Besides DFW, whom I love, what are some good books about millennial problems?

Besides DFW, whom I love, what are some good books about millennial problems?

You'd probably get a more apt picture from your average greentext story thread. I'm not even sure if I'm joking here.


>about millennial problems
you can't be serious

What you think that millennials look at their generation as something bereft of problems? Or are you just trying to mimic your corny baby boomer parents here like a good boy?

My Struggle by K.O. Knausgaard

Majority of millenial problems comes down to someone being an overly entitled fuck. Mine included. People are living better than at any other time yet they feel they don't live good enough and are frustrated over the dreams of greatness and achievements.

god damnit please fuck off
>hurr I have iPad so everyone is happier than any other generation

People like you are so god damn stupid.

Tao lin, noah cicero, sam pink, Megan Boyle, Scott McClanahan.

Avoid Ben Brooks.

He isn't.

What's wrong with you.

Entitlement is good. Wanting what you want is good.

But quality of live is relative.
Baby boomers had it easy compared to the gen before them, and so on.

They are not happier indeed, but their unhappiness is generally neurotic by nature, something to be fixed subjectively (by changing oneself) rather than objectively (by changing the external conditions).

Which is still fine until frustrated millenials start projecting their neuroses onto the world around them in the form of loud demands about how the world ought to be, overlooking the facts that said demands won't make them happy even if satisfied.

>people are living better than they have ever lived before
>people don't feel like they're living better than they potentially could be
Wow user you simultaneously made and refuted your own point!

This is a very poorly-presented and ill-conceived point you're trying to put forward. Maybe work on it and try to be more sincere this time.

yeah so OP was looking for books about that kind of struggle

>People are living better than at any other time
If they got a job, that is.

stay spooked nigger

Skip Infinite Jest and read INFINITE JEST.

Tao Lin

>books about millennial problems?
Here's a doozy for ya.

the red and the black
or maybe those are my problems

t. spoiled shit
No, even without a job they have parents to support them, and failing that, welfare to fall back upon.

In the past if you didn't get a job you'd starve to death

Welfare's been here since post WW2 'round here. It's like we went straight from the black plague to today in your mind.

Yes, but where exactly did I claim that the previous generations weren't spoiled either?

>today that at

Even if this were not an enormous oversimplification, why wouldn't it be worth reading about?

>t. spoiled shit
t. wannabe spoiled shit*.

Don't pretend it's bad.