Why aren't girls as interested in Science as boys ? It can't be some stupid gender psychology or cultural problem...

Why aren't girls as interested in Science as boys ? It can't be some stupid gender psychology or cultural problem , what's the big idea

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Ho boi I'd do things to her...

Girls spend all their time thinking of each other and their body -> Women will be interested in the social sciences and biology
Boys spend all their time in the outside world and playing video games -> Men will be interested in science and technology

nice """""""""""""""""reasoning"""""""""""""

They can have sex any time they please

people who uses sarcasme are retarded because they have been raped in their tiny brains ---> then they end up brain damaged---> and finally they end up retarded like you


They lack many motivations like ego boosting, showing balls to other bois, achieving high status, all that competition thing, so on. Boys, on the other side, confuse sexual motives for the pure interest all the time. Hell, they even get a boner when they see some beautiful fact.

It's because of Veeky Forums's misogynistic culture. It's responsible for the STEM gap across the world.

That's maah MGTOW

To be fair, although simplistic his reasoning might not be far from the truth. Boys tend to be seen as more adventurous and curious than girls and so maybe later more interested in knowing how shit works.

social engineering
the internet

Can agree with him. I've never played dolls, instead I was playing games all the time and finding random stuff at home and telling weird stories about it to myself. I was also often out with my brother and his friends. Fortunately, by the puberty I was already into studies, hobbies and olympiads, so wasn't in contact with my female peers when they've started comparing their tits and stuff. I've also switched to home schooling last years of the school. Now I'm a math major with programming contests "background".

Depends on what do you mean by "science". Outside of women mainly focus their intelligence on manipulating other to like them and exploit; practically a science itself. This is because women naturally want to be in the hierarchy of other women and favoritism among men. But all of this likely developed due to their primarily relation with men; women are biologically hypergamous (always want the better deal). Therefore the best manipulative women were the most likely to survive.

Men have always had to rely on their ability to know the environment and build; had to know actual craft and survival benefiting information. This is because society had always valued men as 'human-doings' (essentially tools), which generally attracted the interest of women and thus reproduction of their gens, for the most part; wives cheating was normal and always around in all cultures, which is why humans are so genetically diverse and have the largest penis ratio of any other primate.
but because humans are blatantly gynocentric, the males are very much manipulated and even exploited by women, because men instinctively will jump hoops for her pussy and fake love (women love what men can do; sort of like a farmer's love for his plow oxen); it's why feminism exist and reign supreme in western nations.
Basically, women just never truly needed it in the world, while men almost certainly did... Yes I am MGTOW.

>it can't be a cultural problem

Why exactly would you exclude the explanation that requires minimal additional assumptions with regards to what we know about social mechanisms?

Women are interested in care giving.
Men are interested in science and engineering.

It's simple evolutionary biology.

Aaaaand this would be largely cultural.

Men and women are psychologically designed for caring for their young. But both have very different methods of gaining the opportunity to produce offspring in the first placeThis 'women in the kitchen' meme was merely women choosing the path of least resistance; most jobs of the past being more physical, harder, dangerous, and undesirable in general. This is why feminism primarily came into existence after the men made the world safer, industrial revolution, and made easier safer jobs requiring little to no manual labor.
Men for the most mart tolerated this arrangement due to women being the limiting factor of reproduction and thus men wanting to keep her in a 'safe jewelry box'; had she done half of the hard work (not just cook and clean once and awhile), he would likely have more time to his children and his lifespan would likely have been longer.

Women today are like as they are because of feminism. Feminism is feminism because of women. Women in the modern world and with the right to vote; women are the same and as feminine as always, just in a new environment.


Women today are NOT like they are because of feminism. Feminism is feminism because of women. Women in the modern world and with the right to vote; women are the same and as feminine as always, just in a new environment.

I just notice that unintentional error in my post.

I'd like to seriously respond, but I suspect it'd just be a meme at this point.

It's literally cultural. Not a big deal though.

Lot of them are interested, but become heavily uninterested after attempting Calc, O-Chem, or some other necessary feat of autism that they deem either impossible or too high a price to pay.

I guess most of them figure it's easier to go b-school and use the preferential hiring practices in place to make their way through life.

bad question assuming an unestablished premise.

it presumes the current absence of women is the same thing as the permanent absence of women

Women are creatures of faith - pic related.

Read her a full lecture by Feynman on special relativity?

>Read her a full lecture by Feynman on special relativity?
How else would you make her wet?

For the simple reason that in terms of survival and mating for men to dream and ponder is extremely beneficial because even if it makes them outcasts it also provides them a chance to create offspring.

On the other hand, women are required to conform more. They are driven to fantasize about love and sex because in many ways it is the other men and women around them that are making decisions about which males are a good choice.

The women are finding the suitable men by ruminating on what they want, where as men improve themselves and society through their thinking and by doing so attract women to them through their accomplishments and their powerful outlook on life.

Women also love to bring one another down and they almost also behave instinctually in a group which means the alpha female leads. This simply means that intelligent females are trodden on when a dumb and aggressive female comes along who has a high social status or wealth. Girls who think are threats to dumb bitches.

nothing, because she should never talk to you

I think women are just into different kinds of science, like genetics, biology, botany, etc.

>It can't be some stupid gender psychology or cultural problem
no, its pretty much exactly some shape or form of those two concepts

Seriously? I mean, I know most posters here are just around my age, but you guys sound like high schoolers.

I suggest you read up. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_education_in_the_United_States

I think it's more about a perceived misogyny than a real one.

In my undergrad, we had a girl in our friend/study group and I had a few discussions with her about this over the course of 3 years. She said she rarely heard any real sexism among colleagues or profs. By real sexim i mean 'women are inferior'. There was casual stuff like "Hey guys" when she was present, but as she was one of 3 girls in a class of 60, she didn't take this too seriously.

Anyways, she thought that woman's perception of STEM was that it's all "lol women can't do math GTFO XD" when in reality it's mostly just a bunch of nerdy dudes who love science and don't give a fuck who or what you are, and just wanna get the assignements/projects done.

I'm sure it was a men's club in years past, but in my experience, in physics of all fucking departments, there was little to no real sexism and any sexism that did exist was just assuming you're talking to all guys.

Not that user, but I think that was sarcasm.

Personally I think that the present attitude people generally have towards women in the hard sciences still has residual effects of more prevalent sexism only a few decades prior. But our individual perception of sexism and its consequences is limited, and we might never even have noticed before other people pointed it out.

Projecting much?

I'm taking o-chem and biochemestry now... and about 70% of class are females... most not the prettiest kind, but nonetheless.

due to greater reproductive variance among males, the ratio of male to female outliers above the threshold of 130 iq (that's average iq in fields like math or physics) is like 4:1




Hey come on now, Arch Linux is pretty awesome.


>There are people on Veeky Forums right now who fell for the evolutionary psychology meme

What that seem to suggest if that females are smarter on average to males, but men are more likely to be above the average IQ (twice as many males above than females); although it a small minority for both males and females.

>Implying we needed to talk


This for one, is a subject most attended by girls. Otherwise, you'd be right.

Ugly girls with nothing to offer, and low self esteem do those classes.

However, large proportions of ugly guys and guys with low self esteem also do science as well.

Science is a misfits club.

I'd say men get into math and chemistry more because they have better reasoning for shapes and structures. Since molecular structures and mathematic models are abstract visualizations, men may have an easier time learning these ideas.


>hey guys
>casual sexism
poe's law in full effect

>tfw math major
>tfw have science gf

There can be no better feel, lads

Also, would anyone be interested in a video lecture on deRham cohomology where I fuck my gf and use her body as a whiteboard to explain it?


I don't believe that's you.

This, interestingly I seem to see a lot more females in chemistry and biology even some in comp sci over recent times but none will touch engineering or programming with fifty foot poles, usually their interest lies in specific fields like health science, graphic design and environmental science. The females in my bio paper this semester undoubtedly trumped the males in numbers yet in chemical engineering only a few ethnic asian and indian stereotype females existed.

I think it's likely due to narcissism and a lack of interest in deeper things, i hate to stereotype but they exist for a reason there just aren't any modern day Rosalind Franklin's that shits depressing as fuck when you see a storm of chicks lining up outside psych101, graphic design and arts bullocks.

Well he did say "casual" lol
>"You look attractive"
>casual sexism
If you see a sea of male faces chances are your not really gonna spot the lone girl in the middle.

Kek, agreed user the evolutionary psych meme is erywhere nowadays, it's making it's way outside of r/theredpill.

How does this relate to narcissism?

> outside world
> video games
Do choose one.

>It can't be some stupid gender psychology or cultural problem
It can't?

it seems more evolutionary, user.

OPs picture

Nah but seriously most women tend to prefer superficial things which breeds a narcissistic preference towards academia, well that's my inference.

I suppose you could perceive it as not narcissistic but the amount of women fixated with hairdressing, makeup artistry, graphic design and the arts far trump men. The fields where subjective image is all that matters I perceive this as an excuse to exercise narcissistic tendencies.

No m8, not some bullshit meme neurological shit, that stuff is bullshit ya hurd me?
That brain-shit is just totally meme bullshit, bro.

Trump 2048

>Implying people indifferent or opposed to sex-based evolutionary psych are trump supporters.

I love bio it's my favourite STEM subject. I'm not majoring in anything that requires evolution just mainly genetics and biochemistry which sucks but even I think the evolutionary psychology stuff spewed out by sexist fucks is that;an excuse to be a sexist fuck.

Don't get me wrong I disagree with social constructionists as must as I disagree with evolutionary psychologist proponents both lack a substantial amount of evidence and you'd think i'd be inclined to side with evolutionary psych but there's just nothing out there that is truly convincing enough nor does a lot of the theory behind it hold up. It's truly disgusting seeing a field that you love be used for agenda pushing means it's scientific racism all over again, why does everyone have to use evolution of populations as an example of how person a is different from person b. We still know barely anything about the brain but evolutionary psychologists are going to knock neuroscientists out of the park with their findings and evidence of sex based differences down to goddamn career choice right

>inb4 faux or weak evidence of gender-based psychology scholarly articles are posted.

>Also, would anyone be interested in a video lecture on deRham cohomology where I fuck my gf and use her body as a whiteboard to explain it?

narcassism might be the wrong word, meaning too strong of a word.
women are generally more "feel-based", which benefits the subjectiveness of art topics.

i wonder if that's genetic or just something that was hammered into them since childhood.

You obviously do not frequent sites like we heart it, Instagram and pintrest. Sites that you'd be hard pressed to find any male activity if any

maybe narcissism a little too strong in most cases i'd say vanity but really this is the "selfie generation" so it's by no means limited to women. Dear god i'm fucking 19 but sound like a 50 year old cynical fuck.

I can see this in myself to an extent, I grew up playing Ratchet and Clank and so that's probably why I care so much about STEM.

It probably has some truth to it.

>Why aren't girls as interested in Science as boys ?

Because females are usually more interested in themselves and how much personal power they can achieve through men, than doing anything for themselves.

>There are people on Veeky Forums right now who fell for the evolutionary psychology meme

Oy vey, goyim, instincts have nothing to do with behavior! Everyone is a blank slate!

Don't study anything related to human behavior and how to exploit it!

Because thats totally what he said.