What does your daily meal consist of daily Veeky Forums. let me guess, its either rice, pasta or potatoes...

what does your daily meal consist of daily Veeky Forums. let me guess, its either rice, pasta or potatoes, well guess what, there is an another alternative for your carbohydrate source and it is called buckwheat AND ITS FUCKING AWESOME, shit is cheap as fuck, and contains 13 grams of protein per 100g compared to potatoes (2g) rice (2.7g) and pasta (5g) and it gets better, you can eat it in the morning with milk, it goes well with beef, pork and chicken and its easy to cook, just pour a decent amount of it in the pot and let it boil like rice. they are soft when cooked like rice and have a distinct but not an overpowering flavor.

go buy some today!

>go buy some today
Stopped reading there

Go away.

The news tells me that I'm not supposed to trust anything Russia tells me.


b-but thats where you are supposed to stop reading

rly makes you think... hmm

Buckwheat is indeed awesome (I prefer the unroasted kind), but it is expensive compared to oats/wheat/barley, and your protein stats are bullshit because you're comparing dried vs hydrated.

stopped reading there

Buckwheat, which has the genus species nameFagopyrum esculentum

OP is a fag

>your daily meal
>a single meal a day

>he doesn't eat varnishkes with his kasha

get a load of this goy

>implying any non-white carb is palatable when consumed daily
Just eat less. No need to replace them with memefoods.

Best thing about it is that it isn't related to other grains like rice, wheat or maize. It's the seed of an herb, and is completely safe to eat for people with diabeetus.

I love buckwheat, goes really well with liver and onions, or just by itself panfried with a bit of butter. Though in my opinion eating it with milk doesn't really work.


i've started eating bulgarwheat with stuff like grilled pork chops and lettuce and that's actually pretty damn good. the bulgar wheat works out cheap and holds onto flavoured stock pretty well.

Tried it a few times and really like it, but don't have too many ideas.
And it's not exclusively slav. Also used to be quite common in some areas of Europe.
And of course there are weeb variants too! Soba noodles are buckwheat.

Germany import a ton of buckwheat, but on the whole people here tend not to really know what it is.

Bulgarwheat is just ordinary wheat. Buckwheat is a different unrelated plant.

I shall try bu/ck/wheat! I almost got some when I was at the store picking up wild rice, two colors of lentils, pinhead oats, mung beans, and barley.

I fucking love fiber so much.

alcohol and cigarettes

I've never seen it at my local supermarket.

Biggest supermarket chain the the UK (Tesco) sells it.

Kek the UK, no one lives there!

>mfw Russia's buckwheat production to land used ratio is inferior to America's

I live in Spicland, not Pakistanshire, you faggot.