What would be an example of "fedora literature"?

What would be an example of "fedora literature"?

This post

Anything by The New Atheists or anything fantasy.

infinite jest
the martian

Ready Player One and The Selfish Gene is up there. No Longer Human is much better than these, but belongs there as well. Ironically liking YA stuff as well. The Martian.

The God Delusion


John Dies At The End

Literature I don't like.

Anything libertarian or "alt right"


as well as anyone who unironically identifies themself as a communist who doesnt live in N. Korea or Cuba.


Ready Player One
Brave new world

Basically literature that has it's themes shoved in your face without any nuance or interpretation

m'Richard Dawkins
m'Bill Maher

You mean God Delusion and onwards, Selfish Gene is actually a pretty good biology text

So the whole of China

>has it's themes

It's always shocking to me how many people who post with a shocking sense of arrogance can't comprehend BASIC grammar rules like the difference between "it's" and "its".

Confirmation bias

whoa look at the big guy.

so cool

choppin up his oxycontin

you think you're pretty damn neat, don't you

Why does everyone shit on Adams here?

Came to post this.

Pynchon is the ultimate fedora author

a clockwork orange

Hello r/books

Reading anything by Dawkins unironically

Everything I don't like

The God Delusion, Guns, Germs and Steel, Shirner's Third Reich, etc. Anything pseudoscience that makes a big deal of itself.

So the whole of Vietnam.

I really liked Ready Player One. I can see your point though...