What is the best poetry book written in your language?

What is the best poetry book written in your language?

(It cannot be complete works or an anthology.)

Les Fleurs du Mal.

There's a difference between "your favourite" and "the best".

Baudelaire may be my favourite poet, but Hugo is objectively better, in terms of power, width, variety, and even quantity.

>but Hugo is objectively better
Most of the world disagrees with you here lad.

Most of the world can't read French, let alone French poetry.

Baudelaire was barely able to write a flawless poem (even his best ones have embarrassing flaws), and writing more than 100 lines seemed to be a superhuman effort for him. Also, he only wrote 250 pages of poetry in his life, which reduces his scope... and there is some waste in that.

All his charm, all his originality cannot mitigate these objective facts. You can't compare him with Hugo, who plays one level higher.

As a book (I mean: as a coherent unity), les Fleurs du Mal are one of the most ambitious and striking projects ever done, though.

yeats, the tower

Ces goûts de documentaliste ménopausée... C'est effrayant.

>difference between your favourite and the best
Pauvre chose

Os Lusíadas, Luís Vaz de Camões

Paradise Lost

>un livre loué par Baudelaire, Flaubert et Banville comme étant un des meilleurs de la langue
>"goûts de documentaliste ménopausée"

Calme ton mépris.

Ton commentaire est l'exact même que ferait un mi-Mouloud boutonneux... Mais ça ne fait pas peur (l'habitude sans doute).

Amers par Perse.

The Canterbury Tales

Un autre jour

Et bien, et bien. Tu sales beaucoup trop le peu qu'on te donne, cowboy. Essaye de lire un peu plus et de repasser tes contours au crayon, ta personne se transpire pas mal. C'est impoli, ça pue un peu.

Letters To Tarantu Babu

>Et bien


>some people seriously believe that Baudelaire is superior to Hugo
Truly embarrassing

Romancero Gitano by Garcia Lorca.

"Cat" is the epitome of comfy.

Verdade. Truth.

>et bien

Eh bien *

Friendly reminder that "The Cat and the Fiddle" is canon in the Lord of the Rings lore

>Et bien
