How long are you guys planning on trading crypto and do you think you can really live the rest of your life without a...

How long are you guys planning on trading crypto and do you think you can really live the rest of your life without a job?

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as long as it takes

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>mr. 6 pack
more like mr. 2 and a half pack

I'm doing this long term. I keep forgetting that. So I think I'll shill the shit out of this dip, HODL and only look at the markets periodically.

>Still a young market..

how do you plan on making money though?

ikr XD normies think that's a six pack

Literally all women have to do is not get fat and they can't even do that.

>makes a thread projecting your own insecurities on others so others will fear the same things as you
Pathetic, OP. Truly pathetic.

stay salty grapefags, thats is a six pack

they are both obese, that is shopped six pack

They don't even need to do that m8. That's why they get fat.

Curvy =/= hambeast

Hello whore.

Which level of obese are you on?

Attached: nigger bitches.jpg (2321x2082, 453K)

>looks like a fridge

>mr. six-pack
>has 1.75-pack

I was talking about the post content not the image you braindead slug.

they are both more attractive than the majority of the people here but it doesn't matter because this thread is worthless and has nothing to do with making money why am I here goodbye

Inspiring thousands to what? She won the lottery.

Believe that fat is beautiful and that they don't have to end up with a disgusting fat guy if they are.

I've lived to my mid 20s without a job and I'm almost retired. I think I'll be fine

I have a $100k/yr stable dev job, I trade cryptos on my phone at work.

do you people seriously have no other income streams?

Inspiring thousands of obese landwhales and feminists to think that fat is not unattractive, even though she's not even fat.

stop responding to this nigger, he makes the same round of shit threads every couple days.

I wagecuck in a kitchen at the hospital desu

If "big is beautiful" how come she isn't dating an overweight guy?

People with sixpacks are low-selfesteem males that dedicated their live to it. This kind of attitude attracts only low-tier women.