Whats up with chileans and this? They even put it on their Big Mac

Whats up with chileans and this? They even put it on their Big Mac.

I'm Chilean and I've eaten avocados since I can remember. They also put it on KFC sandwiches. Good shit.

I'm Canadian and I eat at least one a day. Usually just by itself, but I would put it on almost anything.

What's with americans and high fructose corn syrup? They put it in everything

Avocados are extremely healthy.

By the laws of Obese American Engineering when one puts healthy food with their heart stopping fattening food, it cancels out the artery clogging fats

Jokes on them, Avocado is full of fat.

I'm Puerto Rican and I eat these, if not every day, then several times per week. They're good. It's like butter that grows on trees.

You just slice them up and serve them cold with anything you're eating, it perks up every meal. They especially help as a palate cleanser when you're eating barbecue and meaty dishes.

What I don't understand is the West Coast hipster tendency of putting them in every dish. We normally have them on the side.

Jokes on you, that was bait.

Jokes on you, I'm outside your house.


fat doesnt make you fat

This shit is on fucking everything nowadays and the only reason behind it is it's very healthy.
But god damn are they fucking disgusting. They're a fucking fruit and they go out of season just like every other fruit so quit fucking serving me black nasty ass avocados because THEY'RE NOT IN FUCKING SEASON

Similar with Mexicans and beans. Had a Whopper with refried black beans on it while I was down there doing research - pretty great, actually.


avocado are so fucking shit tier they are literally a black hole that neutralizes other flavors.

I had a really crappy avocado the other day. Tasted like nothing; like water. I now assume everyone that thinks they're shit has only had shitty ones like that. Sucks for them

There's different types of avocados, some of them are much more watery than others. Hass are the best

Shit is still shit regardless of what kind of shit it is

I agree, however avocados are delicious.

This. Hass is great.

Tried to make guacamole with Fuerte ones, didn't taste that great compared to one made with Hass.

avocados are good as hell


You can use avocados as a substitute for anything, and on anything because they are so damn good and healthy for you and considered a healthy fat.

You can use them to make a healthier icing on a cake and you wouldn't even taste the difference. They can be used in chocolate cake and milkshakes as well.

Me personally, I love eating them plain. The taste is so good.