What is the evolutionary reason to do this?

What is the evolutionary reason to do this?

Is there a biological reason for doing this?

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Did he died?

>when you risk death because you're a little tired and don't feel like getting up

Natural selection.

Nothing more to explain

no sweetie, he's just pretending.

No pretty sure he died with that setup, you get sucked down and stuck to the wall.

he was drunk and the people filming were telling him to not ride through but he did anyways

at least that's what people said when this was originally posted

it's one of those fatal mistakes any one would have made but make fun of him for making it because of 20/20 hindsight

>any one would have made
false. i wouldn't have made it.

I was once working in a hot dog stand (beer festival) for two days. After the second day the workers (including me) got really drunk from the leftover beer and I had to cycle back home. It was the rainiest night of the year (lucky me) and the road I had to cycle was relatively narrow and I had to focus (while drunk) to stay on the path. Then I see a car's headlights appear behind me and the car was coming very close. I take myself to the side and fall into into a trench with swampy smelling water in it. I was completely submerged in thick water with biological bits and my feet were not touching the bottom of the trench. It felt like nothing, I could've just stood there and drowned. I grabbed some kind of a branch on the side and pulled myself out, smelling like a swamp monster. The car was gone. When I got home I took a long shower and went to bed. The following days I thought about how close I really was to dying, what if I had passed out in the water or were slightly more drunk to not be able to think about how to rescue myself from the situation. It was an experience that got me thinking about alcohol differently.

>tfw you get super drunk in the middle of a blizzard and just collapse into a snowbank and it feels super comfy that you don't even feel the cold it just feels like a huge powdery body pillow and you just feel like falling asleep there and you have to fight the temptation to with every bone in your body

What's the evolutionary reason for someone not to understand why would someone take certain risks to reach a destination?

Is there a developmental disease responsible for this?

thats probably one of the easiest ways to go, statistically speaking your actual death will be way more painful and not consist of falling to sleep comfy.

[math]P \xrightarrow[\mathcal{IN THE}]{0\pm 0} L[/math]

>Is there a developmental disease
it is known as "retardation"

This can be explained Wolfram Schultz's paper "Neuronal Reward and Decision Signals: From Theories to Data"

The reward system is a group of neural structures responsible for incentive salience, pleasure, and positive reinforcement (i.e., learning). Reward is the attractive and motivational property of a stimulus that induces appetitive behavior – also known as approach behavior – and consummatory behavior

Rewards can be intrinsic to behavior.
They contrast with extrinsic rewards that provide motivation
for behavior and constitute the essence of operant behavior
in laboratory tests. Intrinsic rewards are activities
that are pleasurable on their own and are undertaken for
their own sake, without being the means for getting extrinsic
rewards. We may even generate our own rewards
through internal decisions. Mice in the wild enter wheels
and run on them on repeated occasions without receiving
any other reward or benefit. Intrinsic rewards
are genuine rewards in their own right, as they induce
learning, approach, and pleasure, like perfectioning, playing,
enjoying the piano, and occasionally doing stupid shit.

Basically, he did it for the lulz

preservation of effort , risk-reward estimation , even social instinct compelling him not to look like a pussy .

mean while at Veeky Forums



It's really hard to tell how deep or dangerous moving water is. Just a few inches is enough to carry away a person or a car. Turn around don't drown.


This man is a professor at the University of Houston.

I sometimes wonder just how often we very narrowly escape death without even realizing it.

Looks drunk judging by his lazy face flop into the water.

Sad really.

Did he die?

>What's the evolutionary reason for suicide?

That's deep, my friend. I don't want to know the answer.

Wanting to drive through the mud so it splashes around both sides of you and you look cool and have a better chance of mating. He just didn't do it fast enough.

This is why I never do anything that will alter my mind. They scared the shit out of me with stories like that in DARE.

why does everyone say "did he died" should it not be "did he die" ß

How is babby formed?

Will you become an hero when you learn about did he died?


When people refrence the evolutionary tree, they rarely mention that it is, in fact, a bonsai.

This is what we call, "pruning".

do these kind of retards think that cars run on magic?