I cant stop drinking soda but water is just too plain for me

I cant stop drinking soda but water is just too plain for me.

Whats something better for teeth/health but still tasty?

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I've heard that vodka cleans out your system, and even cleans your teeth.

cold tea

club soda

diluted fruit juice

Drink enough vodka and itll turn your ass inside out

icewater with a splash of grapefruit juice, and a couple packets of aspartame, tastes delicious. I could drink it all day.

Honestly, drink Coke Zero instead for now. It's not healthy, but it's a bit less bad than normal Coke is. From there, you can start cutting back. Buy a big Nalgene water bottle and make it a goal to drink a full one of them a day. Might not seem like a lot, but if you're hooked on soda, it's a good way to always give water a shot instead with a solid goal in mind.

Soda mixed with water.

Go to your local supermarket and check near where they keep the kool aid and gatorade.

Most stores sell Crystal Light, or some other brand of powdered flavoring packets to put in your water bottles.

A lot of these are only 5-10 calories each, with no sugar.

there's water being sold with a little bit of fruit flavour in it. maybe check what kinds are sold in your area and try some of them

Zevia. No sugar or artificial sweeteners, but naturally sweetened with Stevia.

Lacroix dood

Flavored Seltzer

Deez lil niggaz. There's a million flavors. The artificially sweetened kind kind of suck though if you're into that type of shit.

>he puts that Stevia crap in his flavored water

When you turn 18, you might start liking water

These only I prefer the actual Kool Aid brand. The flavors are so familiar it's easy to forget that the sweetener is artificial. I like cherry.

Drink unsweetened tea, it's delicious and good for you

Club soda

>Doesn't drink water

What the fug, how are you alive? How many cans of coke do you consume a day?

To stop drinking soda I started drinking sweet tea. I slowly started adding less sugar, substituting it with a slight bit of honey, then I just started only drinking water.

I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

Mineral water replaced soda for me and I've never looked back

Get some of those little flavor things to squirt into your water bottles.
Also throw a couple teabags into a coffee pot and boil up a bunch of tea.
Milk is pretty good.
Sunny D.
Pretty much anything with a hint of flavor you can make in large quantities.

Your body is pretty exceptional at extracting water from stuff. It's why everybody was able to live off mostly mead and beer for a thousand years before we remembered how to provide sanitary water again

>everybody was able to live off mostly mead and beer for a thousand years
I really, really hope this is a joke, user.

>used to live in western NY with delicious tasting water, would drink straight from the tap
>moved south for employer and the water down here tastes nasty and over-chlorinated

It's the main reason I don't drink water as much anymore. It's really sad.

Carbonated water still too plain?

replaced my soda habit with this

U wot?

this shit

you've got the life buddy
what do you do as a source of income?
I'd genuinely like to get to a point where I can live somewhat like this
also, what's your go to Vodka?
mine has got to be Tito's

Water with a bit of lemon and/or mint in it maybe?
Or carbonated water?

Trust me on this. Drink nothing but water for about 10 days....you won't like it, especially in the morning. So use ice in the morning to make it more palatable.

If you can make it the 10 days, you will actually crave plain water....also, take a sip of coke on the 10th day; you will be repulsed with out sweet it is.

listen to this guy
I did it unintentionally but when I had a soda after about 3 weeks of not having one I spit it out and left the drink unfinished
I can't do it anymore. I feel pretty good too but that's likely placebo

Diet soda
There's nothing wrong with aspiratame, stop listening to memes

The acid in it is still pretty bad for your teeth.

I used to only drink coke like you. Its hard to stop cold turkey. What I did is limit my daily intake. Like only a kids cup with a meal. Or only drink the Mexican cokes once a week. It gets easier once you get over the hump

Now I don't go near the stuff. I drink sodawater with a splash of sprite with lemon/lime wedge. So refreshing

Use a straw and make sure it's pass the teeth

It shouldn't be that hard to give something up just because you prefer it's flavor over the healthy alternative. Are you fat?

>water is just too plain for me.

What about dressing water up with a half a lime's worth of lime juice?

They taste good, but leave your mouth feeling like you sucked on a piece of chalk.


Zevia is disgusting

>tfw citrus gives me mouth sores

They're fucking awful too, not just some minor annoyance.

Tea in general. There are so many different kinds of tea that you can basically drink it constantly and not get bored by it.

Green tea has basically the same amount of caffeine than coke. Black tea has the same as a cup of drip coffee. Herbal teas are good if you want stronger flavors.

>no sugar
Because they're filled with cancer inducing fake sugar

Well white """people"""" lived off it for a thousand years, women and children drank half beer

Drink water pussy

Try adding raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (with 'mother')

gives it a nice kick and it's pretty good for you too

you can also go full hipster and add ginger/honey to make it more hipster I guess

These are probably the best options in addition to tea. Seriously, it can become a hobby. Kind of in the vein of


it even has caffiene

buy some fresh orange juice and mix it 50% with carbonated water. NOT soda water.


>not loving the refreshingly delicious plain taste of water
Sad stuff.

drink this like me

Actually it has some truth behind it, tldr varying places had unsuitable drinking water, but they learned they can drink it if they brewed with it, and so people essentially lived off of beer for awhile until better methods were found


Try sparkling water, It's dirt cheap and the carbonation scratches that itch.

Where it might have been possible to hydrate with beer, it was "small beer": less than 2% alcohol. Impossible to get drunk on. Any more alcohol than that, and the body would use more water flushing out the alcohol than it took in.

Coffee, it's also piss cheap unless you get a hipster brand or something.

This. It's still probably bad for you to have too much, but it's way better than sweetened sodas or beer.

Vinegar drinks. I think mostly Koreans drink them but they're pretty good

Not OP, but I'm the same way. Only thing is that tap water tastes like ass where I live and I live on the third story of an apartment building so hauling giant 24 packs of water bottles is a pain. I need my soda to live.


Get 3 gallon jugs. Buy 1 gallon of orange juice or other juice. Pour the gallon of juice evenly between the jugs then fill them with water. Shake them like crazy.

Enjoy real juice in a low calorie form that tastes awesome. Juice is usually WAY too strong and high in calories and sugar. This way you solve all those problems and basically get 3 gallons of juice for the price of one, and you can drink it as often as youd drink soda or something else without killing yourself.

I love water but damn its nice to drink juice without feeling like Im downing a full cup of sugar.

Buy some pure lemon or lime juice at the store and mix a little of that with water. That's what I've been doing lately to increase my water intake.

A true gourmand drinks only water with a meal. Anything else would interfere with the taste of the food.

And hauling the soda is easier?


>Only thing is that tap water tastes like ass where I live

So get a filter. Then you don't have to "haul" anything up those stairs, and you can save yourself the idiot tax that is bottled water.

How do you know what ass tastes like?

because your mom told me

I love this slav pasta

Oh god these are fucking great.
Fruit Punch is divine.

I've been drinking that Sparkling Ice stuff lately, their Cherry Limeade flavor is amazing.

>citation needed

this don't work for everyone

3 months without soda and i was sick and tired of just drinking water, the heat hit where i live badly and i decided to buy some soda, it still tastes great

I live in a small town up north. Our town has a high cancer rate ever since a flood in our town a few years ago. People around town are absolutely convinced there's something in the water giving them cancer

just drink soda on weekends you fatty.

Just wait 10-15 years then you're an grownup and wouldnt get caught drinking this piss.