A literal retard is more inteligent and sucessfull than you will ever be...

A literal retard is more inteligent and sucessfull than you will ever be. He also made a much bigger contribution to science than you ever will.

Contrary to popular belief, he has been dead for years already and his chair is the one who has been talking.

>works on imaginary meme-holes
>contributing to science

>babble some memematics
>gets praised by people that don't even know what the hell he's talking about
>gets $$$

It's neetbux to another level

I think that's worse than OP's statement.
>a chair cognitively outmaneuvers me

But that's one hell of a chair.


>A literal retard

Can you really classify ALS as a mental disability?

*a physical retard

Yooooouuuu've got no idea what you messin' with here boy.

How do you pronounce that?

>A literal retard and a joke in the science community as well as media science guy
I dont ride in a wheelchair and shit on my chair,so I already made the world a better place.

mee mee mah thick ssss

Fuck you I just spat eggnog all over my breakfast

He's not a retard, he's a spastic. You're the retard.

This. His computer chair has achieved sentience.

You can be retarded in ways other than mentally, brainlette


No, youre not more intelligent than i am

You don't even know what a "literal" retard is.


He's not retarded.

He's just degenerate.

His contributions are litteraly useless.

No, your contributions are literally useless, as they do not exist.

Fucking pseuds.
