Will anyone be staying up tonight to watch the Rosetta probe crash into a comet tonight?

Will anyone be staying up tonight to watch the Rosetta probe crash into a comet tonight?

They'll be live streaming it here


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Now i will, thanks senpai

just found this out... guess I'm staying up.

thanks m8

>probe hits comet
>Deutsche Bank implodes

exciting friday

There's also livestream.com/ESA/rosettagrandfinale

Will there be any survivors?

Just Uranus

It will be extremely painful.

>Rosetta lands
>Setting off the tiniest shift in comet's orbit
>1000 years have passed
>Humanity is just climbing out of the post-apocalyptic wasteland they've gotten themselves into
>Mankind is making a comeback
>plants are growing again
>children are laughing
>SUDDENLY Comet 67P cruising at the Earth at a cool 135,000 km/h
>Philae and Rosetta on top
>We back bitches!


OP why'd you pick a cat gif

Because I couldn't find my Science Cat meme pic

Rosetta took some photographs during its descent.


This one was taken 16 km above the surface


and this one 15.4 km above. Thought I'd share these

2 Minutes?


Damn I was looking on the ESA site, they had a different countdown. The new video just went up, but it looks like just mission control working at the moment.

What you saw might have been the countdown from when they actually gave the thing a command to actually start crashing. Remember everything is moving and there's maths involved.


So stoked they found Philae just before the end.

Picture taken by Rosetta 8.9 kilometers from the surface

I hope Rosetta lands gently in that billowy-looking layer of comet dust.

Some comfy-ass looking chairs they've got.

Its not trying to land, the idea is to crash at high speed

why are they crashing it into a comet

Because it's no longer going to be useful and the missions it was sent there to do are complete.

Thread theme


With no survivors.

Well, they will expect one of us in the wreckage

It wants to snuggle again with Philae.

So we are about 50min away from impact?

So the nature website now has a real time thread going where there are two nasa scientists there. You can ask them questions

No trolling pls..


>no comments

damn i feel bad


Now this really looks a Kerbal Space Program mission.
Landers bouncing, probes crashing,science gathering.
And that's cool.

More than an hour from impact and there is a 38 minute delay on the signal

I really want to ask something, these people are my heroes

>Playing Kerbal
>Just in the middle of a daring re-entry

>Suddenly LOTR music starts playing
Good pick ESA.

I asked them if the real mission is to save the Earth like they did in the actual Armageddon movie. idk if my post will get modded tho..



what was the song

people are asking dumb questions like how do u name the comets..


I asked if it will survive the impact. Fuck me it wont even be going 1m/s if this was KSP id call that a perfect touchdown

None of my questions are getting thru

lol someone nixed that noise


Hahaha it got through

Im in the system!

Dude stop you've clearly damaged Lizzie's higher brain function

what else should i ask? give me some scientifical suggestions

How many fucking ions does the comet have you madman

"The comet looks a bit like a potato, is it edible?"

Live stream is up


>Travel through space for a decade and land on a comet and do all this science shit no one's done before with comets
>What a great success, I wonder what kinds of questions people have about this big mission.

>Ayo hol' up why it all b/w? Where's the color? Can I eat that comet it looks tasty.

Whats happening in this stream? And now I think about the comet is mostly ice so it probably is actually edible

We have failed if this doesn't turn into an epic meme viewed by 100 million people.

It will be the Super Bowl of comet videos

theyre going to stream the satellite crashing into the comet

It will just be a series of photos wont it, not real time video?

It's video.

Also, they answered my question about color in space.

>In the last moments of descent, a figure can be seen looking up at the approaching orbiter.
>The thing utters MURLURBROAP
>Then gets flattened at 1 m/s


I can't believe I'm talking with NASA Scientists and these are my questions!

They actually answered it holy shit

>with NASA Scientists
Arent they ESA scientists?

I guess my accomplishments aren't as great as I thought.

How many different kinds of metals are on this comet?

If the comet was dropped into earths oceans could it reverse global warming?

>Will anyone be staying up tonight to watch the Rosetta probe crash into a comet tonight?
>Now i will, thanks senpai

I will watch it with you guys :-)

It's a big asteroid.

>its black

very scary


Its a comet you pleb. Philae sheds a robotic tear

>If the comet was dropped into earths oceans could it reverse global warming?


No, because the warming is caused by the fact that carbon dioxide and methane radiate less long wave radiation back out in to space than oxygen and nitrogen do (it's like how people who own automobiles with a dark color paint job notice that their automobile gets hotter in the summer than the same make and model automobile with a lighter paint job). You need to read Svante Arrhenius' papers on carbonic acid and climate change that were published in the 19th century.


Bleh, the only live broadcast I can find that works is only showing the situation room.

...and now it's showing a music video montage...


Its a question for scicat to ask the scientists because its a stupid question




I have no defense except that it's past 3 in the morning.

NVM, some MILF named Monika Jones just showed up to tell me I'm 50 minutes early.

As long as you're ashamed its ok



Ask if there's the possibility that the downed satellite will detect microscopic life on the comet now that it's close enough.

This seems like an odd image to have on file unless the comet actually had the potential to hit Earth

No doubt people have asked your exact question before, and half the team is British so it makes sense

Still uncertain if we're landing on a comet, or slaying some sorta giant space Kaiju.

This is the single most imposing looking rock I've ever seen.

Apparently its 70% empty space


Clearly it's a mega-godzilla egg.



Kinda wonder why they decided to go all Bane with this one, after attempting to land the last one, and being, well, semi-successful.

>Remembering all the "electric universe" tinfoils insisting it'd be incinerated by plasma charges.

The last one was designed to land, Rosetta is being crashed more or less for shits and giggles

This interviewer is kind of hot.

it should have crashed already. will hear about it only in 35 minutes or so

light speed delay etc..

Wish that guy would wear his "sexist" shirt on this great occasion

I'm curious about how it got it's shape. Did the two pieces slowly crash into each other so they didn't bounce away from one another?

They literally just explained it

>Did the two pieces slowly crash into each other
Yup. It was likely originally a single large comet that broke apart, 67-P was formed by 2 fragments which underwent a low speed collision