Link, 5 months in: 42 cents (4x ICO)

Link, 5 months in: 42 cents (4x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)

Uh oh.

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Other urls found in this thread:

congratulations on just noticing link is a meme

1000 eoy

Op is a faggot

hahahaha linklets are gonna cope hard with some stupid shit to find similarities with ethereum. absolute cherrypicking nigger shit to justify their idiocy ahahahh fucking NIGGERS. i just had an epiphany. holy fuck, im literally shaking right now. arent linklets absolute garbage in disguise? like bags of toenail dirt mimicking human behavior. subhuman scum, below niggers of all things. heh, see what i did? of all "things", because niggers arent human too. but linklets, dear lord. just pure fucking dirt that deserves to be spat on. dear fucking god you are all disgusting

link cannot be compared to ETH, link is a new paradigm, something that will change the crypto game

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>new paradigm

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I sexually Identify as a stinky linky. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of delivering tamper-free smart contracts for individuals and institutions alike . People say to me that a person being a smart contract is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install 6 flat sides, a big mac and a permanent plaid shirt on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Linky” and respect my right to provide middleman free agreements and immediate resolution. If you can’t accept me you’re a linkophobe and need to check your blockchain privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

kekked, you deserve a you

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Thank you user I worked hard on it on the way to work today

There's 1300 more coins now than then faggot.

Link hit 13x ICO three months in. ETH also didn't have to deal with the whole market rising and then crashing down to hell a few months after it released.


>link, quality contemporary projects: 100+
>ethereum, quality contemporary projects: 0
also, technically, your date is wrong for ethereum
the real time elapsed at your price is something like 17 months
fucking faggot

putrid dirt, disgusting linklets. holy shit i want to spit on you subhuman pieces of garbage


Lol you sure told him Bucko

So Link may end up at 25% of Eth price (4/17) since you are following the trend of Eth. 600/4=$150.. thanks for confirming singularity trend. Assblaster is a prophet and your FUD sucks.


now compare against btc, which is all that matters. link is barely even up against the market

LINK's ATH was $1.35 which is 15x from presale price of 9 cents. Market has crashed since then.

and the entire market went up significantly in that time too. link has yet to come close to surpassing it's only real pump back in october, which is when everyone should have sold above 10k sats.

>Assblaster is a prophet
Oh my god that is horrendous. Assblaster is a larp to help us feel better about our LINK bags, nothing more.

1 cent EOY.

I bet I will be much closer than you are.

this. desu i think LINK has an amazing usecase so EOY it would be around 50 cents. i think a 25% growth from its current price is amazing already. EOY 2019, LINK would be 1 dollar each, a whopping 100% growth. thats nearly unheard of in stocks. good job linklets! absolute FUCKING NIGGERS. DELUDED TRASH HOLY FUCKING KILL YOURSELVES

>your posts in this thread
>telling us to kill ourselves
top fucking kek

The value of Chainlink is already ridiculous high. The need years alone to collect the data for the nodes

>collect the data for the nodes
Fuck that is some horrendous FUD

Why have you posted 5 times in this one thread, you seem like a real faggot there kiddo

Lol no you didn’t but I’ll let you have the glory

You try way too hard


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you are scum of the earth i think you should kill yourself haha REKT FUCKING IDIOT LINKTARD. dumbass motherfucker nigger.

kys nigger.

^its bugging you you didn’t get a you out of that

awww babby having a cry? babby angry? Babby didn't buy 100k linkies and 10c and wants to accumulate? awwwww

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Seriously though, linkies are subhuman filth used as a sacrifice to kek.
Granted, not the best of sacrifice, but times are rough, and linkies are disposable.

Hopefully, kek understands

Checked, we're dead boys :(

>BTC is all that matters
Then why is BTC valued in USD?

because you're black.

what else do you measure it against? gold?

late adopter shitcoin accumulators fail to realize that while their shitcoin is going up in dollars, they've been losing money because its down in sats. if you could be sitting in bitcoin of all currencies, and making more money, your shitcoin is worthless.

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>niggers niggers niggers
trying this hard to fit in on an anonymous anime business forum. Please come back when you're older than 18

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You need to see a psychiatrist immediately, even compared to shitposting standards the say you are behaving is clearly the sign of some sort of degenerative brain problem.

t. black linklet

this. maybe its alcoholism or aspergers or both combined lol

give me a funny angry post too faggot ur tears are my nectar

Just stop feeding him lol. Although it is fun to see the banter

>what else do you measure it against?
Well ask yourself, what is fiat measured against?

Nootropicat KILLED Link. Pic unironically related.

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>I sexually Identify as a stinky linky. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of delivering tamper-free smart contracts for individuals and institutions alike . People say to me that a person being a smart contract is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install 6 flat sides, a big mac and a permanent plaid shirt on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Linky” and respect my right to provide middleman free agreements and immediate resolution. If you can’t accept me you’re a linkophobe and need to check your blockchain privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


Eth is something that already is changing the game

Too bad that he already got refuted and embarrassed

Haters want to forget that part.

hahaha linklets are so fucking deluded, their fucking """"INVESTMENT"""" is already exposed as an utter fucking scam but they refuse to admit it because it will shatter their dreams of lambos and whores.
>muh making it

Actual debate about the technical and economic feasibility of the project. Looking good
Thanks, just bought 100k

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Stinky Linkies

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>someone posts a true argument to OP
>Brainlet responds with a patronizing post with no real argument
Unronically buying more

>no contractual obligation
This is how I know nootropicat didn’t read the whitepaper and is therefore a cuck. Every job that every node runs is due to a contractual obligation: “you pay me LINK and I’ll go fetch this data for you. If I get it wrong, I lose money.”

Now imagine that companies operate nodes in order to carry out their contractual obligations. Boom, you just proved a use case for Chainlink

dumb argument.

the reddit guy was right. Just letting the api sources cryptographically sign the info would remove the necessity for LINK completely.

Sold all my stack. Have fun with your meme coin.

Im up to 26k link ;)

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absolutely useless shittoken lmao, the tech community manager got fucking blown the fuck out that he's probably crying to sergey for help but he forgot that he's a fucking philosophy major LMAO HE KNOWS JACK SHIT. useless fucking coin

I'm embarrassed for you

your mom gay

He didn't kill shit. Thomas answered to all of his deluded ramblings.

>b-but what if I make 100000000000000 nodes and then I spoof the data on all of them and then muh majority vote??? heh, didn't think of that one, did you guys? BTFO lmaooo
>b-but eVeRyOnE WiLl CrEaTe ThEiR oWn OrAcLeS bRo
supreme brainlet

Chainlink will not replace every single oracle in existence. He argues for some use cases where the use of Chainlink doesn't even make sense.

And why can't api sources cryptographically sign the info themselves which would remove the necessity for LINK completely?

This is why we need flags or better yet ban ip ranges from 3rd world shit holes.

BeCaUsE iTs StiLL A SiNgLe PoInT oF FaILuRe bRO aNd tHeN AgAiN yOu NeEd To CrEaTe YoUR oWn OrAcLeZZ oRR YoU CouLd JUST uSe a FiNiShEd oFF-tHe-sHeLf SoLuTiOn LiKe LINK aNd SaVe YoUrSelF ThE fRigGin TrOubLe

Oh shit never mind. Is Thomas the TCM (vornth)? He did respond well to his claims refuting them. Although nootropicat isn't just some average joe this dude knows his shit he didn't get BTFO by any means.

Lmao why type like this? Such inefficiency baka

I'm not saying he got BTFO, I'm greentexting the average fudder thought process.

And yes vornth is Thomas the TCM.

"cryptographically signing" your data doesn't ensure that it's what the smart contract owner wants to see you absolute pic related

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this is the worst thread on Veeky Forums currently

i agree