Army-fag here, has anyone taken a auto loan from USAA?

Army-fag here, has anyone taken a auto loan from USAA?

There's this 72 Challenger I want and my credit score is only like a 640- its my first/only line of credit because I bought a ring at Kay Jewler's and have $135 left to pay off. If I pay that amount off before they draw my credit for the auto loan, do you think it will increase the score any relevant amount?

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Noice. Here's a 69 I'm building for a client.

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Don't spend your money like an idiot

>financing a fucking rock

Would have thought the army has internal credit union or something

A common rock. He fell for the (((De Beers))) price manipulation scam. Diamonds are common and nearly worthless, and engagement rings are a corporate invention.

Dont buy something all dolled up already .Be a fucking man and restore a rust free body

>thinks a loan will bring happiness to him

OP you need to reevaluate your life choices.

Don't give your energy to vampire bats.

Marine here do not take out an auto loan you dont need a car for your job and if you really want a car just buy it outright

I'll save you the time OP. You'll buy the car. You'll love it for like a month. Then you'll be like, why the fuck did I buy this shit? Then every 4-6 months something will break and you will have to pay a mechanic $200-$600 to fix it. Or you can just avoid all that right now.

You want a pink car?

Yeah but women want them or no marriage so what are you going to do?

Yeah come on down to Ft. Polk, LA then see how you love life
I already have a good 2007 Camry and decent savings and I have decent assets (plus a loaded family who'd probably buy the damn thing outright if I let them). I want a second car for fun and so my wife can get to drill- it could be 3+ hours away in Houston or in Alexandria which still about an hour and a half from base.

O-fag here,

Stop being a fucking stereotype. Save your money.

Not a pink car. A Panther Pink car.

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Happiness is a state of mind.

If you think you are unhappy or slighted for any reason then so shall it be.

Obtain the material possession evoking a leech.

I know you can do it.

I don't drink, smoke, dip, chew, play games, fuck around on the weekend ect. I think it's okay to be a statistic just this once.

Perception of a problem is subjective. Sure I could sit around save money but that misses the true aim in life for me. Everything is open to personal interpretation (and inherently valueless) but you can lead a life you value by taking chances. Hell I could get deployed tomorrow at least I had fun.

>Marine here
I thought you were about to tell him to forget about the loan and just buy LINK. Fuck this place as of late.

I have USAA, just do loan application online and find out

>I bought a ring at Kay Jewler's and have $135 left to pay off.
Surely you are meaning this to be 135k? But Kay Jewler's...... If you are having trouble instantly paying this off at any time in your life you should not be taking a loan for anything.

No really. Do not take anymore loans. Reevaluate where your money is going and then save up for the car.

This has to be fucking b8. Jesus christ i swear marines are sheep-tier

>Sure I could sit around save money but that misses the true aim in life for me
I don't even know where to begin with this. This mentality will destroy anyone with it. You are making a bad decision willingly, you only have yourself to blame, and in the end it is not worth it. It's never worth it. You aren't sitting around saving money, you are doing hobbies that don't require money. If your hobby absolutely requires you to spend lots of money, then you need to figure out budgetting.

>I don't do anything that requires me to spend money
Then what's the problem? You are an unreliable narrator as in one post you claim that sitting around saving money is not your aim, yet in another it seems saving money by not doing anything is exactly what you are doing.

Doesn't the army offer really low interest loans? They do in australia at least
Go for it op. Is a nice car and a better investment than all the shit coins shilled here

If you pay off the ring and close the account, your score will likely go down. Credit algos like to see debt getting paid regularly. After I paid off my house and carried zero debt, I can't get my score back to 800, it stays around 775. If I opened a Home Equity Line, it would go back up. Understand the game?

I dont date a superficial cunt

>This mentality will destroy anyone with it. You are making a bad decision willingly, you only have yourself to blame, and in the end it is not worth it.
>You are an unreliable narrator

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No cunt, they do not