Eurochad here, about to hit the bed.. please no greasy panic fingers tonight

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Pls mart charters dont do this

Shut the fuck up you shorting pieces of shit

Sharters you fucking brainlet, disgusting

why is this such a common thing in America? is it part of their culture or something?

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If it wasn’t for you weak willed mutts panic selling into (((their))) fud we’d be +2 trillion now, you fat fucking degenerate.

pick one

>Mass selling always happens so early in the morning that burgers aren't awake yet
>Euros are still up
>I-It's the Americans who are selling!

Attached: 1474543087663.png (2036x1235, 3.67M)

>let me deflect that Eurovirgins are dumping by pretending it's the Murrikanchads

no it actually makes sense that it's the americans then. crime doesn't happen as often in broad daylight then at 3:00 am

la creatura...

>Down at 4 AM EST
>Rallies at 9 AM EST when most burgers on the east coast are awake
Thanks for the discount Eurodumbs

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says the guy who just opened a 100x short on bitmex (something Americans cant do)

You realize you just sold, right? Fucking retard expects me to carry his bag

>starts next sentence by pleading
..better look out for this guy

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>HuRDuR aLL thE EuRoNooBs SeLLinG Le ShiTcoiNs

Attached: DYqFJgLW0AAfk0G.jpg large.jpg (555x403, 33K)

its all in the hands of chinks now lets hope they dont dump,amerifats held the line good

We don't make fun of your culture
I've visited Europe multiple times and I blended in and did as the Europeans.
How about you come to America and experience what you're missing.

Are you fucking kidding me mutt tourists are the worst, you can smell and hear them from miles afar.

These biz yurofags most likely don't even leave their hovels they call "homes." Pretty sure the burger memes are extensions of themselves in a feeble attempt to feel better about wallowing in their own shit on a daily basis.

What the fuck is that lol

That's an average American in year 201

you realize most of these are edited, right? you realize sites like these make a business out of effortlessly photoshopping pictures so people with a 4th grader's sense of humor will come and give them ad revenue, right?

personally what I take from this: some 2nd-worlder was actually so salty they went and created a collage of photshopped pants-pooping images in an attempt to discredit an entire nation - and thinks its so hilarious that he has to post it multiple times per day, every day

Europoors still dont realize its asians dumping

not as hilarious as watching burgers getting uptight over something as trivial.
learn how to cope with trolling.

ohhh righttttt like its not you weak fucking cucked euro fags that keeps crashing the goddamn market
keep your kebab loving fingers off the fucking sell button for just like a week..PLEASE.

yo that bitch is FUGLY...jesus look at that nose... looks like a goddan garden spade. and that fucking nignog is something else also. he looks like a real life caricature of himself. that family has shit genetics, someone should have prevented them from spawning. this is the fucking future and goddamnit it all to hell.

>he doesnt shart in the mart
HAHAHAHA stay poor!!

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