I want to experience reading War and Peace but I don't want to read 1300 pages

Is it worth it?

I like the thought of reading incredibly thick books, but don't like the time it takes to read them.

>I don't want to read 1300 pages
You are on the wrong board.

>I want to do x but I don't want to do x

>I don't want to read 1300 pages
>Hurr durrr

Dude, just start it at least. Read a little bit when you can and you'll be done eventually but if you never start you will never experience reading War and Peace. Yes, you are going to have people telling you it's worth it, I mean, it's considered a classic. So just open up the damn book, OP. Find a used copy for cheap online. I got my big hardback (supposedly the best translation) in great condition for literally two dollars.

And if you open it but don't finish it, whatever. At least you tried.


Just fucking read it man. It's the greatest novel of all time.

1300 doesn't take more than a week dedicated or two weeks casually. get used to reading ~150 pages of a book a day and you can work through anything

Two weeks of casual reading for an over 1000 page book? What kind of life does one live where that can be considered casual?

Join the Swiss army.

one in which you're passionate about literature? that's a stereotypical college level for reading, fairly easy to get used to

Depending on whether or not I read everyday, I normally average about 70-100 pages per day. So it's not inconceivable to finish a 1000 page book in two weeks for me.

One where you read for 1-2 hours a day, and cut back on shitposting time.

You'd be amazed how much shit you can do once you cut out porn, msturbation and Veeky Forums..

or start getting good at whole-assing two simple things at once. listen to audiobooks while you exercise, type meaningful responses to internet forums about interesting conversations while analyzing the writing and direction of a show you're watching, read a book while processes take time to run on your computer. stop staring dumbly at shit when you could be learning or creating

Or wait 3 days and read whatever the fuck Jerusalem is gonna be about. Are 1,000,000 words excessive? Probably

1300 pages = an extremely LONG book

Is this some new book coming out? What author?

war and peace is actually a very easy and compelling read. i mean sure it's long, but it's not hard. it's no worse than marathoning a series of a show on netflix

It equals about three novels, so what?
Dimwits get through Game of Thrones and YA series just fine

It's a new book written by alan moore. He was a very prolific comic writer. Wrote watchmen, v for vendetta. This is his most receny novel that is supposively a masterpiece but in all honesty sounds like the definition of excessive.

actually i think he's in exactly the right place