Hey, say i made a formula to find any prime number. would it be worth anything?

hey, say i made a formula to find any prime number. would it be worth anything?

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it would be, but you're probably full of shit

if you did then you would know how valuable it is ergo you're totally full of shit
also sage

pics or it didn't happen

Why would I be? I'm good at patterns, math is literally just a bunch of patterns, I knows its used in some cryptography but thats about it.

that kinda defeats the purpose on making money of it doesn't it?

oh fuck, so I actually just cracked encryption? is this going to do to much damage to the world should I just destroy it?

>find any prime number

what does this mean?

they can't hide from us.


want another?

holy shit guys he's telling the truth

yeah give me the 130985291385923rd prime
if you can't you're full of shit

Give me a prime number at least 2^74207281 digits long and I will check it in a program I write in C++


Step 1. Start from [math]k = 1[/math]
Step 2. If [math](k-1)! \equiv -1 (\text{mod } k)[/math], number is prime. Otherwise, it's not.
Step. 3 [math]k++[/math] and repeat step 2.

Give me money now

computing the factorial for each number becomes extremely costly past a certain point.
You can try to use dynamic programming (aka memorize the result of each step to avoid having to recompute it) but then you use both space and time
The problem isn't generating and verifying prime numbers, it's doing it at the scale of prime numbers used for cryptography (which are thousands of bits big)

and I forgot to mention, just finding a prime number isn't the most difficult part. Encryption isn't as simple as having a really big prime number and doing some math with it to easily encrypt/decrypt the message. You often use more than one huge prime number in cryptography.
Look at RSA for example, one of the most famous and used cryptosystem.


hope you are on a proxy
since NSA is going to murder you now

You're about 2,200 years too late. However, if you developed an algorithm that could determine if a number n was prime without having to test it against every odd number between 2 and n / 2, then you'd have something.

you can choose to only test numbers of the form

6k+1 or 6k+5

There exist much faster primality tests already

whats the biggest prime number?

What's the biggest integer?

probably not a prime number

so its bigger than the biggest prime number

whats the biggest prime number?


There isn't one

only if it can fit on a regular sized bedroom window

Sieve of Eratosthenes you numbskulls

what you should all be asking yourselves is:

what is the smallest prime number, the one that causes the wavefunctions of all other primes to collapse, forming a number which is equal to every prime number in existence

this number could solve any problem relating to any prime

just a hint.

damnit it was already solved? lol

A mechanism to generate all the primes doesn't mean you can pick out the nth prime to generate for some particular n.