How many soft drinks per day is too many? Sometimes it feels like I'm addicted. I drank two Powerades this morning...

How many soft drinks per day is too many? Sometimes it feels like I'm addicted. I drank two Powerades this morning, three Cokes this afternoon, and I'm drinking a Coke now as I type this. I rarely if ever drink water or tea.
I'm skinny, btw.

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One is too many.

this, I drink sweet tea and I feel guilty about that

doesnt matter how skinny you are im skinny and i got diabetes

you need to switch to water and non caloric beverages like tea immediately

>still gets the beetus

Hole shit, you must have terrible genetics. Are you Native American or something?

its not genetics
slamming down those cokes all the time it will get to you

its called type 1 and it can become onset even if you are a skinny young adult

it happened to me

the least you can do is switch to diet soda and save your self before its too late

I think you just have bad genetics. Neither of my parents have ever had diabetes, so my chances are pretty slim.

nobody in my family has diabetes

youre doing something unnatural to the body when you keep ingesting all that concentrated sugar at one time

wake up
it will catch up to you , and it will happen very quickly, i said to myself "it cant happen to me , im young and healthy" but then it happened in under 1 year i degenerated

Did you even exercise? I at least exercise. Plus, Powerade is at least sort of healthy. I know how to take care of myself.

powerade is completely toxic theres nothing healthy about it

exercise is good but its not going to save you if youre consuming as much as you said in the OP

Powerade isnt healthy retard

all of these drinks have 40g of sugar

you do not know how to take care of yourself because you exercise sometimes

what you posted in your OP is completely suicidal

> powerade is healthy
Marketing is working !

when you drink a drink with 40g of sugar your body has to produce a lot of insulin to bring your blood sugar down in your blood

and this causes your pancreas to overwork itself

and you will basically cause it to shut down after abusing it constantly

even 1 coke is terrible for it as someone else has pointed out

Well if you ask any dentist or doctor one is too many but what you consume seems to be alot even for normal standards. You should probably work on cutting back btw.

Also, my aunt died on Xmas day of a diabetic coma and she's never really been overweight.

>How many soft drinks per day is too many?
any at all

question about this, i used to be like OP, but i realised how bad that shit was and i stopped it pretty much, still have the occasional.


ive recently discovered how little calories and sugar and shit is in pepsi max and ive started having a fair few of those. How bad is this?

The acid in diet soda wears at your teeth horribly and the artificial sweeteners will probably end up being some sort of poison down the line, but it's better than sugar soda.

I recommend everyone to switch to flavored seltzers and unsweetened iced teas.

ok, might sound stupid but what about if i straw them so it never touched my teeth?

drinking from cans & plastic bottles is a good source of BPA's

Better for your teeth but it doesn't stop it completely, best bet is to just switch. It's difficult bit necessary.

fair enough, cheers, ill give them iced teas a try

You just have to get teas that are smooth when they're unsweetened, no one likes the super harshly bitter unsweetened teas. Try lots of different stuff and find something you like.

you can use lemon or stevia for your unsweet ice tea

highly recommended

>How many soft drinks per day is too many?
I'd say two. You can start your recovery by switching to carbonated water with some juice. Think about your own homemade orangina.

You need to make something else as convenient at hand. Buy the 12packs of seltzer, or have 2liters chilled in the fridge, and hit it with a few slices of orange or apple, or a splash of cranberry juice or OJ. Think about doing some pitchers of Crystal Light.

You can make your own pitchers of luzianne sweet tea, only it doesn't need to be that sweet. Try throwing in an orange and spice, or hibiscus celestial seasonings of some sort, orange zinger or something.

Mexican drink mixes have real fruit powder, and a bit better than koolaid, look at KLASS for something yummy like guanabana or pina colada, literally uses 1 Tbsp drink mix for 12 oz glasses, which is 1/5th of what is in a canned soda, sugarwise.

When you hit 2/day, I think you'll be more normal. Why are never drinking water? Are you 12? That's some kind of ridiculousness. Down a glass of water in a single gulp or two before you start sipping that Coke you just opened. You need water.

cool post

I'm in the same situation as OP, this is the only correct answer.
I'm going to switch to a constant stream of green tea as a caffeine replacement, and then dither down from there.

If you care about your health you should seriously stop all soda/sweetened beverage consumption. It's very, very, very bad for you. Even sugar substitutes are very damaging.

If you find it hard, just think about all of the weight you'll lose simply from switching exclusively to water and coffee.

>Plus, Powerade is at least sort of healthy.

It's bad.

Stop drinking it.

Drink water.

OP, I used to do something similar.

Then I got kidney stones.

Now I drink almost nothing but water.

I cannot possibly hope to explain how painful it was. I broke out in a profuse sweat, my vision blurred to the point that I couldn't fill out the medical form they wanted me to.

You don't want to experience that. Nothing is worth that pain.

OP, think about this:

Suggested sugar intake per day for an adult is something like 25g.

Realistically, that number should be about 7g.

There's something like 42g in a can of pepsi.


thank you Dan Quinn


OP, you can make better choices among your drink choices too. Ff you ever turned over the bottles of Gatorade vs Powerade, and do the math for the whole bottle (they show you 2.5 servings, don't be fooled by the 80-120 calories per serving of 1 cup). Then, you'll notice one has a significant amount more of artificial coloring, sugar and might as well be koolaid. Stick to the Gatorade, and think about the diet G2 which aren't too bad, and think about the more clear colored Ice flavored ones. I'm actually pretty fond of the mexican themed one that is light green, which has a cucumber melon flavor that seems almost natural.

who much soda were you drinking before you got type 1?

But I'm drinking Coke, retard.

As far as I know there is still no confirmed cause for type 1, only hypotheses. I've had it since childhood and I ate very little sugar and rarely drank sodas. I also have no family history of the beetus. It might be genetics, environmental or viral.


i buy a case of 30 every month and a bit and it lasts me about a month because i have maybe 1 a day and i feel bad when i have more than 1

dont know how you can drink so much of it everyday to be honest, how are your teeth if you drink that much?

this guy gets it.

any time I need to cut back on pop, I force myself to drink at least 1 glass of water between cans of pop. I end up drinking less pop because not only is it too filling to drink a bunch of it on top of all that water, but I'm drinking the pop purely for the taste and not to quench thirst. if you're thirsty you're more likely to guzzle.

as you cut back, you will start to appreciate the taste of pop more and it will seem like more of a treat. either that or it'll start to taste vile and you'll quit it outright.

Type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with taking in too much sugar thats type 2. Anyone can develop type 1.

>Type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with taking in too much sugar thats type 2. Anyone can develop type 1.
To develop this further, Type 1 is an autoimmune disease, where for some inexplicable reason, the pancreas aint performing because your body attacked it. The life expectancy is not so hot for most auto-immune disorders, because they continue to attack vital things, like organs.

Type 2 diabetes is reduced pancreatic function, usually from slamming it to work overtime, or all the time, and it loses some functionality, giving you high blood sugar (and it's symptoms and damage to tissues), and eventually pancreatic functions declines further and you need to bring in some insulin artifically. The end result? You might live with a lot of complications, but your diet becomes small little things, a big ass chore, and yea, you really don't want that, nor do you want to lose your vision, your toes, your legs, that kind of thing. What slams your pancreas? Being overweight, high sugar diets, alcoholism, and a few other more complicated explanations, as well as your genetics.

The term used by some people is that you're "skinnyfat" so take that to mean that your diet is as horrendous as a fat person, and takes a similar toll on their health, except the bellyfat, but don't worry, once you get enough damage in there, it'll happen. There really are hardly any facts visible around you, because 20 years is about how long it's been since people actually drank 40 servings of high fructose corn syrup each day in the past. You're the living guinea pig now with just a minor awareness it's horrible what you're doing. Be warned.

I love soda but the deal breaker for me is the shit breath and tooth dissolving sweetness. Also if you drink it too often it starts to lose its taste.

I make sure to not drink over 1L/week. I care about myself and you should too. I know that some people (americucks) drink both soda and milk at lunch and dinner, I mean, what's the point? Just drink water, it's healthier and free if you drink tap water which is exactly the same as bottled one unless you live in pajeetlandia