Last month I moved to my grandparents' cabin outside of Haugesund, Norway...

Last month I moved to my grandparents' cabin outside of Haugesund, Norway. I have spent the time swimming in the lake that the cabin overlooks, exercising, reading and, of course, writing. I have written 20,000 words so far of a novel I am very enthusiastic about. But I have also fallen in love. The granddaughter of one of my new neighbours visited my cabin a few weeks back and knocked on the door after her grandmother informed her about my being here and my ambitions over the next year. She is a literature student herself and was naturally very interested in the books I liked and the sort of book I was hoping to write. What surprised me is that we were each attracted to each other from the first meeting, despite my limited social skills and relative lack of romantic experience. Despite these things, Anna appears to enjoy my company, and my own anxiety and desperation to please has resulted in my adopting the kind of personality and disposition she appears to appreciate and feel attracted towards. She even cancelled a holiday with some friends (to Florence) to stay with me at the cabin. Though at first I was reluctant to allow her to stay with me and disrupt my sensitive artistic environment, since last weekend she has been living here, and has taken over cooking and cleaning duties, and has also placed herself in charge of purchasing groceries, all of which allow me more time and focus for my work. I never before comprehended that life could be this heavenly. This is truly the love I have always appreciated and longed for from afar.

How is your own writing going Veeky Forums?

Awww i'm very pleased to hear that you doing great. Its astonishing that a girl is into literature. Good luck with your writing but dont forget to experience the pleasure of life.

Is this a sarcastic comment?

I honestly think you're a weak bitch for letting this crutch come into your life and i hope you don't make this mistake of trying to write about love or sex in the future based on this one shallow experience

OP here. I was planning to include at least one romantic relationship in my novel regardless of my own experience of the subject in real life, though now I really do feel as though some portion of my brain previously neglected due to my isolation and loneliness has "come to life" due to Anna's affection towards me. She has asked to read my work but I have refused thus far and don't believe I will I let her read anything in the future unless I become desperate for some sense of validation or external encouragement. But we have talked at great length about literature, and my god how different it is to sit with a girl on your lap at dusk and whisper quietly about the subtleties contained within JD Salinger's short story "A Perfect Day For Bananafish" and to digress on the subject of innocence and disillusion with social ideals and so on than it is to simply sit silently by myself and write my thoughts about the same story on Veeky Forums. As much as I value this board intimacy is something it cannot provide for its users, something I have recently come to acknowledge. I truly feel now as though life is worth living. While I accepted previously that my coming to this cabin was a form of retreat from a world I despised and which disgusted me and urged me to no longer partake in it, when I see Anna walking up the road barefooted carrying some strawberries in a bowl which she has just picked and watered I feel like exploding with joy and appreciation, truly.

Good to see your homing the art of fiction here on Veeky Forums, but you'd be better off working on your novel.

She's a gains goblin. Drop it, OP. It will lead only to disappointment, heartbreak, and unfinished work.


I like to believe you are an eccentric norwegian writer who is just making this up as some sort of performance art as a commentary on internet communities and truth or something. A shit posting collage maybe

I believe the word is "honing", and I am posting this thread to inform those Veeky Forums users who may be despairing at the state of their life and the paucity of their literary talent that yes, life can get better, and that with enough luck and hard work you too could live the Eden-esque life that I am currently living. Seriously, to think there are aspiring authors on this board working thirty, forty, sometimes fifty hours a week and squandering what talent their have to write fiction is quite tragic. I myself have been freed from such shackles and the rewards are unbelievable. Only this morning I woke earlier than usual and looked over to see Anna sleeping beside me beneath the thin white sheets, a cool breeze coming in through the windows and billowing the light curtain and evidence of last night's events, shall we say, deposited around the room. I kissed my love's shoulder and felt her smooth warm skin against my full lips and I thought to myself that there was nowhere else I would rather be on earth at that moment. We showered together and scrubbed each others' bodies and chatted about our plans for tomorrow (her grandmother is hosting a barbecue for local residents, including, I am told, a recently retired publisher of some renown) and then she took her bicycle and rode into Haugesund to purchase some clothes since she was not expecting to stay here very long and did not bring a great variety of clothing as a result.

I don't believe I have ever been described as "eccentric" before, largely as a consequence of my family not really using such words. I am however clearly an eccentric, not due to any self-conscious effort on my part, but due to my native character and its relative peculiarity when compared to the character expected of a healthy, normal citizen of the culture and society of which I am a part. While this eccentricity has caused me to be a rather marginalized and "unsuccessful" individual when judged by the dominant social standards, I do believe it has benefited me in other ways, not least my quick wit, my immense intellectual reserve, and my capacity to entertain and attract members of the opposite sex in a way that causes them to experience a sense of novelty and unpredictability when spending time with me. Only last night Anna and I were swimming in the lake (she is teaching me to float on my back) when she commented that I am a "very curious fellow". Although I could not think of a clever and humorous response immediately, several hours later I interrupted our 'foreplay' by remarking "I am also a fellow who is very curious". While she did not immediately understand why I had said this out of nowhere, as it were, after I reminded her of what she had said in the water earlier that day she understood the joke and smiled in a way that was not entirely artificial.

Pretty shitty Hamsun ripoff, user.

I have read only Hunger and Growth of the Soil and my own style of writing is nothing like either of these books. My being Norwegian should not be adequate reason to accuse me of plagiarizing or mimicking the style of my fellow countryman.

Is this the 3rd thread you've made? Hope I haven't missed any.

I'm not sure how many threads I have published thus far I'm afraid.

Too much internet.


OP here.

What's with the "maximum of 5 threads at one time" rule?

how do you survive?

do your parents pay for rent etc?

I see "girl" mentioned
I demand nudes

I for one appreciate these posts op

Cool what do you think of breakfast food OP ?

You life up to now feels like a bland bestseller at your local book retailer. Unless you're memeing yourself some sort of metanarrative to put you in the writing mood.