What is your greatest writing weakness Veeky Forums?

What is your greatest writing weakness Veeky Forums?

Mine is over describing environments. Each one of my chapters have massive pace destroying paragraphs at the start of them that go on about all the intricate details of the hills/building/beach/whatever. It all feels important to me at the time, and as I am still battling through my first draft I am pushing forward rather than wasting time continually revising at this stage, but I know that when I come to revise for my second draft am going to have to sort these sections out. Plus I'm probably an underwriter so my word count is going to suffer.

>describing enviroments at all
t. your nigga Dosto

read stoner if you want to find (what i feel to be) a good example of short environment description. williams provides brief but not lacking (succinct i guess) descriptions that dont interrupt the pace and feel vivid in my mind.

on the other hand, try reading lolita. nabokov has humbert go on and on about landscapes and beauty, but the prose is so motherfucking good that you feel invigorated just reading it.

if youve already read those, try going back over passages of them. it really helps me.

Thanks for the recommendation. I will certainly look up Stoner as I have not come across it

My poetry has been criticised as too abstract. I really don't want to give too much away to the reader, but this often leaves people with no clue what I'm talking about.

I suppose I expect to be misunderstood and this exacerbates the situation.

I'm not entirely sure how to solve the problem. Maybe I shouldn't try to cram as much into my poems.

>My poetry has been criticised as too abstract. I really don't want to give too much away to the reader, but this often leaves people with no clue what I'm talking about.
You're writing poetry. This is fine. Take your work to more intelligent people.

I don't write poetry too often, but my understanding is that you wish to describe a feeling in a way that will make others who feel the same connect with the author. I would try and focus on that kind of a reader so you don't have to worry about giving too much "away" to a reader, as they are on the same page as you, if that makes sense?

give us an example fampai

I suppose joining some poetry societies back in oxford will do the trick

Yeah.. maybe I could try to make my poems more self-contained though

also pic was the worst offender, I think

I think, in this case, they were using abstract as a euphemism.

for what

to me I think you have actually got a little too much stuffed into these two stanzas. You might benefit from letting each image breathe a little

Complete opposite for me. My prose is very 'beige'.

I think I need to read a dictionary to figure out how to describe things in the least bland way possible.

Thanks. I agree.

Do you not, user?

anything that can result from being to much of a logical literalist
>difficulty make flawed characters/characters that make decisions i consider illogical
>difficulty writing emotion
>difficulty with metaphors and analogies
>difficulty writing intrigue/scheming

if only writing was "tell, don't show" i'd already be part of the western canon ;_;

Describe the environment as your characters interact with it.

>too abstract
no just afraid to use small words

t. used to have the same problem

Not writing, short attention span, easily make excuses for myself. But that's just being a lazy fuck, I know you mean technically. I often get the criticism "it's pretty good but what's the point", meaning it's just a bundle of images and dialogue with no strong thematic ties. Currently doing outlines to try to help fix this.

Dostoiévski messed up big time for not describing environments that frequently.

The only time that he did, he did great. Raskólnikov's room and the city. Look up the book.

Honestly, if you can pull it off, you can use these descriptions as an amazing asset of storytelling.

Specially when you're trying to present the decadence of a place.

Try to create subjective surroundings and not sounding like a purple prose masturbating faggot
tips Veeky Forumsaspies?

I let e e cummings creep into my work.