The Lineage and Development of the Modern Chopstick Wrapper

By Dildog

Hey guys, today I am going to share the product of a LOT of research and discovery: the geneology of chopstick wrappers. We'll go through them in roughly chronological order, and then review them all by looking at the overall "family tree". I hope you find this interesting.

Identifier: CS-A (4)
Generation: 1
Image attached.

Front Description:
Company symbol at top, followed by four shrines with tassels
each with a different Chinese symbol. Text is printed at the
right side in a serif font.

The English text reads:
Welcome To Chinese Restaurant.
please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chipsticks
the traditional and typical of Chinese Glonous history.
and cultual.

Back Description:
Decorative border and three images depicting the holding
and usage of chopsticks. Also a circumscribed 'S' is
in the upper left hand corner. It appears as if the 'S'
is rotated 180 degrees.

The English text reads:
Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuk under thurnb
and hcld firmly

Add second chcostick
hold it as you hold a pencil

Hold tirst chopstick
in originai position
move the second one up and down
Now you can pick up anything:


This design is the most popular, and contains the most spelling
mistakes passed down to other wrappers.

To note, most of the spelling mistakes are due to some English
characters looking like a combination of other characters. For
example, in 'thurnb', the characters for 'r' and 'n' when placed
close enough, form the 'm' character. It becomes apparent that
the text was typed in by someone who had a printed or handwritten
copy of the text, but did not know enough English to type it in


Identifier: CS-B (2)
Generation: 2, Parent=CS-A
Image attached

Front Description:
Same as parent
Back Description:
Same as parent
The opening cut is is diagonal, while its parent's is curved.
The same company symbol is used, so it is inferred that it was
probably faster to produce the diagonally slotted opening
rather than the curved one, and hence this design
developed economically.

I love chinks

Identifier: CS-C (1)
Generation: 3, Parent=CS-B
Image attached

Front Description:
Same design as parent, but the 'shrines' were re-drawn for clarity
(most notably in the bases, but also in the tassles, and the tops).
The spelling of "CHOPSTLCKS" was changed to "CHOPSTICKS". Also,
the letter "p" in "please" was capitalized to "Please". And the
period "." was removed from after "glonous history."

Back Description:
Same figure drawings as parent. Type was re-set slightly smaller,
thicker ink was used, and the border was re-drawn, this time
without shadowing, and slightly different corner-pieces. The
spelling and justification are the same as the parent.


Identifier: CS-D (3)
Generation: 4, Parent=CS-C
Image attached

Front Description:
Company name is printed as 'GOLDENSMELL' within circular icon
featuring a boat and three characters. Otherwise the front
of this wrapper is no different than its parent.

Back Description:
Same as parent.

One should note the reversion to a semicircular cut-out in the
opening, as opposed to the diagonal cut of the parent.

Identifier: CS-E (10)
Generation: 2, Parent=CS-A

Front Description:
Company name is same as parent, but has top bar of kanji split.
Design is the same, but it has been completely redrawn, and
re-typeset. The shrines contain the same characters, but the
design of the tassles have changed considerably. The text has
been changed to a sans serif font.

The English text reads:
Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.
please try your Nice Chinese Food with Chopsticks.
the traditional and typical of Chinese glonous history.
and cultual.


Back Description:
Completely redrawn. Same design. Better details in the hands,
and the wonton being picked up in the third frame appears
more plump. The mysterious circle-s is present in the upper right,
also in a sans-serif font.

The English text reads:
Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuck under thurnb
and hold firmly.

Add second chopstick
hold it as you hold
a pencil.

Hold first chopstick.
In original position
move the second
one up and down
Now you can pick
up anything.


Periods have been added everywhere in the text. Most lines end with
a period now. The "p' in please was decapitalized again though.
Spelling errors such as 'tuk', 'chcostick', and 'originai' were
fixed. "PAMBOO" and "I ODUCT" appear to be spelling mistakes
and not printing errors, strangely enough.

Here is the image, I apologise.

Identifier: CS-F (8)
Generation: 2, Parent=CS-A
Image attached (sorry about before)

Front Description:
Company name was changed to an icon of a tree with three characters.
The 'shrines' are the same as the parent. The text has been modified
with crude overlay cut-and-paste using a slightly different font.
'glonous' was changed to 'glorious', and 'and cultual.' was changed
to 'and cultural'. Also, 'CHOPSTLCKS' was corrected to 'CHOPSTICKS',
as the entire lower right corner was retyped in the newer font.

Back Description:
Back completely redrawn. Hands have less detail, border is thinner,
wonton looks smaller. The circle-s is there in the corner. All spelling
mistakes are fixed,

The English text reads:
Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuck under thumb
and hold firmly

Add second chopstick
hold it as you hold
a pencil.

Hold first chopstick
in original position
move the second
one up and down.
Now you can pick up anything


Identifier: CS-G (12)
Generation: 2, Parent=CS-A

Front Description:
A red-on-white variant of its parent, enlarged.
The company name has changed to a diamond icon with two
characters in it. It appears that the 'shrine' artwork
is the same, but flipped over the vertical axis (except
for the characters) and slightly retouched. Probably laid
out with a computer rather than carved ink-blocks.

The English text reads:
Welcome to our restaurant.
Please try to use chopsticks.
the traditional eating utensil
of Oriental cultures in the
Far East

Back Description:
The circle-s has mysteriously disappeared from this version.
The border appears the same, but cleaned up a bit. The
artwork is the same for the three hand pictures, but the
text has been changed. Also, this wrapper being slightly
longer than its parent has the name and phone number of
the import company printed on the far right.

The English text reads:
Learn how to use your chopsticks

Tuck under thumb
and hold firmly.

Add second chopstick
hold it as you hold
a pencil

Hold first chopstick
in original position
move the second
one up and down.
Now you can pick
up anything!

This a very 'Americanized' version of the original chopsticks
wrapper. Any and all references to 'China' have been removed from
the text, and the language has been generalized to all 'Oriental
cultures'. This is clever marketing, but obvious changes to an astute
chopstick geneologist.

Identifier: CS-H (6)
Generation: 3, Parent=CS-E
Image attached

Front Description:
Wrapper is slightly damaged, and it is unclear who the distributor
was. There is text at the left that says 'BAMBOO CHOPSTICK' in white
handwriting. The shrines were completely redrawn with different
Chinese characters as well, possibly the same characters, using a
more block-style rather than a script form.

Text is in same font, but has spelling errors corrected. Also,
a nationalistic pitch is made with by changin 'Product of China'
to read 'Product of the People's Republic Of China'.

The English text reads:
Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.
please try your Nice Chinese Food with Chopsticks.
the traditional and typical of Chinese glorious history
and culture.


Back Description:

Text is the same as parent, but "PRODUCT OF CHINA" has been removed.
A period was removed, and one was changed into an exclamation point
at the end. The circle-s was also removed. The border was
re-drawn thinner, and with a shadowing. The hand-figures
were also redrawn, with careful precision to look almost exactly
like the parent design.

Identifier: CS-I (13)
Generation: 4, Parent=CS-H
Image attached

Front Description:
Design of shrines appears more like a shrunken version of its grandparent
, CS-E, but the characters inside are obviously taken from CS-H. Also, a diagonal
cut was added. All text was removed from the front, and the name of the company
was added at the bottom (HAILIN), along with an icon featuring a globe in
front of an "H" symbol, with two character above and below.

Back Description:
The back is white with red writing. The border was changed to resemble
a series of flying birds. The back was completely changed to humorous
poem, with no description of how to use the chopsticks (or pictures)

The English text reads:
Two little sticks
They're made out of wood
And they help you
To pick up your lunch
Your lunch
And if you practice

Then you'd get good
And you'll find you can pick up
A bunch to munch
Eat noodles with chopsticks
Eat dumplings with chopsticks
Eat sushi with chopsticks

That's fish!
Don't eat soup with your chopsticks
That's no good with chopsticks
And jello with slide off
Your dish
I eat with chopsticks

Can you eat with chopsticks
Doctor told us
Be intell eat by using chopsticks
Lots of people use chopsticks
So try eat your chopsticks
Right Now

>that text

Now I will post full lineage tree, then I will show some examples of some miscellaneous designs and variants.

And then I will go to my New Years' party.

Generic wooden chop stick wrapper CS-WOODEN1

Din How chop stick wrapper CS-DINHOW1

Black variant of CS-C (probably due to lack of yellow ink) CS-C2

Variant of CS-A with semicircle cut on other side CS-A2

Thats all the wrappers I have categorized so far. If you have or know of any wrappers from this lineage that I have not posted here, please get in touch with my chopstick-hunting email account at [email protected]

Thank you, I hope you find this interesting. Have a pleasant New Year, all.

That was fascinating.

You are a fucking hero. When will this be published?

All that work and you couldn't even bother to translate and figure out what the Chinese characters mean?

t. laughing chink

This is some serious fuckin autism right here, OP. It was interesting nonetheless, so thanks.

Fun Fact: The US also makes chopsticks.


Where can one buy chopsticks