/wrs/ is a ghost town, I don't know how much better than there here will be

/wrs/ is a ghost town, I don't know how much better than there here will be...

Help me out guys?

How do I simplify in 3D?

Other urls found in this thread:


how wrong am I?

Instead of isolating E=1 on the right side, rearrange the literals so A=1 on the right side. That will make things simpler.

why kmap for 5 variables

you can do better

>>construct a 0-15 up/down counter utilizing type D JK master-slave flip flops

The E enables the counter to count downwards

Oh I see. Does this mean I was wrong?

E'AB' + ABC' + ACD' + EAD + A'B'C'D'E + A'BCDE'

Better yet, capture a block of 16 and exclude the two holes.

Which would reduce to just five minterms

Also does this make the following the simplest expression?

D0 = E'A'BCD + E'AB' + EA'B'C'D' + EAD + ABC' + ACD'

I'm not sure what you mean by this...

Something like

(A and not BCD and not B'C'D') or A'BCD or A'B'C'D')


D0 = E'A'BCD + EA'B'C'D' + A(EAB'C'D'+E'ABCD)'

Which further simplifies to (A and (B xor C xor D)) or (A' and (B xor C xor D))

Which simplifies to

B xor C xor D

I think?

BCD + B'C'D' + (B xor C xor D)

What is this?

Scratch that.

Actually, xor(A,B,C) or xnor(A,B,C), which isn't the same as my previous answer.

The output is 1 if A=B=C or if one of them differs from the other two.

Actually, xor(B,C,D) or xnor(B,C,D), which isn't the same as my previous answer.

The output is 1 if B=C=D or if one of them differs from the other two.



It is a 3D Karnaugh Map. It is used to simplify Boolean expressions in order to build a circuit as efficiently as possible (at least in this context)

I need to know how to build a 0-15 (16) up/down counter from type D JK master-slave flip flops.

Being a 0-15 counter means I need 4 bits, or 4 flip flops (15 = 1111 in binary). That means 4 variables.
The fact that it needs to go either up or down means I need an extra input to allow for this condition, namely E, which means I now have 5 variables.

I'm not very good with Karnaugh Maps nor Boolean algebra.....

>/wrs/ is a ghost town,
So what?
Fuck off, this isn't the place to post your homework.

/mlp/ being inactive, for an example, won't allow you to post pony porn on this board.

Thanks user. However I'm rapidly realizing my grasp on the rules of Boolean Algebra needs some serious tightening....

I was having a hard time understanding the consensus theorem just now, for Pete's sake......

thanks for being friendly

I just needed some help understanding some concepts. Not homework.