Why do the majority of teenagers and people in general commonly share the mindset that math and other school subjects...

Why do the majority of teenagers and people in general commonly share the mindset that math and other school subjects are useless and they will never be used in life?

little understanding of how the world works

teenagers are literally retarded. I think the hormone imbalances kick their IQs in the nuts or some shit, because it is the stupidest demographic on this green earth.
>t. edgy teenager trying to appear superior to his own kind

Because they are being taught math without being given examples which are applicable in the real world. They're us all told to find the area of a square or memorize SOHCAHTOA, but never nudged in the right direction on where it can be useful to them so they don't give a shit.

If highschools threw in finance classes and made everyone do physics and chemistry instead of making them electives, teenagers would have a better appreciation for math as a tool instead of just viewing it as something they have to do when they go to school. Plus the mandatory finance classes would probably help us ensure we don't have as many poor people who are poor because they don't understand budgeting.

Throwing in my two cents.

I believe that people have that mindset because they fail to plan ahead and ponder what they want to pursue later in their lives. The education system is also to blame, but in schools when students are being taught mathematics, they are being taught alike and in order to push students to strive towards greatness, you need to cater to their specific needs and learning speed. While some students go above and beyond and read textbooks because they believe it is what is best for them, others learn at the schools pace, not knowing what these subjects are for and end up getting thrown off track because they decided to slack off during their high school years.

When people say that certain classes will never be used in life, they are wrong, because as they learn in that class, their mindset is changing drastically similar to Political socialization and their values may change.

Lol you think teenagers would actually pay attention to a class about finance.

>muh when are gonna even use this in real life
It's a convenient excuse for brainlets and nothing else.

They were taught math on the off chance they might find a use for it.

A lot of people actually do think that way and then start paying attention when given realistic application of the material
They'd pay more attention to that than a basic math class. Especially if you made it hands on in the sense that you let the kids actually use real money and had them watch it grow in a bank account or you had them play the stock market in class and then told them if they used real money these would have been their winnings or losses. I guarantee a lot of kids would start paying attention once they saw the braniac of the class literally win $500 real dollars after investing in $10 or more in a semester by simply paying attention. You could divide them into groups and buy stocks on their behalf, so the kids don't have to actually pay real stock prices, they'd just buy parts of an actual share which are split equally among members in a group for the semester.

>that math and other school subjects are useless and they will never be used in life?

Because they are. You Ivory Tower retards always seem to forget that you live on an entirely separate plane of existence. Nobody - literally no fucking single person - gives a shit about your academic circle-jerk bullshit except yourselves. Math and physics is not used in the real world. Sure, engineers will use a little bit of calculus and thermodynamics, but calculus is not math and thermodynamics is not physics. Mathematicians and physicists are like abstract artists. Just coming up with literal bullshit to stroke their egos and make themselves feel like they're contributing to something. None of the ideas they come up with will ever be used in a practical, real world setting, and the only other people who appreciate these ideas are those participating in the circle-jerk.

As for other school subjects. The humanities are literally useless. The only reason to study history or philosophy is for curiosity's sake. They serve no practical purpose. Social sciences are just a disaster.

A man living in the real world, not coddled by the upper middle class comforts that academics enjoy, will never give a shit about anything that public education feeds him. To him, such things are useless. And he's correct. There is no reason to study anything that doesn't serve some kind of practical purpose.

It's hard senpai

I'm good with basic like

2 watermelon + 3 watermelon = 4 watermelon because Tyrone ate one

sounds like a terribly boring class
I want the hard facts, not gimmicks for brainlets

>making money is boring
You sound like a brainlet who can't into finance

>A lot of people actually do think that way
A lot of people are brainlets

I don't give a shit about that kike pseudoscience

Spotted the communist.

>being a mccarthyst
>in my /b/
kill yourself tovarisch

i'm a teenager (18/under) and a sophomore studying pure mathematics right now at princeton, hopefully I graduate by the time I'm 20, then I want a masters or phd

No way is this true. Putting dollar units on math makes it the most boring subject possible, at least at the introductory level. If you can stay awake reading about annuities and options more power to you.

Physics is the tried and true method for engaging teenagers. If it goes BOOM or launches into space, it'll get their attention. We see this in social media daily. Pop sci as trivial it is for some on this board works and pushes kids into problem solving autists like us. Nobody with a healthy social circle (or who already isn't in finance) is sharing what the bond market is doing on social media.

I have no beef with a finance oriented math class to teach basic concepts, it's just not as successful compared to what we've seen from physics. There's going to people who like money and those who can't stand it. I feel though more people would grasp concepts from physics than finance.

In short, I would support different 'types' of introductory math classes and perhaps specializing earlier on. But if I were to have only the budget for one curriculum, it'd be physics hands down.

Yeah. Only Americans are the ignorant ones.

because public education sucks ass

Not sure if underage brah?
But you're a smart kiddo, so i hope your life isn't influenced by some Americans that post on a Calexit tranny positive forum that is owned by The Great Hiroshima "King of Israel" Nagasaki

Nah. no one has the time for that shit here, and the people who do have the time are just ignored

because they most people are 100 IQ cucks that struggle with abstract reasoning and lack the ambition to contribute to society.

> but calculus is not math and thermodynamics is not physics.

>"I learned the Pythagorean Theorem but I don't know how to balance a checkbook"

If I had a nickel for every time I heard this. I think they just might.

Because they all exclusively aspire to be a rapper.

I wish the teacher would focus more on telling you the application of what you are learning, instead of just making you learn it like a robot so that you can past a test.

Math at school is like somebody teaching you about all the different tools in the toolbox, but never showing you how to use them to make something, and then you wonder why it was important for you to know the difference between a hacksaw and a coping saw when you've never touched a piece of wood in your life.

I hated mathematics until I saw the real world applications and understood why it's important to understand it.

Because these people will never use advanced math.
You dont need to know integration theory to sit in a super market.

It is different to Physics where you can "understand" something without having understood anything.

A 10 min popsci video can tell you what a black hole is and that is something that a lot of people find interesting.

After a 10 min video about the Lebesgue Algebra you will neither know what it is nor have any Idea what it could ever be useful for.
In essence: pop-math cant connect math to the real world and that is why few people care about it.