After Traditionalist Catholicism, what is the most patrician religion?

After Traditionalist Catholicism, what is the most patrician religion?

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Christian Deism
I would put chalcadonean above orthodox above traditionalist Catholicism above normal Catholicism.
Protestants depend on their personal beliefs, so really cant be grouped

Greek Orthodox

Also, my diary desu

Unitarians. Catholicism's whole "penchant for rape and secular control as an institution" has poisoned the soil.

This is good too


Orthodoxy then Shia or Sufi Islam

Theravada Buddhism

>not the Tumblr of religions for progressives too afraid to call themselves atheists
holy shit this guy is actually serious

I'm referring to the 19th century WASP Unitarian tradition, not Unitarian Universalists.


Church of the Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints.

>wear silly panties
>based on modern day myth with MASSIVE holes in it
>Founder was a sex fiend and snake oil salesman in his own time

Might as well be a Scientologist

Advaita Vedanta is far, far more patrician than Catholicism (a meme religion).


Instead of some angsty "hurr everyone's fallen you're a sinner" you get a positive message that since every generation is doing some good, the cumulative amount of good is always increasing. Also you don't have to get worried about your friends going to hell, since all religions aim to do good and Ahura Mazda is fine with them.

Plus they're big on meals and drinking as part of devotion.

Jainism is literally the only based religion.

The same could be said of all religions.

Most other religions have the fog of antiquity and the armor of tradition.

Unitarians are kind of gross 2bh

Daoism and legalism are more patrician than any kind of catholicism.

Just converting to a religion doesn't make you patrician. Protestant Christianity is more patrician than catholicism (as it doesn't rely on the worshipping of idols and so can be practiced only by people who have no need for such paganist acts) however when Christianity was being introduced to savages, catholicism was chosen as it's more suited to them. They could have been converted to Protestantism, however since they are barbaric they would have just started worshipping idols hence resulting in another offshoot of Protestantism (baptism for example). To be patrician you must be free of earthly desires and choose a religion that only deals with the soul and no natural forces. like Judaism

t. William Orangeman

I remember high school

The Gnostic roots of Protestantism are pretty evident in this post.

Also retarded Americanist misconceptions about Catholicism
>lol dey worship da idols xDDDD

> says Gnosticism is bad
> doesn't accept that literally having religious ceremonies that literally worship the virgin Mary isn't worshipping idols
Explain to me how they don't worship Mary

>uses the word 'literally' incorrectly
>claims to be le epic patrician
go back to your bumfuck trailer church

Explain how Catholics don't literally worship the virgin mary

Sufism Islam.

google it faggot, that myth has been debuked for 500 years

I hate this board.

So basically,
> I don't know or understand the validity of any of the arguments myself but I'm sure other people do so I won't bother trying to research the matter, I'll just rest in my ignorance

not taking the time to explain something that can be easily googled
the first fucking result

Catholic Jews

Have you even read this?
My point was about savages needing religious ceremonies to adore and revere idols. Perhaps some Catholic ecclesiastical academics do not practice this or try and make arguments excusing it (which are met with extreme opposition from other Christian organisations) but Hispanics, Irishmen and other less developed peoples do need to worship idols to attain some feeling of spirituality. Hence why when presented with catholicism they choose to worship the virgin Mary

Not him but you have no idea what you are saying kid and you're not even making sense anymore, not in any scholarly context. You seem to just be making this up as you go.

Being a Savage isn't a bad thing, if you need to be a pagan Catholic and worship your physical beings then fine. No need to get offended

Veneration =/= worship

Sunni Islam.

>he fell for the molestagate meme

>Perhaps some Catholic ecclesiastical academics do not practice
Veneration of Virgin Mary is arguably stronger in the Catholic intellectual circles.
Also I like how Irishmen (and similarly the Polish) are somehow less developed than the American baptists and rednecks in generl.


I think in years to come, our ironic religious renaissance will be regarded as some sort of unconscious coping mechanism in those too weak and fearful to confront the nihilism of a post-religious world.

absolutely not.

What if your friends are atheists?

I'm afraid so, lad.

praise Tengri


Why would Finns want to be associated with Turks and Mongols?

this desu

>"Much of the importance of Hermeticism arises from its connection with the development of science during the time from 1300 to 1600 AD. The prominence that it gave to the idea of influencing or controlling nature led many scientists to look to magic and its allied arts (e.g., alchemy, astrology) which, it was thought, could put Nature to the test by means of experiments. Consequently, it was the practical aspects of Hermetic writings that attracted the attention of scientists.[16]

Isaac Newton placed great faith in the concept of an unadulterated, pure, ancient doctrine, which he studied vigorously to aid his understanding of the physical world.[17] Many of Newton's manuscripts—most of which are still unpublished[17]—detail his thorough study of the Corpus Hermeticum, writings said to have been transmitted from ancient times, in which the secrets and techniques of influencing the stars and the forces of nature were revealed."

because they are mongols

I mean I know the meme, but I've never had that impression. They just seem to be their own weird thing, along with Estonia/etc.

Power ranking:

Top tier (basically pure philosophy with a backstory so it's approachable by plebs and not lost to time)

Second tier (strong mythological elements; civilized):
European Paganisms

Third tier (non religion tier)

Last tier (uncivilizable, gratuitous sacrificing):
Most American and African paganisms

denying the divinity of Christ is not cool. Unitarianism definitely thinks itself a patrician religion, which it has some right to do—I find it funny that some Catholics call their religion patrician when it is largely a plebeian one—but there is something disgusting about a patrician religion.

Put your feet down with pollen.
Put your hands down with pollen.
Put your head down with pollen.
Then your feet are pollen;
Your hands are pollen;
Your body is pollen;
Your mind is pollen;
Your voice is pollen.
The trail is beautiful.
Be still.

A modernist protestant evangelical pastor-professor and contraceptives advocate was teaching a class on Martin Luther, known heretic.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Luther
and accept that the five solas are divine commandments, even greater than
the 255 Dogmas!”

At this moment, a brave, traditionalist, monarchist Catholic soldier of Christ
who had said over 15,000 Rosaries and understood the necessity of
Apostolic Succession and supported all the dogmatic pronouncements of
the ecumenical councils and the Supreme Pontiff stood up and held a Bible.
”Who wrote this book, pinhead?”
The arrogant pastor smirked quite heretically and smugly replied “God did,
you statue-worshipping papist.”
”Wrong. The Sacred Authors, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost,
dictated Holy Writ from their own historical perspectives and Mother Church
collected these books under the direction of that same Holy Ghost. If sola
scriptura, as you say, is true, then the Bible entered the world ex-nihilo
(which means ‘from nothing’ for you non-Latin casuals), which is what the
infidel Muslims say about their stupid Koran.”

The pastor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Your Best
Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential by Joel Osteen. He
stormed out of the room crying those apostate modernist tears. The same
tears modernists cry for the “Jews” (who today live in such luxury that
they’re allowed to practice usury). There is no doubt that at this point our
professor, Martin Jack “Chick” Calvin, wished he had read more of the
Church Fathers and classical biblical exegesis. He so wished he had a
tradition of apologetics to rebut the Catholic student with, but he had
declared all tradition fallible and man-made!

The students applauded and all registered for RCIA that day and accepted
the Pope as the legitimate successor of Saint Peter. An eagle named
“Doctrine” flew into the room and perched atop the Papal States flag and
shed a tear on the chalk. The Oath Against Modernism was read several
times, and Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke showed up and celebrated the
Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
The pastor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He converted to
Catholicism and received Last Rites as he died of embarrassment, and was
tossed into purgatory until such time as his soul was clean of sin.

The most patrician religion is Catharism.

Hellenic Revivalist

The Aghori are the most patrician, they represent the most wholehearted amor fati the world has ever seen.