Fuck all of you. I just wanted to build a gaming PC that doesn't cost an arm and a leg you greedy neet pieces of shit

Fuck all of you. I just wanted to build a gaming PC that doesn't cost an arm and a leg you greedy neet pieces of shit.

I hope you lose everything and kill yourselves, then maybe I can buy a dead user's gpu for cheap.

Attached: GeForce_GTX_1060_Front.png (515x243, 108K)

yaawn ok user have a nice day in the wageslave routine

nice bait

Just build one and mine while you're not using it you inbred mongrel fuckface retard. Chances are if you just hold anything you mine for a few years you'll make enough to pay for soygaming shit for years to come

just buy one with the cryptogains you had a chance of accumulating for the past 8 yrs

oh wait

nigger hardly anyone here mines, fuck off back to /v/

Gaming is for low-focus, under-achieving soyface beta males.

i'll sell you a used 1080ti for 1200 bucks. only been mining for 8 months ;) lots of other happy buyers. at least, they were happy at time of the sale

PC market is a mess thanks to miners
Hashes which cant be solved by GPU when?

>Hashes that arent solvable with computing

Wtf are you smoking

u faggots better go buy an xbox, you're never gonna see normal priced gpus again

>being that much of a Poo that you can't throw down 500 on a decent gpu

imagine being such a sociopathic manchild you wish death on your fellow human beings because your toys are now more expensive

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Bunch of gullible manchildren mining their meme currency for less than the power it consumes to the detriment of everyone.

I hope your entire shitcoin thing crashes forever

There is a special competition dedicated to that issue.
There is already a few algorithmes which are easier for CPU than for GPU.
Google Makwa or bcrypt - next generation crypto will use them to unfuck this market.

Its even more retarded, this guy is using supercomputer technology for rendering more polygons in his manchild hobby and make it more realistic, and he's mad at people using those supercomputers for ensuring the security and validating the network of the first ever decentralized digital currencies

i paid 560 on black friday for my 1080 back on black friday, they had pleanty in the store and i got a rebate

you shoulda watched the price of parts for at least 6 months prior to your build

thats on you for not planning such a major purchase in advance

like dude this happens every time a new flagship comes out what are you, 7?


buy a laptop you dumb fuck

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash like Bitcoin allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution like Paypal, who has the ability to arbitrarily reverse transactions and freeze accounts. Manchildren gamers are getting so angry over a luxury good they don't need....many people have wished death and bankruptcy upon me because I merely wanted to use Bitcoin to avoid chargebacks from "friendly" fraud as if I was singly responsible for the rise in GPU prices, even though I don't mine.
Gamers are complaining about cards being a couple hundred bucks more expensive while I've lost thousands of dollars from chargeback fraud. Grow up and stop wasting your life on video games, spoiled brats.

My business > your children's games

With eternal GPU they now have

>gaymer calling other people manchildren

time to grow up kiddo

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Yeah, sure a lot of people doing it not for massive profits and only profits. It's not like one of the most retarded and outdated cryptos being mined most because it profits a lot more, right?

imagine being this retarded thinking you can't spend money on your hobbies and also try to save some cash while doing so

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Op: Stop gayming you fucking man child and make money.

to be fair he has a point

I need a good GPU for fluid dynamics simulations (and not "gaming on the side" like most third-rate university students claim), and I know a lot of STEM students in the same boat

I unironically started mining in 2015 for a bit of fun. Spent late 2016 and all of 2017 mining shitcoins. My hobby made me a millionaire, almost. If people are too retarded not to DYOR and mine something that will 10x in the future. I mined at a loss for a year and a half.

But you have to remember some of us are hobby miners faggot

I picked up a 1080 ti hybrid for $900 in November

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>Just now building a gaming pc
Kinda your fault.

obvious bait, but anyone building a gaming rig outside of the summer months is a retard.

You can literally buy a gtx1080 for $600 you broke fuck

sorry, your hobby needs to give way for this revolution
go play with lego

>gaming pc
grow up

Fucking soyboys and their gaymes

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Nope, it would get bought by a still living miner.

Enjoy the high prices, they are here for so long as mining is profitable, which will likely be decades.

Kys you gamer piece of shit.

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