Just finished this. Holy fuck why did I never play this before. It's excellent

Just finished this. Holy fuck why did I never play this before. It's excellent

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Other urls found in this thread:


I remember those sewer tunnels with the fucking alien looking fast fuckers. i got stuck there for a while

truly a great time to be alive. a turning point in my life.

All the original Half-Life games and mods were fucking amazing. Blue Shift, TFC, OG Counter Strike, Vampire Slayer, Natural Selection. The Golden Age of PC gaming.

>no preorder to exclusive get exclusive mountain dew skin
>no loot boxes to get overpowered weapons early on
>no mini map and markers to show me where to go
>no xray vision and tags above enemies
What a shitty DLC user

what coin is this?


sorry I was wondering why /v/ suddenly got IDs for a good minute

Thanks just bought 100k

A refreshing post to see here. I loved playing this game so much back in the day.

>forgot Firearms Mod and Action Half-Life
C'mon son

Wish valve made games still instead of switching to exploiting youth via gambling. :(

honestly i like halo CE better than any other shooter ever excluding dust 514

Fuck yeah. I also forgot The Specialist. Good times.

>tfw the Halo babbies have grown up

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>old shit tier graphics
I refuse to play games with graphics worse than xbone 1 games. I dunno what's wrong with me, but sometimes i play just to see how good my pc handles the game. And to stare at pixels / textures

you sound like a newfag

Listen, there is no such thing as "based vidyajew", all of the games developed today are designed for the exact same goal, there are almost no video games designed to tell you a real story or pass a message, it's an entirely consumerist media whose only ambition is to smash your dopamine button to milk you out of your attention and money.
Here is the redpill for you: all of the big companies that you worship so much like Blizzard, Valve, DICE, Rockstar, etc... are testing and calibrating extensively their games with biometrics tools and behavioral experiments so they can distill the exact amount of frustration and pleasure to make you crave for the feelings again and again and again so you will spend money on their product (being by microtransactions or buying their next game) or talk about it and attract others in your degeneracy like blackholes are swallowing light.
There has been some articles talking about it but most of the industry avoid the subject because it would force them to reveal how their so called "QA department" work (pro-tip: it's not ethical) and how their testers are basically chimps for experiments. Of course they prefer to show you how "creative" and "passionate" their game designers are and how they want to provide you an "experience" in some bullshit "behind the scene video" when in the back they have mechanized game design to level you wouldn't believe.

Recently these companies understood they could capitalize on legions of young recluse white men with no real channels to express their competitive instincts (ironically BECAUSE they spent their childhood inside playing the vidyajew) and manufactured virtual hierarchies around their games with """e-sport""", matchmaking/ranking systems and streaming.
They want their audience to believe that you can become rich and famous if you waste your youth smashing buttons on their dopamine mouse trap, that's why Valve or Riots or EA are spending hundreds of millions in events to glorify some skinny or fat retards who decided that spending all day training to be good at the last FPS (which will be forgotten in 5 years) was a valid lifestyle.
I saw dozens of faggots during the last 5 years who had the potential to become high value individuals in society, people that could have been engineers, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, etc... and who fell into the trap of dedicating everything for a "rank" on some MOBA, FPS or MMO, spending an astronomical amount of hours learning everything about something ABSOLUTELY USELESS in every other aspect of life because the game mechanics where designed to make them feel very good 10 minutes a day. The funniest and tragic part was that they blame their failure on ADD or depression or anxiety or whatever bullshit they read online, not realizing their "passion" is what that completely fried their reward system.
Don't fall for the vidyajew kappa, if you are bored at home read a book, exercise, learn to program, learn an instrument or read about networking.

I watched the speed run on these games, pretty crazy it's like a game within a game.

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glad you got around to it. honestly it's a toss up between this one and the original campaign. better weapons in opfor, better story in og

Warms my heart that someone posted this, it makes me feel like maybe theres the same people who i played multiplayer are here on biz

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Jesus, what a pleb you are m8.

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I played so much fucking ns....I still want to go to a natural selection retirement home where we all play every day. or if I get filthy fucking rich I'll sponsor leagues to get people to play with me

OP4 was a great game. Ending battle didn't really hold up.

Natural Selection 1 was glorious - 3h games with comebacks. NS2 is great too

you're right.

I don't even know how many hundreds of hours I dropped on NS, and every hour was worth it. Same goes for many other half life mods. I probably blasted through 6K hours between them all. Holy shit, those were good days.

Firearms was the shit. I wish people still played

Halo was quite literally THE game changing FPS, also probably the best FPS of all time.
Bungie nailed the "30 seconds of fun" over and over again.
Its too bad they never made a sequel

why the fuck do so many faggots treat this as an off-topic board

holy shit i hate all of you

Not much going on in the market rn

business & finance, sorry

Holy smoke, the memories. Natural selection, vampire slayers and team fortress classic were amazing games.

>that multiplayer game that you loved to death but it's community eventually completely died

What's her name?

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