Why do you continue to defend the narrative clusterfuck that is the KJV, when the new oxford bible waits for you?

why do you continue to defend the narrative clusterfuck that is the KJV, when the new oxford bible waits for you?

come home, brothers and sisters.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians 1&version=RSV;KJV

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 23:20&version=NRSV;KJV;GW

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 23:20&version=NRSV;KJV;GW

ok, the nrsv is clearly superior because it talks openly about huge cocks instead of hiding behind an euphemism like kjv. i also enjoy the phrase "emission of stallions" as a term for horse cum. but this "god's word" translation i also found is refreshingly unvarnished.

"semen like that of horses" is—surprisingly—too vague. how is it like horses' semen? is it more yellow? does it produce horse offspring?

"emission of stallions" is crystal-clear: horses cum a lot, just like these folk.

Heathen-tier bible

>yfw (((biblical scholars))) have decided to interpret Sodom and Gomorrah as an issue of hospitality rather than sodomy

It is an issue of hospitality, first and foremost. You have to know Hebrew culture to know that they cared more about their guests than their own family.

Lul. Anything but the KJV is heretic bullshit tier.

>reading sacred texts in english

>implying the denial of hospitality is not the root cause of sodomy
>implying that any fracturing of a faith-based community does not lead to excess in food, sex and drugs
>implying that the Judaic laws in Leviticus and other OT books has not been fulfilled by the coming of Christ
>implying that you yourself are the real heathen for not listening to the unadulterated word of Christ, instead opting for a version that has been cannibalized by the Council of Trent and then a succession of religious and political leaders

>implying so much while saying so little

yeah, yeah—some of us don't have time to learn aramaic and hebrew, then brush up on our greek and latin.

for english, though, this is as good as it gets.

Can dubs explain further? Especially the last 2

except not

I don't. I've been arguing for NOAB for literally years.

sure, just read the RSV/NRSV link of galatians that i have in the OP

>implying that the Judaic laws in Leviticus and other OT books has not been fulfilled by the coming of Christ
Galatians 2:16-17, NRSV
...we know that a person is justified not by the works of the law [that is, Jewish, Talmudic law/mitzvah] but through faith in Jesus Christ. And we have come to believe in Christ Jesus, so that we might be justified by faith in Christ, and not by doing the works of the law, because no one will be justified by the works of the law. But if, in our effort to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have been found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? Certainly not!

>blah blah heathen translation blah
the council of trent was when the Catholic church affirmed the selection of the NT canon, cutting out apocryphal books that went against their doctrine. likewise, the KJV was edited under the Protestant King James (i think he was a Calvinist, but this history is not in my wheelhouse).

>hes not reading the most Veeky Forums-tier translation of the NT

Are you having a fucking laugh mate? Do you know how much of an institution the KJV is? It is THE Bible. All others, except the untranslated original, are for children. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's better than the untranslated version because it's in English.

>Do you know how much of an institution the KJV is? It is THE Bible.

This. Someone brought an NRSV Bible to church one time and we fucking laughed him out of town. Made sure his kids got bullied at Sunday school too.

>it's another Veeky Forums posters LARP as Christians thread

>It is THE Bible
how fucking inbred are you?
the king james version is literally full of mistranslations and errors, some of them intentional for political purposes
it's fine to read it for the literary influence, but it's objectively a bad bible
honestly anyone that doesn't read NRSV is an idiot

the kjv is pure divine word. if jesus said something different in the original then jesus was wrong.

This. And the shit's in red too just so you know it's really what he said.

lol you can't be serious right now

god would not have allowed for the best and most widely used version of his word to be erroneous. therefore the kjv is without error and the ultimate source of truth. if you intentionally use any other version you are a heathen.

Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, "This user is correct."

>reading translations at all

learn Greek

But I'm glad you all care so passionately about our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit--- the undivided Trinity.

God bless you all.

do you teach Greek at a public University that is loosing funding?

I used to work at amazon customer service and every now and then someone who clearly knew the subject (academics, priests) would order a bible. I would inmediately ask them what version to get and the oxford NSRV was the one that constantly came up.

>why do you continue to defend the narrative clusterfuck that is the KJV, when the new oxford bible waits for you?

The KJV is a piece of literature, and a preservation of culture on its own. It's about being the most elaborate work from one of the most culturally significant time periods in history.

Someone who wants to study the bible as a science is different from the man who wants to read the KJV bible.

>the Book of Ezekiel

They're probably trolling but people actually believe that KJ only shit.


all newer bible translations , especially those originating in america, are jewish-subverted shit designed to make Christians into good goys and serve the state of israel.

>what is the Septuagint

>biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 23:20&version=NRSV;KJV;GW

>thinking the bible exists in an untranslated state

you fucking idiot, biblical jesus spoke aramaic and the NT is in koine greek, the bastard tongue lingua franca of merchants, sailors, and traders.

One thing in favor of the Christian world: people are no longer killing each other over different translations of ancient mythology.

The Muslims, OTOH ....

you know up until very recently I thought this was a bullshit line of argument that had very little to do with their respective religious scriptures, but I think the univocality of the koran versus the inherent plurality of the bible points to some interesting lines of inquiry that have surely already been written off as cultural determinism therefore racism, verboten.

Wow. I didn't know the bible gateway had this feature. This is amazing. This illustrates the different philosophies behind the translations much better than those dry descriptions that sound like: "The New Revised Bowdlerized Lobotomized American Protestant White Male Version offers a balance between word-for-word and thought-for-thought translation methodologies and was completed over the course of thirteen years by a team of fifty-five biblical scholars and eighty-two sentient parakeets etc etc." This actually shows what was on those scholars' minds.

Any suggestions for other key and highly illustrative biblical passages worth comparing?

>"emission of stallions" is crystal-clear:
First off, it's more like cloudy-white :^)

No really, how is 'emission' clear? Are we taking about horses or fucking HAM radio operators? And stallions happen to emit other things too, like farts and horseshit, which is what this euphemistic bullshit translation is.