What is the cheapest, least expensive way to kill myself?

What is the cheapest, least expensive way to kill myself?

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Jumping off a building.

Sorry I meant to write cheapest and least painful, jumping is cool but I might not die immediately and that's kinda shitty senpai

Gassing yourself with your car. Take some heavy sleeping pills, park your car in your garage and make sure there is no acces for fresh air. Run your engine, take in your pills and never wake up again.

Honestly heroin but don't do it user we need you

Drown yourself in the local lake/sea

I don't even own a car.
I have no idea where to buy heroin.
I've heard drowning is very painful.

You will certainly die immediately if you jump high enough. In fact, jumping off tall things is one of the most failure-proof methods around

Buy a rope, tie it good and jump from a building or tree, you will break your neck and die instantly.

No it really isn't.

please don't

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How high is high enough?

keep living

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Send me your link before you go

Another option is to keep living and stop giving a shit. Have you tried reading Seneca?

Put your neck on a railway, wait for the train
Instant decapitation, free and painless
Srsly tho don’t do it, I was at the lowest point of my life 2 years ago and now I’m at the highest
Life can change pretty quickly in your favor

grab a kitchen knife and run towards the nearest cop

I don't know. Tallest you can find. There's this chart floating around of efficacy of different methods. desu I'd prefer guns and explosives, but those can be hard to come by. Anything else seems questionable to me, either painful or uncertain to end you.

Anyway, yadda yadda consider if your situation justifies denying yourself of all life to follow

Enclosed room with charcoal. It's how I will off myself if I don't have a car. Not painful or deadly.

Why an hero OP?

>i've heard drowning is very painful.
yeah? who told you? someone with experience?

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Pharmacist here: take 20g of Paracetamol.

Cheapest OTC-Med method.

You're welcome.

I'd rather a gun too. Can't get ahold of one easily now though. The thought of traumatizing some random kids is unpleasant, but I guess jumping is the best choice. Thanks for the advice.

If you already decide to suicide, why not travel to some places you've always wanted to see?
Spend all your money.

stop breathing

ever heard of waterboarding?