Women in Blockchain

Do you mentally ill incels actually think YOU'LL be the ones calling the bottom? This is an emotional market. Women are emotionally intelligent.

This is a new beginning. It's happening all around you.

Attached: women in blockchain.jpg (540x960, 37K)

Shut up fag

You need more of us here to clean up your language. Be kind and respectful.

Reverse sexism doesn't exist in Bitcoin, so we don't necessarily have to cater to the emotional needs of "blockchain bros"

Go fuck yourselves. Most of you are probably privileged white males.

Attached: SmoothAsSilk.jpg (910x480, 16K)

Shut up fag

lmao imagine the suicide rates


Welcome women, enjoy your level playing field

Shut up fag

have fun dealing with actual equality

From the producers of "WE WUZ KANGZ", we bring you.. WE WUZ SATOSHI

it will be fun, women will probably start buying when btc will reach 1 million usd

When the crypto thing doesn't work, you can try comedy

Satoshi is female though

Like a woman has ever created anything even remotely close to something as complex and game-changing as BTC. They lack the vision and initiative.

>Most of you are probably privileged white males
I've got news for you...

Attached: HOjbEaOZ.jpg (227x222, 7K)

Women rarely kill themselves, particularly over finances. Why would they when they can just get white knights to give them shekels?

wearing your sister's dress while she strapons you doesn't make you female

horribly structured bait. No one talks like a walking stereotype. You need to work on making it less obvious.

The nigger became obsolete with the GPU


But remember user, the women vastly more successful in this game than yourself deserve full respect

