How is Computer Science a legitimate field of science?

How is Computer Science a legitimate field of science?

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Only pure mathematics is a legitimate field of science.

oh this thread again.

graduate level computer science is pretty legit

undergraduate level computer science is mostly preparing those for a career as a software developer

and yeah, basic algorithms, discrete math, linear algebra, etc... aren't necessarily difficult compared with some of the shit math / physics / engineering bros have to deal with, but they aren't easy either.

dude logic lmao xD

>but they aren't easy either

No, basic algorithms, discrete math, matrix algebra are easy as fuck.

I don't know why people here are so obsessed with Computer Science.

Because it follows the scientific method.

Good for you. For 90% of STEM students those classes are not so trivial.

Most of my undergrad classes were pretty boring, except for the math (math department classes covering about a year of math major math, e.g. linear alebra, real analysis and group theory) but I'm enjoying the graduate classes.

it's not

I still don't understand why people consistently rank fields by how difficult they are to learn. CS is an easy field to learn, so is accounting, classics, biology, etc. Why does somethings value have be tied to it's difficulty?

If I want to learn about computers/computation/ programming languages/systems programming, what other major would I even take? Please do tell.

Because it is piss easy to learn, and pays better than most other science fields that are more difficult. So people put in all this mental work into physics or pure math, but are stuck teaching brats in Calc 1 for no money. While the even the most degenerate CS majors that think they are really intelligent rake in cash.

This makes people feel the need to elevate their damaged sense of self-worth by degrading CS.

It's not science beacause it's not about observation of nature. It's like math.

You left out the best part, after scientists toil for long hours and no money to publish papers about bleeding edge ideas, CS majors snatch them, say "thanks bud!" and then toss together a shitty implementation that they sell to venture capitalists.

The scientist meanwhile continues to get no money and spend every waking moment filling out grants.

You're right, computers are entirely abstract constructs that have no real world physical analogs.


It harbors sub-fields which are leading to the advancement on humankind.

Computer scientists pretty much treat them as abstract entities

You are considering freshman/sophomore year CS courses there bud. Freshman year math courses are trivial too.

As a CS major in my department you can take graduate level courses that are essentially mathematics courses in the CS department focusing on non-trivial problems that don't yet have known solutions, i.e. research calibre work.

Plus, mathematics and CS go hand-in-hand. Non-code monkey CS is a branch of applied mathematics. Some old school mathematicians would be considered theoretical computer scientist if they were alive today.

>For 90% of STEM students those classes are not so trivial

No, most STEM students get As in those courses. CS majors are just brain dead.

In my opinion CS should have never become a major on its own. It should have remained a specialization within math and physics. This way only people with a sufficient background in academic abstract reasoning would be doing it. It wouldn't need to be dumbed down anymore and the people would be prepared to do actual research.


chem, phys and biology depend on math
math is a subset of philosophy
philosophy isn't real science

This guy is a computer scientist but also a mentally ill tranny undergoing estrogen 'therapy'

Scientist? You be the judge.