Anyone else hyped for the Moon to become the 51st state?

Anyone else hyped for the Moon to become the 51st state?

im not american so this quite frankly offends me.

>Butthurt Commie mad that America will be able to send nukes FROM THE FUCKING MOON down on his piss hole "country"

>Space Race 2: Engineering Boogaloo?

You are right actually. The only reason Trump wants to go to the moon is because Russia wants to make a moon base there and Trump wont fucking let that happen. He wants America there first.
It's amazing how the greatest of human accomplishments happen for the silliest reasons.

>yeah but it's FUCKIN TITE THO

>moon colony
>8 years

I bet they also think we'll accomplish it by 3D printing buildings.

He is going to build a wall that reaches the moon.

>the only reason why these buffoons in the whitehouse ever look up at the sky is to try to get more land and power for themselves

In other news, an underage moutth breather makes an idiotic thread in Veeky Forums and lives to tell the story. More at 1.1.

I'm hyped for the day Americans go to moon and never come back. You can take Krauts with you, by the way. No one wants them on Earth.

>It's amazing how the greatest of human accomplishments happen for the silliest reasons.
Silly reason or no, for all the going on about going back and just like finding life on Europa and going to mars, it should have happened already.
A better reason is that it would be a challenging test and cool but who the fuck cares about all of that when you ask the average person about going to space and they only answer 'why?'


>we should be more noble than our brutal, animal competition
that nobility won't feed you or keep you safe

How long do you think it will take for Europa's oceans so freeze over? Does it act like IO where magnets n sheit heat the planet to insane temperatures in its core or is it slowly cooling?

>We use 16% on Military
>America, a country that will never be invaded spends 16 times more money on military than it does all science combined

Some of that military goes to R&D.

Oh boy give NASA a new goal, cancel all previous programs, and not give them enough money to do it, again. Sounds like a great idea m8

Unfortunately "we were warned off.." and since then a Moon station was out of the question because the far side is populated.

>give NASA a new goal
"I will free NASA from the restriction of serving primarily as a logistics agency for low Earth orbit activity.. Instead we will refocus its mission on space exploration." -- D.J.Trump

trump would be such an entertaining president if his proclamations were like that instead of nonsense about walls and mooslums

もしもし バイト です

>being positive

yea, you speak the truth
the moon landing crew have told us we are not alone but nobody believes them. they only walked on the fucking moon, what's their credentials?

Are you saying nonsense about walls isn't entertaining?