Is Veeky Forums pure ideology? For example the Reddit vs Veeky Forums thing

Is Veeky Forums pure ideology? For example the Reddit vs Veeky Forums thing.

>I don't understand what pure ideology means but it seems like a cool meme
Haha spooky xDD! But is there any discernible talent behind it? :^)))))

Do you read or listen to Zizek at all? Ideology is our spontaneous reaction to the world.

Teach me then, I'm always open to knowledge.

No its a website you fucking tard

Veeky Forums is a spook

I feel like you need a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

lol ppl still listen to this sophist

Your post is pure ideology. For example, thinking that Reddit vs Veeky Forums is a "thing".



Non readers gtfo

Veeky Forums is not reality, if that's what you're asking.
Reddit is full of cucks. That is undeniable.
But Veeky Forums is memes gone mad (people here know memes are just memes, but they nevertheless act as if they are real and allow them to influence behavior.)

made me think

This describes every alternative young adult from the age of 15 onwards nowadays. It's hardly exclusive to Veeky Forums.

There's a major difference between Reddit and Veeky Forums. On a simple, objective and obvious level, Reddit and Veeky Forums are different sites with different mechanics. It is easy to see how someone might prefer an upvote system to a bumping system, or anonymity to usernames.

Less obviously, the people who go on Reddit and the people who go on Veeky Forums are from different parts of society (for reasons which are irrelevant). 4channers are mostly "autistic", in that they get really into something and then talk about it, and more importantly get really into talking about the things they're really into. Reddit is mostly made out of normal people -- that is, people who are more casually interested in many things, and who speak from that perspective. They're basically indistinguishable from "the man on the street". This gives both sites a markedly different perspective, and often results in Reddit simply being more incorrect on matters than Veeky Forums due to its lack of autistic obsession (although, not always).

The above two points, and probably others, feed into the end result which so many people seem to latch onto despite its relative unimportance; the "feel" of the sites. Veeky Forums is extremely cynical, extremely contrarian, and extremely pessimistic. Reddit is somewhat cynical, relatively uncontrarian, and balanced between optimism and pessimism. These are the things most people seem to take away from the two sites, beyond the simple memes which are only a kind of shibboleth.

Of course, you in turn must decide which is good and which is bad, or which you prefer &c., which relies on ideology. Meanwhile, people can then take this into quasi-tribal territory by legitimately hating the people of one site or another, which also relies on ideology but is not an example of it.

Reddit is for normies, Veeky Forums is for autists. It's a pick-your-poison kind of case where both time-wasting websites try to stand out from one another. I like Veeky Forums because of its automatic assumption on anonymity, which typically strips away the bullshit and pretense of online interaction.

Honestly I don't even know why I'm still here. It's a nest of snakes that further my self-destructive tendencies and my autistic spasms.

>Reddit is for normies
You must be pretty autistic to think that.

Reddit is by and large for cubicle monkey type autists slacking off at work. Veeky Forums has been more neet and student shit. Veeky Forums is less autistic overall imo tho the autismos here are more autistic (higher quality less quantity).

>cubicle monkey type autists slacking off at work
So normies?
How is the gender ratio over there?

do you really think there are no people who go on Reddit and Veeky Forums?

No. I don't know why you would think I was saying that.

>How is the gender ratio over there?
More equal than here, but largely male.

Reddit is definitely not for autists, at least in Veeky Forums usage.

No its not. Every single normal-fag under the sun has at least heard of reddit, or visits it at least monthly if not weekly for entertainment.

Most people at my college haven't even heard of Veeky Forums, only the nerds who sit on their computer all day

Really made my neurons fire

There is no "reddit vs Veeky Forums thing" on Veeky Forums though, it's just reddit vs reddit.

I post on twitter not reddit. The UI of reddit makes it impossible to care about at all

i think one of the most interesting phenomenon (from an anthropological/sociological perspective) on the internet is the existence of distinct site culture. exactly matching the traditional (geographic, ethnic, religious) definition of culture: memes, languages, taboos, style, social norms, initiation, hierarchies etc.

prima facie, there are only four differences between reddit and Veeky Forums.

1. reddit sorts posts by "upvotes", Veeky Forums sorts posts by comments
2. reddit has usernames, Veeky Forums does not
3. reddit stores all past posts, Veeky Forums 404's
4. reddit has literally thousands of subreddits, Veeky Forums has about 20 boards (not counting)

it is an exercise left to the reader to derive, from these alone, the difference in culture.

>from these alone
But it isn't alone. The context each of these resides in must be considered. Anonymity has certain implications -- and the origin of these sites must also be understood.

do you really think I care that you care if he really thinks that

Everyone has heard of Veeky Forums, you're just too autistic to realise irl one is socially acceptable to mention and the other is not.

>So normies?
No, autists. Normies slacking off at work (cubicle monkey ones anyway) either get away from the computer or look on facebook or similar a lot.