Questions that don't deserve their own thread

What facial expression is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Butt sex in progress.

Constipation. I've had it before.

The photograph is originally of that man ejaculating (source: look it up yourself)
If it's a word you're looking for I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to make up one

I like the cover just for that, because it looks like or being in insufferable pain but pleasure as well, which is what you get from reading it. Fairy tale pleasure and then insufferable pain. It's a good book. It gets ridiculous at times and could have been cut down but it's a worthwhile exploration of male homosocial/sexual relationships, brotherhood and high operatic/camp tragedy.

Male O face

He looks a bit like the sensiblechuckle.gif guy.
when she succ u

Why is it that plebians enjoy puns especially much? Thinking puns are really funny seems to be a very common trait among plebs (Reddit serves as an example).

is it because it's a pseudo-psuedo-intellectual thing? They feel a bit of smug pride because they "get it"?

I'll give you a hint: it's like fetishism

Gonna need to give me another hint

They know it's not funny, just as a guy eating shit knows it's not delicious

Excuse the anime gif, but if I could find the words to describe a real reference of what I'm looking for, I wouldn't be here.

How would you describe the eyebrows here? I'm trying to write the scene of a man who is desperate, pleading, and his eyebrows are.. well, whatever the eyebrows in this gif would be communicating in words.

Gaychan here.

Looks like a face I'd make during a particularly intense round of buttsex.

my face when trying not to laugh at dank memes

>tfw you've been so anally penetrated that your farts come out as a silent 'woosh'

The eyebrow shape is razored or plucked thin. The movement is squinting

Best translation of fyodor dostoevsky?

Is it dostoevsky or dostoyevsky?


>tfw Ukraine fag

>tfw I pronounce it as Dos-To-Yev-SkI-I

whoa, that's not James Franco?

I was wondering if somebody could identify this idea.

In Violence, Zizek says "As Hegel was well aware, there is something violent in the very symbolisation of a thing, which equals its mortification. This violence operates at multiple levels. Language simplifies the designated thing, reducing it to a single feature. It dissembles the thing, destroying its organic unity, treating its parts and properties as autonomous. It inserts the thing into a field of meaning that is external to it."

Where does Hegel develop these ideas? I have increasingly become frustrated with language only being part of the "whole truth" and thus limiting our experience. Are there other philosophers who explore this idea?

Read samples of the major translators: Garnett, Ignat Avsey, P&V, Magarshack. I like Garnett the most.

my life is a wreck, but God damn, this is good porn

When she still suckin

It's "ghjytuh tostewwyfschkuu"

I can't buy this book because of that cover. it's just so fucking gay.

The first chapters of the Phenomenology.

The cover is fucking 100% manly next to the book

My preference: Ignat Avsey; if he didn't do a translation, then David Magarshack.

What, are you not man enough to read 700 pages of (mostly non-consensual) gay sex? What a fag

Thanks man

be aware that everything is going to fly over your head though, if you're a philosophy neophyte.

What classics should i start reading? I have heard that they teach you alot about life.

I just lately started preferring reading over tv.

Don't make my mistake, read an equal amount of classics and nonfiction.

The Stranger is a great book to start with.

is there a poetry chart?

Sounds like Gravity's Rainbow and Ulysses to me, pham.

Isn't the guy in this book gay?

The air was stale, the room deaf, Konohome Kukuchuro's eyebrows dafuq.

Could you expand on the mistake part?