Thinking about majoring in biology

>thinking about majoring in biology

Is this a bad idea? I mean, I'm hoping there doesn't have to be any conflict between my work and my religious beliefs. Are biologists generally cool with religious folk, or am I going to have to hide my creationist views like I'm a witch during the inquisition?

How okay are you with the idea of evolution?

it's fine as long as you can accept your ideologies to be challenged, and are willing to accept new ideas if yours are incorrect.

Not very. I believe there is one universal creator who created our planet and everything on it. He created each individual human being; we are not the product of evolution.

i knew a creationist who did genetics.

HEY! You there, you the shitposting clown:
college/career advice threads don't belong on Veeky Forums - see the sticky

religion vs science threads don't belong on Veeky Forums - see the board specific rules

It doesn't matter: the janitor is a fucking joke and unfit for the position.

i bet you were a hall monitor when you were in school

nice bait

>He created each individual human being
Just go into a delivery room and point out when the mechanics of this creation occur. Once you have this belief shattered, you'll be more prepared to have the rest of them shattered in biology.

You will be a crappy biologist if you fail to understand the very foundation of all biology.

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" -Theodosius Dobzhansky

But why did you feel the need to attach fucking vampshit to your thread?

Eh, you'll do fine. Just don't let your beliefs hinder your ability to do science. I'd suggest staying away from genetic engineering/modification in-case your morals appose modifying organisms.

If your classmates aren't insufferable autists they won't care if you think that the moon in a hologram and Satan hides inside the hollow earth as long as you're smart

I don't see how creationism can fit into biology though. Gen bio goes over evolution, speciation, and phylogenies pretty extensively and it all contradicts the idea of creationism

And that's only the beginning

>I want to become an electrical engineer but I don't believe in electrons

>hating romance stories

Quit being such a stereotypical nerd. This is why people laugh at scientists.

I'm not a scientist you hore. I'm an engineer and I like romance and I like well written romance stories, but this vamp shit is gayer than our departmental orgies.

selection provides a useful explanation for the origin of species but does not provide the slightest
explanation for the emergence of any particular

me xD

Yes it does, that's pretty much the principle of evolution. Which you've failed to understand.

Probably bait but:
When I did Evolution I had quite a few creationists in my class. I know at least two of them passed because they were in the honors section with me.
One of them didn't think that evolution negated the existence of a religious god (vs. a mysterious creator of the origins of the universe)

Discourse was pretty open generally and although the religious duo got shot down on all their points there wasn't any hatred or disdain there.

I guess it depends on how tolerant your teacher is

it doesnt though.

>One of them didn't think that evolution negated the existence of a religious god
That doesnt make someone a creationist.

Creationism is a very specific and exact alternative explanation for exactly how things came to be. Its a result of some people wanting wanting to create a more science-like explanation for religion and in the process taking a lot of liberties and making something very embarrassing than most religious people dont even buy into.

Its not just tacking "because god made the universe work that way" at the end

all explanations for phenotypes are pretty much unfalsifiable and these explanations are by nature teleological when evolution cannot be. thats why evolution is bad at explaining the emergence of specific phenotypes. genetics has a similar issue in that theres no such thing as a "gene for" in an absolute sense

She drew a line between humans and other species. Willing to believe in evolution, but not in humans

Regardless of its reality, Evolution is a Material formality. As important to your experience than the canvas under a painting.


If you dont believe in evolution you would be like a flat earther majoring in earth science.

>arguing about evolution but disregarding all modern research about genetics and gene expression

hox genes are pretty convincing.

Evolution doesn't explain how single cell organisms millions of years ago became monkeys

It just explains how monkeys from 100 years ago have changed between now and today

The origin of life is not from evolution

shit bait

>Evolution doesn't explain how single cell organisms millions of years ago became monkeys
Yes it does via phylogenetic branching. You're head underwater here kid. Study theology.

then you're not gonna have a good time in Biology

having long horns is more advantageous than having short horns, therefore long horns are the phenotype that's being selected for

it's like magic

>Evolution doesn't explain how single cell organisms millions of years ago became monkeys
Yes it does.
>It just explains how monkeys from 100 years ago have changed between now and today
>between now and today

>The origin of life is not from evolution
you're right, but the origin of life is the question of how single celled organisms came to be, not how single celled organisms became multicellular.

The sadistic side of me really wants me to see declare bio as your major and fall flat on your ass. So please do it and keep us updated. lmao

That would require some major cognitive dissonance and putting her head in the sand about a lot of stuff.

The time between now and today is the most crucial time in evolutionary history.

yeah no shit

>likes well-written romance stories
>can't even spell "whore"

Whatever you say, Sheldon.

>am I going to have to hide my creationist views like I'm a witch during the inquisition?
No you're just going to fail horribly. I hope this is bait.

He doesn't have to fail horribly, he just needs to spend most of the rest of his life feeling like he's lying to others and spreading lies.

Sheldon wouldn't make typos like that.

>bio major
>and a creationist

can't make this shit up

your statement hasn't actually explained anything about the phenotypes development.

youre ignoring the whole history that led up to the development of the phenotype and all the factors contributing and i imagine you can assign multiple unfalsifiable reasons to the phenotypes development. furthermore, the selection value of a how a phenotype emerged may and probably much of the time doesnt reflect its current value/s

genes might be poor comparison but i think its still a valid analogy when you look at complex phenotypes. a given gene probably contributes to multiple different functions or structures in an organism and no gene will function without the context of other genes.

Ya it's a fucking terrible idea no one will take you seriously if you don't think evolution is a thing, even with a PhD.

Unless you want to get into medical school and be a doctor, but lets face it if you're a creationist you're probably not smart enough for that

you think he's not smart enough for a doctor but he'll be smart enough for a PhD if he's a creationist? lel

Evolution is a load of bunk anyway.
Change occurs, but this is not enough to construct a sound theory of diversity.

you can get a PhD in a relatively easier branch of biology like ecology

obviously not shit like micro/immuno/molecular bio or genetics

i know a creationist who did genetics.

What i think you'll find through your classes is that evolution is very readily proven and definitely exists, we've seen literal examples of it in our lifetime. What is unclear or shaky is abiogenesis in which you have more room to reason an intelligent creator.

But mostly as long as you arent studying bio specifically to work on abiogenesis or evolution you'll be fine. Yes, people will think you're ignorant, and yes you may find a harder time getting work if individuals find out in an interview you are a creationist. But no it wont prevent you from being a well-rounded biologist who can do the science.
Doctors are not scientist, thus you dont question or push for new information that may contradict your beliefs. Doctors memorize a set of procedures and apply them. With a PhD you will find a much harder time getting work or being taken seriously if they know you are a creationist. Whereas a doctor might actually get more business from creationists if they discover it.

If you're a creationist then I doubt you're smart enough to handle any scientific disciple.