I have become increasingly convinced women actually have no souls...

I have become increasingly convinced women actually have no souls, and that are not capable of anything that can be called literature or philosophy, except in instances so vanishingly rare that they can be better explained by freak accident or sheer imitation.

It freaks me out. Having to work with them and watch them try to create things is like starring on a cooking show alongside a dog, and the dog just barks and breaks shit, but everyone claps as if he's cooking too. It's just a dog. It's not cooking. It's not doing anything. But everyone is clapping, so you clap too, because you don't want to be the one to say it.

Are there any books that can help explain or perhaps change my point of view?

On Women, Schopenhauer.

women just cluster closer to the average
lot more male retards, lot more male geniuses
read woolf, in order: dalloway, lighthouse, waves

no one has a soul

everyone dies alone and afraid

nothing matters

There are no souls.

Maybe talking to an actual woman would help?

nah there's no need to change your viewpoint, i'm sure you're just a genius all along

nihilism is an egalitarianism

Update your copypasta.

Assuming this isn't bait, you're actually just retarded and haven't read anything worthwhile by anybody, not just women.

To bad Middlemarch is the perfect novel.

more like memegalitarianism

Hey I remember this post

Didn't know anyone saved it

George Eliot and Zadie Smith will cure you. Women are more than capable, they just do it less.

Ya, two bad.

>Are there any books that can help explain or perhaps change my point of view?

No you just need to stop being a virgin reject and actually get to know women. They are just as insightful and talented as any man when it comes to literature.

Feel bad for people with shit moms tb.h

YOU don't have a soul. You do everything automatically. You can be broken. If you saw a man's guts fall out of his stomach, you'd see how much a "soul", "freewill", "selfawareness" and "control over yourself" you and he had. You'd see how free you are after the endless dreams, waking up in a cold sweat in your bed, after the endless and endless dreams of it...

I dunno.

>yhu fail four eat

men are just as bad. 95% of people probably have nothing akin to what you are describing.

I know what you mean desu. People will call us who can actually observe how shallow women are neckbeards or fedoras or whatever, but it's plainly evident that women aren't capable of anything beyond doing things only to impress others.

I am not a woman hater, I have had relationships with women in the past, I am on good terms with my mother and my sister and I can truthfully honestly say that they are not capable of any deep thinking. Just appreciate women for what they are man and try to not be a dick about it.

*tips trilby*

I love this pasta
hello newfriends

Not that I haven't read this pasta before, but when more women are getting doctorates than men, and the odds of finding anyone who actually fucking reads anything go up exponentially when you ask females, it seems especially pathetic.

In the sense that all humans and non-human life forms and inanimate objects and sub-atomic particles have the same value, yes. But I wouldn't call it nihilism, I would call it truth.