
A Pepsi would make her calm and drowsy, coffee would put her to sleep.
She was clearly physically different than other kids.
As an adult, she's on Ritalin, and while that shit would have me bouncing off the walls, it mellows her out.

>>Off meds I'm useless
>>On meds I'm extremely productive
>Literally the basic outcome of any amphetamine.
Most people aren't useless without speed.
And I'm taking another 5 points off for superfluous use of "literally".

>I'll post bow if this threads still alive when I get home.
It's Veeky Forums so it will be but i bet no bow will be posted.

Yes, it's not like the animal must be tracked or waited for first before the hunt can begin.

Or that you're sprinting on an adrenaline high for hours taking the carcass back home when the hunt is done.
Also, having lived on a farm i can safely say that there's always something different that needs doing if any one task gets "boring".

Not only is tracking not that arduous of a process (especially if you know what you're doing), but it requires much, much more alertness than "patience". I mean that's literally in the fucking definition.

And either way, were not talking about the woods in Maine, we're talking about sub-Saharan Africa.


As a disclaimer I'll mention that I'm not a neuro-anything so take what I say with a handful of salt, but ritalin/focalin/concerta (methyphenidate) works by attaching to (and therefore blocking) dopamine receptors in the brain. This "blanket effect" works the same way for everyone. While its still a CNS stimulant, it would mellow you out also. If this sounds confusing and uncomfortable to you, in my opinion it is.

Adderall/Vyvanse (dexamphetamine) on the other hand works directly on the dopamine transporters which are largely theorized to be the root cause of ADHD symptoms. The dopamine transporters in people with ADHD have different behavior than people without ADHD. For me, the right dose of Vyvanse gives me a steady amount of energy all day and lets me direct all of it exactly where I want. Other people I've noticed just tend to feel "wired" all day.

>Not only is tracking not that arduous of a process (especially if you know what you're doing), but it requires much, much more alertness than "patience".
"alertness" is an interesting term, explain to us the difference between attention and alertness please.
>And either way, were not talking about the woods in Maine, we're talking about sub-Saharan Africa.
The only environment humans lived in until relatively recently was flat plains ehh? As presumably a white person you've developed all these adaptations from sub-Saharan Africans that better enable you to live in the environments that you do but your brain is still hardwired for one specific form of hunting early in our history, sounds a bit spurious to me.

The comparison between modern farming and subsistence farming circa 2500 BCE is analogous to a comparison between sailing with Columbus and on a naval destroyer.

So we agree that ADHD kids are apparently different than the general population?
Also, what about caffeine?


>alertness" is an interesting term, explain to us the difference between attention and alertness please.
ADHD is all about fixation, amigo. All other extraneous symptoms are a result of modernity. Would a hunter not be better if he fixated solely on the task at hand?

we wuz hunters n shit

>ADHD is all about fixation, amigo.
The lack of fixation, no? That's my impression of it and if that's not the case i don't understand how one couldn't be fixed on clearing a field or any of the other physical activities in the a similar way to when one would be hunting.

I have it. It's both about and not about fixation, if that makes sense. You're fixated on what you desire to be fixated on and are not on what you don't desire.

>Without meds, my peers would be infinitely more productive than me.
Is like saying without steroids I was a wimp but now I'm on these steroids I'm huge.
Like yeah, no shit. That's what they do.

>>Without meds, my peers would be infinitely more productive than me.
>Like yeah, no shit. That's what they do.

>Most people aren't useless without speed.

>>Most people aren't useless without speed.
Most people can't get a masters in EE.

I have ADHD but it's also coupled with extremely piss poor spatial awareness.

>Most people can't get a masters in EE.
Actually most people can't even get a bachelor's. In anything.

If ADHD meds work like that why are you such a fucking cuck that you choose to not use them? You think you're gonna get a prize for being a worthless fuck without the guts to improve your shitty life?

I would love to, but I have poor self control and would abuse the fuck out of them if I had ready access.

I really don't think you should point fingers at others if that's the case, user.

I have massive ADHD but I have enough self control to stay on the same dose for the last three years.

Where was I pointing fingers? I just don't think ADHD is a real disease, I don't deny the joys of stimulants at all.

ADD runs rampant in my family. When we do not take our ritalin on the weekends our type A personality non linear conversations are hilarious and frustrating for normies trying to take part in as there are many squirrels in my neck of the woods.

Wellbutrin's not helping with my ADHD. Should I be put on stimulants? I've been on and off SSRIs since I was 11.

ADD and ADHD are the result of a subpar dopamine response to every day life. This causes myself to be more impulsive to try and fill the void of unsatisfactory feelings most people are comfortable with.

>tfw my father is pretty much an older cookie cutter version of me in terms of mental attributes but actually has social skills and charisma which I don't possess
Fuck me, right?

It feels pretty fucking real to me...
You realize why this is sort of a sore point, right? I was in a very very bad place before I got medicated, and when I first got on meds I actually understood why everything was so extremely difficult to me and how easy it was for "normal" people.

The brain is incredibly complex, we're like cavemen trying to figure out how a computer works. However, just because we're unable to appreciate the underlying functionality of the brain we can still compare how individuals perform wrt executive functioning, and there's a large group of individuals displaying fairly similar symptoms. One might say that there are several types of ADHD (for instance, it is linked to being born to early, but it is also linked to genetics) and that these are fundamentally different. From a pragmatic perspective however it doesn't really matter, what matters is that I have significant difficulties functioning compared to my peers with similar upbringings and intelligence.

You can argue that ADHD isn't real, but to me it's about as useful as arguing that 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12

Try stimulants, for me it changed everything.

>I have massive ADHD but I have enough self control to stay on the same dose for the last three years.
On the other hand, I'm not the one taking amphetamine cousins daily for 3 years.

>It feels pretty fucking real to me...
>You realize why this is sort of a sore point, right? I was in a very very bad place before I got medicated, and when I first got on meds I actually understood why everything was so extremely difficult to me and how easy it was for "normal" people.
I'm not saying that you sucking at life isn't real, merely that that doesn't, in itself, constitute a disease state.

I mean if you compare me to von neumann I'm a window licking retard, but that doesn't make me ill.

>On the other hand, I'm not the one taking amphetamine cousins daily for 3 years.

Where are you going with this? Pretty judgemental

I don't care what you think, but I do care about shitters like yourself dissuading people like me from seeking help when it has been the single most impactful thing on my life in a positive direction.

Ok, have fun on your quest for disproving ADHD on mongolian knitting forums, I'm just gonna keep not being a worthless fuckup thanks to my meds :^)

>Pretty judgemental
Look I don't really care, I just thought it funny that you used your drug use as evidence of your self control. Like someone who smokes opium to help him get through the stresses of daily life but its not that bad because he only ever smokes the same, reasonable quantity.

That's cool user. Maybe I'm trying to convey the fact that taking ritalin isn't gonna make you into an addict, lowering the barrier for someone with my problems to seek help?

Nah fuck that just take the words out of context and compare it to opium for good measure :^)

>Actually most people can't even get a bachelor's. In anything.
How stupid do you have to be to believe that "I'm smarter than everybodies 'cause I gots a degree."

this is not neurology
this is not a hypothesis
this is ridiculous

Average day on Veeky Forums

The worst posts on this entire site are the low contribution ones posted halfway into the thread's discussion by someone who can't be half-assed to read the thread.

Kill yourself cancer.

Reading this absolute trainwreck of a thread is about as mentally stimulating as sniffing paint you fuckwad.

Why don't you go have some mentally stimulating conversations with the philosophers over at ?

Educational attainment does tend to correlate with IQ though

>this absolute trainwreck of a thread
Refute what you perceive as a trainwreck. All I see are arguments against and for the hypothesis and a few marginally related posts discussing ADHD.

The worst *posters on this site are the faggots who come into the thread halfway through calling it a trainwreck while not refuting any posts that go against his train of thought you humongous self-righteous faggot. I

Sociology major detected

If you could take a pill that could greatly increase your odds of success with little or no negative effects, wouldn't you too?

Everything this guy said. I don't know why people treat discussion on ADHD like we're talking about astrology.

Can you elaborate on the link between calling out shitty schizo threads on Veeky Forums that contains no measure of science and math, and being a sociology major?