Can someone explain what the deal is with men these days? All they do is trade crypto, jerk off to porn...

Can someone explain what the deal is with men these days? All they do is trade crypto, jerk off to porn, and play on the computer. I can't even get a guy to buy me dinner since all of his money is "tied up" in Bitcoin. Where have all of the quality men gone?

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Nice dubs even tho the bait sucks

all the good man have gone to live with our waifus on the other side

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at least try when you shitpost literally a 0/10 not even a 5 year old would fall for this

>buy me dinner
you supposed to make it, idiot.


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We’re all products of our environment.

The porn problem is an offshoot of the Jewish Problem, I don’t think many people understand how destructive it is or all the different ways the Jews have corrupted our society, how much they hate us, how vengeful the Jew ...

Obvious troll post aside, there’s a point to be made here.

If women ever do find themselves thinking this, it means they’re realizing they need to offer something of value now. Men are getting harder to motivate toward serving a woman. Even sex has become lacking. If a woman wants a man to treat her like a woman, she’ll have to offer to that man the same thing her grandmother offered her grandfather: a meaningful future. Without that, guys will continue to pass on striving to win the favor what they see as entitled thots. And why should they.

Men and woman will go back to helping each other instead of exploiting each other, I hope.


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>If women think this, they need to offer something of value
Your rant fell apart at the first sentence, i didnt even read the rest.
>Men are videogame and porn addicted stingy assholes
>It's women's fault for not being good enough
>Women are roasties
>It's women's fault

Do you see the fallacy here?

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This is true, many good men are trying to break the capitalist slavement by trading bitcoin and we don't have time to be, fuck or buy dinner to women, sorry

dubs speak the truth. it really is the jew's fault that I waste my life away on hentai, internet coins and videogames

>trying to break the capitalist slavement
or translated from autistic = make money

I don't play on the computer...

>trade crypto
>erk off to porn
>play on the computer
I play on the XBox


what a crngey op wtf kys

>break capitalism
>by trading

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buy your own dinner faggot
now thats equality

Never said men didn’t have any of these problems. Just because I focused on the female side of the situation does not mean I deny the massive shortcomings of modern men.

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Look women need to stop being nihilistic thots and men need to stop being nihilistic basement dwellers. And the change has to happen simultaneously. Or, we continue to hate each other and throw blame.

That’s very deep thinking for a 15 year old

>basement dwellers
You have to be 18 to post here

>Where have all of the quality men gone?
the pasture is diseased and the fodder sickening. of course there are healthy green patches scattered about, but they are difficult to find without massive effort and probable heartbreaking failure.
the good men are in hibernation until our eternal partners get their shit together and stop living like life is spring break in cancun.

t. retired captain save-a-ho


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Your brainlet post must be a selfie. Men always work hard for women but now it’s not worth it. Men would change if women would. You’re probably a low iq chick or a cuck tho so you don’t get it.

Dubs checked.

The good men are already busy raising families, building careers, etc.

That is one Australian girl that will age horribly.

Plus she looks like a cunt

>bitter virgin's detected

It’s true

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>male posting as a female online detected

Her skin is already leathery around her mouth...

Women killed chivalry, the fuck did you expect to happen?

what's the deal with women these days? all they do is post pictures of themselves on vacation with daddys money on instagram while claiming they are empowered with their mongolian basketweaving degree

Don't bother trying to have a meaningful conversation, most people on this board are eiher basement-dwelling virgins with no personal experience regarding relationships or soyboy cucks without any guts.

Anyway, I would argue that the rampant promiscuity and general degeneracy of modern women have more to do with our decadent society rather than being inherent female traits.

this user is right.
even tinder sluts just offered free sex upfront don't cut it anymore... there is much more to relationships than just fucking and shitty dates.
I can't even be bothered to message my Tinder matches anymore, it's rinse/repeat at this stage (and yes my T levels are fine and no I am not gay)

what's seriously lacking is a meaningful future with a STABLE woman indeed. I know a 5/10 (maybe below) woman who tons more fun to be around with than 10/10 sluts I can find on Tinder.

There is a serious quality problem here; and it is not the sort of quality problem that is basically a cosmetic problem, no it is a structural/functional problem.

>Can someone explain what the deal is with men these days?

Tits or gtfo if trap KYS

>with a STABLE woman

O my sides

yeah, I have to agree... that is the very tricky bit...

biz must be really bored

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>all of his money is "tied up" in Bitcoin

If all his money is in bitcoin, you wouldn't want to "date" him.

>many good men are trying to break the capitalist slavement by trading bitcoin

Bitcoin is as capitalist as you can get and someone posting on Veeky Forums is definitely a slave to it.

0 replies. Shame.

Holding Link is getting boring that’s why

nah son the bait was good and this thread will hit bump limit.

ding ding

>not the sort of quality problem that is basically a cosmetic problem

I don't know if it's just the area I live in, but over here it's been almost a year since I last matched with someone who wasn't overweight. I'm almost considering trying clubbing because of how bad dating apps got for me in terms of the quality of the people on there

Crypto is plummeting and the stock market is closed for the weekend. This board pretty much turns into /pol/ in this scenario.

ive told you brainlets over and over that marriage is an ancient scam invented by women so that they can legally rob a man of 50% of his wealth and then some. any man making the worst financial decision of his life (marriage) deserves to stay poor. This is simply the stone cold truth. women are natural born thieves, liars, and actresses. they are not to be trusted, only pumped and dumped. screen cap this for future generations of biz gang

LOL...not if the jew keeps succeeding in destroyin western civilization. they are hell bent on ruining the nuclear family. ruining same-race marriage. ruining the hard working man. they will probably win, sadly enough.

fuck off roastie

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you mean these men?

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Are you me?

>hehe le hitler is the same as marxists :^)))

fuck off kike disinfo repeater

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>Not shorting the roastie bubble
I thought better of you Veeky Forums

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glad to hear it's happening in other places and not just Texas

God damnit man WE KNOW. WE FUCKING KNOW.

All you fuckers ever do is despair. What the fuck have the hand-wringing kikes ever physically forced you to do other than pay taxes? You can have more power and influence in your immediate social group than any media source. My friends and family and spouse are standing proud doing things our way. It's small but it's something more than prattling on about the insidiousness of the eternal jew and etc. Get your fucking act together. Get to the bottom of whats going on. Bring others with you.

Stop spouting fucking literal level 1 red pills from your first day on /pol/

Y'all notice how the girls that do porn now look like women you would have married? Who the fuck is raising these roasties? It's sad.

I can watch thousands of possible girl of my dreams type women get blasted in the face with cum..... sweet.

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i did not read your post but I know from the tone of your first sentence that you are a kike and need to kill yourself. please remove yourself from this world. you and your people are a plague on humanity. disgusting hook nosed snakes.

t. jew

Jews have done more good for this world than you have. They've made a disproportionate amount of contributions to the sciences. It's too bad that you choose to focus on the tiny percentage of jews that became bankers.

you guys gonna take them on, provide an alternative, or keep using them to justify your weakness and inactivity? The country is still free enough yet for that to be your choice.

Nope it's also happening in Scotland, fat roasties only apparently


I think on behalf of the male pop on Veeky Forums you havent got good dick in a while, like the type to touch your cervix and push it up just under your belly button

>le country is free meme

60% non white

>where have all of the quality men gone?

The better question is where have the quality women gone to merit quality men. The men are just a by product of the type of women you have an a society. So when the women are shit then then men will also. Women are the literal mother nature in a sense picking and grooming the men they want to see in the world through motherhood or courtship.

I will come join you soon my beloved Suzutsuki San...

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because women are selfish whores destroying our lives. Its so simple and beautiful without you, smelly fucking cunts.

Why are so many people feeling the need to respond to such obvious bait?

Like why are you wasting your time? Is it because we're nothing but /pol/ transplants now?

bored mostly

*deep inhale*
>contributions to science
you mean STOLEN contributions?
hahahahah you stupid fucking faggot

>ive told you brainlets over and over that marriage is an ancient scam invented by women so that they can legally rob a man of 50% of his wealth and then some. any man making the worst financial decision of his life (marriage) deserves to stay poor. This is simply the stone cold truth. women are natural born thieves, liars, and actresses. they are not to be trusted, only pumped and dumped. screen cap this for future generations of biz gang

I prefer amoral house pets. Certainly less soul than dogs or horses but possibly more than reptiles. Having had several daughters I can also confirm that they are great until they hit puberty and then continue to be vile little amoral shits for the rest of their lives. Women have no capacity to tell right from wrong, their conscience if formed by their peer group.


Lol there's no reasoning with you. You're a literal subhuman. Good luck spending the rest of your life being bitter about people who are more successful than you.

Just realized that penguin's dead lol

>muh jews are just more successful than you because they're better than you goy
>muh white people are only in high positions because theyre evil mean racists, they are racists if they think they deserve a better lot in life because of their inherent talents

I never said hitler was the same as the marxists you dumbfuck. They are both anti-capitalist though so they both get free helicopter rides.

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>muh white people are only in high positions because theyre evil mean racists, they are racists if they think they deserve a better lot in life because of their inherent talents

That's retarded, I never suggested anything like that. More often than not, people acquire the position in life that is appropriate for their talent. Jews, whites, and asians all tend to have an above-average IQ and their success reflects that.

>communism is anti-capialism

You naiive monkey, go fuck off back to r/the_donald and cheer on your mongrel "brothers in the struggle" as you wonder why a brazil-ied society crumbles ever rapidly

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I know this is bait but


>implying I support Donald Trump
>implying capitalism is pro degeneracy

This post is retarded. It is showing the ills of a social democratic state, not the ills of a private law society. I am anti-democracy, so how can you attribute the ills of our modern system to me?

In a private law society you could create a covent community and contractually ban the sale of property to minorities. You could also refuse to hire to them, refuse to rent to them, or even kill any that walked across your property. It is only in a democratic state that integration is forced.

Also degeneracy only sells in a system that increases time preference (preference for now over later). Taxation and welfare increase degeneracy and time preference because there becomes no reason for making good choices if they aren't rewarded proportionately. For example, the future minded act of saving money is made less imperative by state pensions (which Nazis are in favor of).

The reason I hate natsocs is because you destroy white culture by turning whites into braindead socialist degenerates. That's why the nazis were always on drugs and getting stds. Even Hitler was in favor of using the state to take care of single mothers. The Nazis caused the deaths of more whites than Jews or communists. Not to mention that Hitler was democratically elected, making him an illegitimate ruler.

Go read "Democracy: The God That Failed" by Hans Hermann Hoppe. Hoppe basically unkiked libertarianism.

I agree that objectivist kikes like Raynd are degenerate pieces of trash and should be shot. Democracy is the root of evil and is inherently anti-capitalist. Ancient philosophers basically laughed it off as soft communism. The idea that a collective gets to decide property rights is rediculous. Anybody advocating for democracy or socialism should be shot in self defense.

*covenant community* not covent sorry.

39 million people died in china because of a famine, so your "massacred by communist forces in mass killings" is wildly inaccurate

My wife also pays for my dinner. How about doing the same?

Not really. That's just how people imagine all 4channers to be like. Like some one homogenous group. Just like viewing men and women differently. Just like seeing black people and white people. You don't deserve so stop itnow.

try buying him dinner you spoiled cunt.