I used to dream about math whenever I'd study the day before...

I used to dream about math whenever I'd study the day before, I'd literally dream about how exponential functions are constructed, drawn, differentiated, I'd just see things unfold from the perspective of the math itself.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar, or am I just autistic?

>am I just autistic?
That is a gift, not autism.

I remember once in highschool I had a dream I was solving a trigonometric identity problem but thats the only time it ever happened for me

The only thing you should be dreaming of is life in communist russia with your waifu

This is universally true, we dream about the things we did during the day.

i get the same thing, however, i would just forget it the next morning and wouldn't remember until several days after. It would mostly be algebra.

Yes, but it's not very instructive since I don't remember much of it waking up. It usually has to do with whatever I happen to be thinking about during the day.

If I'd have been working on a problem for some time I might have a dream about possible ways to attack it. Sometimes it'd be wrong, sometimes it'd be right. One time I was so sure I was done with a problem in my dream only to have it not make sense at all when I wake up. I'd wake up with such a fresh perspective it'd feel like sleep was for the purpose of untangling jumbled neurons that happened the prior day.

Whenever I would wake up after having dreams like that I'd feel like I barely slept, like I was conscious the entire time but at the same time I wasn't.

Santiagoposting is getting really cryptic.

I would dream about really difficult questions and me not being able to solve them. It got so frequent that when failing to solve, i'd realise i am dreaming and would wake up.

If you would acknowledge psychology as science you would look there because they have answers for that.

This happens to me only when I do a lot of math.
The unpleasant dreams make no sense though but I try to solve problems.
>I'd just see things unfold from the perspective of the math itself
What does that even mean?

>I'd just see things unfold from the perspective of the math itself.
I know this feel, sometimes when I'm dreaming, or working on a highly involved problem it feels like I'm being spoken to by the problem.

I've had dreams of complex Mandelbulb-esque structures emerging into view from a presumably 4-dimensional hyperbolic "pocket" and once I ascended with an angel up to the heavens through a display of the aforementioned structures and ended up in "God's" rather cozy antiquely furnished living room with a high precision rendition of some chaotic dynamical system embedded into the floor with height-mapping. I pointed to features of the system and asked some fairly hand-wavey questions about the dynamics and he answered. Can't remember the details.

Thank you. I am a math student and this is both inspirational and fascinating.

The long and strechy form of functions resembles the penis. If the function equals zero it resembles a dick (the function) wanting to penetrate the vagina (equal zero symbol). Look for other traits, the latent dream is probably you wanting to fuck your mom. You should try to move the sex-object to anything else than math, ideally a woman- math will only trigger a autism-neurosis later in life

The most autistic thing I've ever experienced is doing tonnes of DXM and smoking lots of weed and feeling like I was a Turing machine. The second was while doing the same thing, and having my imagination of the structure of the internet be so vivid I could "feel" the underlying vertices + edges.


Definitely an autism

>Autism isn't the greatest gift of all

Nozomi is so cute here

When I was taking Analysis, I had a dream where I was doing some problem and I wrote out an explicit basis for [math]C[a,b][/math].

Can't remember the details, but it was probably nonsense anyway.

I had a similar experence on acid


>not autistic

Maybe that's because you aren't used to remember your dreams. It has to be trained.