What is your hype level for this book

do you think it will reach the levels of DFW, Pynchon

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I hope so. I need another doorstopper to complement the other doorstoppers that I haven't read

It will probably be a mess, if it's the Pynchon kinda of mess or the DFW kind of mess we can only guess.

9/10 hype, he already did this on a smaller scale

10/10 hype, bought a signed copy

Voice of the Fire had 3 bad chapters at most. To me the last chapter was shit, but the rest was amazing, especially Hob's hog. IF jerusalem is a 1200 voice of the fire without bad chapters, it is thye masterpiece of our lifetime

Is there a sample I can read somewhere?

1/10 hype

The last chapter is the one that better ties up the recurring elements together, but it does that somewhat in passing and I agree it's the least interesting by far.
I wouldn't expect this one to get the attention required for it to reach a lit-milestone status, though. It's not going to be politically relevant, Moore's brand of what he calls anarchism being just about reasonable, and formally speaking his tricks are all well-known by this point. A master's take on nothing new is still nothing new.


It was 3, but all this viralling has kicked it down a point.

I'm pretty pumped, a little cheesed that it costs so much but it certainly sounds interesting. The reviews so far seem to think it's amazing.

Fair amount of hype, maybe 8/10 or so.

Here -

Or better yet, listen to him rumble out a chapter in that thick Northampton accent

>wrote v for vendetta
no hype whatsoever.

Sick, thanks man.

At least YOU didn't write v for vendetta, amirite :^)

I hope it's psychologically relevant. I know the baloon from The Prisoner makes a cameo, so a few laughs are guaranteed

What a hideous cover

Voice of Fire was fun.

I can't get over the fact that instead of using one of his many talented artist connections, he drew a godawful gaudy cover himself.

Agreed. The colours look tacky and shit.

He started out as a writer/illustrator, the only reason he stopped illustrating was because it was faster to get other people to do it. If he drew the cover himself it's because he had a damn good reason for it and doesn't give a fuck about your opinion.
Seriously; you think it's gaudy? That's your objection? Pure visual aesthetics? Worried it won't look good on your shelf when you have people around?

Is this a fantasy novel? I need to know so I can hide all threads about it.

I can see a whole bunch of difficult to get Northampton references that it'd be hard to explain to someone else to draw them (like the whole train/dual carriageway/castle thing and the football ground/cricket ground thing).

It doesn't affect the writing at all, it just bewilders me.

I couldn't care less about how a cover looks when it's on my shelf, if I were the type to show off the fact I give money to a capeshit pervert who worships a snakegod in his basement.

I don't know I'm in your boat but looking at the Goodreads it's made me mildly interested.

Is Moore outsider art at this point?

Yeah, it's mainly that and some symbolic stuff that presumably gets explained in the book itself.
