Post what characters look like in your mind

post what characters look like in your mind

>Arkady Svidrigailov from Crime and Punishment

I imagine everyone in classical literature as anime characters.

This is what Raskolnikov looked like for me

You plebs actually visualize the characters? Go watch a movie.

Light is the nip interpretation.of Raskolnikov. Not L.

kill yourself


raskolnikov exhibits a whole range of emotions, smiling and laughter included

This is how I imagined Raskolnikov
I never should have seen this cover

Fuck that is hilarious

I always thought my image of Seymour from Salinger's Glass novelettes resembled Buddy Holly, but when I googled his face it doesn't look like my Seymour at all. I wonder where I have his image from.

When I first saw this, first thing that popped up was Crime and Punishment. Later I found out it was inspired by Idiot. Shows how well Dostoevsky wrote.

Yeah, op, I never really have clear facial features in mind when reading anything. Even if for a passage or two it happens, where I imagine a character as an actor or someone I've known, even then, it doesn't last long. Rn, I'm reading Brothers K, and no one has a discernible look in my mind.

I'm the same for the most part and even when I do visualise the features of characters, they are blurred in my mind however arkady and Tom Burke just seem like the perfect comparison.

I imagine Tom Hagen from The Godfather as James Joyce, and Albert Neri as a policeman from a Donald Duck comic.

Othello is always barechested for me.

But, generally,

Leopold Bloom looks like Woody Allen and Stephen looks like Anton Yelchin for whatever reason


more like this

pleb series alert, but:

Just wanted to say that I always had a pretty big problem with Game of Thrones vs ASOIAF characters. Half of them are so damn young in the books but grownups in the show and Tyrion is portrayed as some ugly monstrosity in the book while in the show, well, he doesn't look bad.

>visualizing characters isn't acceptable
>visualizing scenes isn't acceptable
Imagination is important and can help with memorization and familiarization of scenes and written passages.

I imagine K from The Trial looking something like this.

I do this too

This is what Burma Jones looked like for me


>when b8 backfires and everyone ends up agreeing

How I pictured Shadow from American Gods before I found out he was a quadroon.

I imagine all protagonists as Matthew McConaughey, including the accent.

if Hunter S. Thompson was fatter in this pic, this is Major Marvy

lmao same here

huge white guy with long black hair

>Underground man

>Milo Minderbinder

Heller was trying to warn us...

This is how I imagined the Judge from Blood Meridian.

I didn't even realise it, until just now.

I wonder why.

>I imagine everyone in classical literature as anime characters.

if anyone from the containment thread is reading, this is how I pictured Inskip from the Stainless Steel Rat books.

I had a specific look for MM, but not that. He was young, dark haired and wild-eyed, sort of bugged out eyes. not full Marty Feldman eyes, but more that than normal. gangly. I think he had a beard, too, which doesn't make sense for US WWII military, but oh well. In the movie, it was strapping and handsome and blonde young Jon Voight. completely opposite, but he did well with the character I thought.

>this is how I pictured Inskip from the Stainless Steel Rat books.

He obviously looks like a cross between old Sean Connery and J. Jonah Jameson.


to be fair, I pictured Dennehy with a beard, I just didn't have a pic like that.

my Slothrop-tan

also pigu is japanese for pig in case you don't speak the language

I keep picturing him as Seymour Skinner from The Simpsons and I really wish I could stop

James O. Incandeza


Karl Ove Knausgård from My Struggle

I don't think there is any wild turkey in a white Russian.

but how can we do it more? It doesn't always come naturally to me :(