What is your top 3 novels of all time?

simply list your top 3 novels


? can you elaborate?

Infinite Jest
The Stranger

Don Quixote, Moby Dick and Burger King

Brothers K
Don Quixote
Moby Dick

Moby Dick
Book of the New Sun

burger king is also an acceptable answer.

is Moby Dick good....doesn't he spend alot of time just talking about whaling industry and not even doing any narrative?

The Sound and the Fury
Moby Dick
East of Eden

its there for a reason u fuckhead

but Moby Dick isn't even a story..its just Melville talking about the whaling industry..granted in great detail...but there is no plot

A farewell to arms
Invisible monsters
The hobbit

There is indeed a plot, have you read it?

It's like 2 chapters if that bro

moby dick
the leopard

yeah definitely absolutely nothing about the human condition in moby dick. huge waste of time. fuck whales.

Ada or Ardor
Gravity's Rainbow
In search of Lost Time

iI mean do literary critics even consider Moby Dick to be one of the great novels of the english language?

>but there is no plot

there is a plot
unfortunately that plot only takes up probably less than 100 pages in a 600 page book

each time i read moby dick i get something completely different out of it and i still get the sense of "wow" you get after finishing a good book. yes its good.

why do many consider a great american novel then?

what does it matter what literary critics think? aside from the general suggestion of the book, just deciding for myself was enough. The writing above all else struck me as genius, I liked to take Melville seriously when he says in the book not to take it as an allegory and just try to erase analysis from my mind. It was worth it.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Gravity's Rainbow
The Tartar Steppe

No particular order.

Your argument is like saying huck finn is just about the tom sawyer

my problem is that alot of Moby Dick seems to be ripped off from Ulysses

>ITT: people triggered by some lvl 1 Moby Dick troll

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

lets just make a 2016 list already

but those r all american books

>In search of Lost Time
You actually read that fucking thing ?

A lot of people enjoy his ramblings, he has a fun style, very conversational and humorous at times but quite poetic at others. I enjoy the odd moments in the book, like the Cook's sermon to the Sharks or when they come upon a giant squid and are disturbed by the sight of it.

Or the infamous squeeze of the hand, no one can say that melville didn't have a sense of humor as well as a touch o' the homo

Your description of it makes it sound exactly like Gravity's Rainbow.

This. Maybe we sold wait another month or two.

But to op
The Karamazov brothers
Anna Karenina

All avsey translations of course.




Madame Bovary
Der Prozess
Die Ringe des Saturn

madame bovary is great

Crime & Punishment
Blood Meridian
Mao ll

Mao 2 huh?

Watership Down
Anna Karenina

>Mrs. Dalloway
>Crime & Punishment

Than why didn't you say thay rather than arguing the one chapter about whaling?

The name drop is real

Farenheit 451
Cave and the light

Farenheit 451 is amazing

I hated it. There's basically no plot, and the main character is so stupid I couldn't identify myself with her.


Are you excited to be starting high school?

Don Quixote
Super K Bros

I'm actually very excited to be starting on my last couple quarters of college.

Against Nature
Madame Bovary
Dead Souls

Manhattan Transfer
The Confidence-Man

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
The Secret History

Could be Mason and Dixon

Atlas Shrugged
The Tartar Steppe
Anna Karenina

The End of the Road
The Sot-Weed Factor
Pale Fire

atlas shrugged


>sot-weed factor

Tinker Pan
The Tainted Turd
Behead All Satans

Are you a fucking idiot

he might be?...*reads what he said*

yep, he's an idiot

i love Tinker Pan


The Twelve Chairs
Women and Appletrees
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

Ein Mann will nach Oben, Der Zauberberg, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

flowers for alrgernon
notes from underground
infinite rainbows

>Atlas Shrugged
>The Fountainhead
>The God Delusion

Gravity's Rainbow
Finnegans Wake
Beckett's Trilogy

The Magic Mountain
The Red and the Black
A Confederacy of Dunces

Mao ll.

You're not supposed to identify with her, and I don't know why it should be relevant anyway.

And of course there's plot, what book did you read? Writing without a plot is not an option for XIX century literature -at least up to 1857.

>I couldn't identify myself with her.
biggest pleb red flag ever

A Confederacy of Dunces

Fignigs Wack

Moby Dick
Martin Eden

Moby Dick
Finnegans Wake

The Emigrants
The Master of Go

Crime and Punishment
The Master and Margarita

East of Eden
Brothers K

>burger king
>dairy queen
the meme trilogy of fast food??

The sound of the mountain
Infinite Jest
Tau Zero

1:Perks of Being a Wallflower
2:The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
3:Leaves of Grass

Moby-Dick or The Whale
Heart of Darkness
Paradise Lost

Read once, but almost in top 3: Blood Meridian, Portrait of the Artist, The Waves
Whoa! Alamut eh? I've wanted to read that since I heard Burroughs talk about it.

>she will never be able to discourse on Yeats and Joyce and the relationships between them

Why must beauty in form and beauty and mind be divorced!

Blood Meridien
As I Lay Dying
Confederacy of Dunces

Nooit meer slapen
The brother Karamazov
The house of the dead

Nooit meer slapen is well written, but that's it. The main character was a whiny bitch and reminded me of the main character of Into the Wild.


Mason & Dixon
Blood Meridian

Come at me, fampaitachi.

Did you read it in Dutch, or English?
I personally haven't read Into the Wild, so that might be the case.
However, that is sort of the point of the novel, which is why it is so wrecking for the main character to read the notes at the end seeing that he was so misanthropic throughout the entire story. It wasn't a mere disdain for society from what I suspect Into the Wild is about (if the movie reflect the book correctly at all).

the trial
blood meridian

A Rebours
Sentimental Education
The Brothers Karamazov

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Paradise Lost

I feel like I should mention W&P

The Divine Comedy
The Stand
House of Leaves

The trial
Blood meridian
The pale king

The Stranger
The Rebel
The World of Yesterday

What's with the Blood Meridian boner on Veeky Forums?

Crime & Punishment
The Fountainhead
Ender's Game

Blood Meridian

The Brothers Karamazov
Thus Spoke Zarathustra