Isn't this the most existentially terrifying graph in the history of humanity?

Isn't this the most existentially terrifying graph in the history of humanity?

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what happens when we breach into the meta stable zone

Wuts dat

All I am inferring from this is it has something to do with higgs-boson and the Large Hadron Collider.

Can someone brief me on what this is and why it is bad?

this is scenario which, if triggered, not only wipes out all life, it wipes out physics as we know it

"According to the new study, a potentially catastrophic vacuum decay could be triggered any time by primordial black holes, should they exist. It was also discussed that tiny black holes potentially produced at the LHC could trigger such a vacuum decay event, but the results in the existing study were not conclusive."



Jesus ever since this false vacuum higgs field shit was on that one channel with the animated ducks I've seen it everywhere on Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums is not a popsci board

Where have you seen this before?


ive been worrying about vacuum metastability for almost a decade now, fuck you

i haven't posted on Veeky Forums in years

Death by vacuum decay would be one of the best ways to go. No idea when or even if it will happen so there's no point in worrying about it, and you will not feel a thing when it consumes you at light speed. No fear here.

Kurzgesagt is a decent channel that goes into more detail than your usual popsci shit.

>he calls it vacuum decay
i'm so fucking triggered right now


Please stop being so autistic about metastable vacuums, it's a non-problem until we get anywhere near the ability to alter shit like this.

>butchering scientific language is ok

>Caring for nearly ten (10) years about something that you will never know if it happens or not
Apologies for calling it vacuum decay but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's completely useless to give a shit about this.

it's extremely interesting though and has a massive and profound philosophical impact

A much much worse version of Prions basically?

yes just like the hydrogen bomb is a much worse version of a 9mm bullet

Fatal insomnia is proof god doesnt exist

>it's extremely interesting though and has a massive and profound philosophical impact
There's not really much to say other than "The universe could end at pretty much any moment". Plenty of other ways that could happen too. I guess the whole rewriting of physics is interesting, but what can you do with it? There's nothing new this brings to philosophy that hasn't already been considered either, unless you'd like to tell me.

You seem really enthused about this, so maybe I just don't understand it like you. Why is it so interesting to you?

It's like a literary device from fiction which may or may not be reality, and we still don't know, even in 2016

i mean

>Plenty of other ways that could happen too
not really

especially not at the fucking level of the universe / raw existence

and shit that will take TREE(3) years like heat death or theories like the big crunch do not count

that's like death by old age

this is like a guy randomly coming up and shooting you in the brain with a .50 cal in the middle of your lunch

Well this hasn't happened in the few billions of years the earth/life has existed so sitting about this at any second is trivial as you wouldn't even notice it


The entropy decrease of the universe is measurable on a time scale and isn't nearly in the realm of incredibly large numbers like that.

you know all those people who say you have autism
they have a point

Nope. thisisnotbad.flac
If you want a scary graph type "senseless deaths per hour" into google. at any given moment if you think you're safe and that there's nothing wrong then you're just being presumptuous,

Yeah okay. So the universe could just end at any moment and we'd never know so why care?

>oh but experiments could does it
It's always easy for the laymen to fear what they dont understand, thats more or less the basis of all fears.

Remember when the US first started building nukes and they thought they'd ignite the atmosphere and flambe the entire planet?
This is the 2014 equivalent of that fear.

It's very hard to disprove shit like this, but it's pretty safe to say that we're all going to die separately and painfully, go ahead and go back to dreading that, fellas.

Name one other phenomena which could end reality as we know it at any given time

as we know it?
cancer will probably end mine, or a car accident.
lets face it there are only personal apocalypses. everyone wants to say what if and then it all just snowballs, its really rather egotistical to think that the world wont keep spinning without you, and project your death onto everyone and everything else.

we talking all of humanity?
a few well delivered nukes (or all 15,000) or big ass collision triggering an extinction event is possible enough to inspire fears and cheesy movies. a massive enough solar flare could do it quite easily as well. The sun's gonna go big red eventually and turn this place into a hotter mars, but I imagine that doesn't qualify for 'any given time'
I could probably keep going if I tried.
do those not qualify as phenomena? i feel like i'd need to know you and all that you understand better to supply you with what youre asking.

none of that shit is even close to knocking out everything in the universe

yeah but thats not what i was asked.

dunno. i guess since i already stated simply and plainly twice now that i believe that nothing is going to magically unmake reality that it's rather dumb of you to accuse me of failing to provide an argument in favor of such. I wonder: did your parents have any children that survived to adulthood?

they say that there will be eventually be a heat death of the universe, if we wait long enough for entropy to take hold of the entire universe, but that's going to take long, we're talking proton decay type long.
Perhaps that would satisfy your strange desire to live in constant illogical doubt that reality will persist?

>i believe that nothing is going to magically unmake reality
well it's nice that you're a retarded luddite but meanwhile scientists do not yet know if the vacuum is stable or metastable

Schopenhauer would vote in favor.

we dont know if we'll ever find exotic matter or achieve FTL through any of the theoretical means
we dont know if we'll ever create a large enough, stable enough fusion reaction to actually create a surplus of energy to use as a source of power
we dont know what happend 400,000 years following the big bang
hell we haven't even charted our galaxy fully
there's literally myriad things all around and deep within us that science doesn't know and probably never will.
among that litany of unknowns you'd opt to focus on a sensational catastrophic event because you cant cope with how precious you are
...and I'm the hayseed. gotcha.
I cant help but wonder how stable you are, sir!

I take solace in knowing that the wave of destruction would only move at light speed and take fucking forever to get anywhere

yeh whats to say it hasnt started already?

I would be scared if all the scientists working at both CERN and Fermilab believed that it was the whole truth, something nobody believes.

What happens if a vacuum metastability event creates a region of space that rapidly collapses in upon itself? Could such an event be hypothetically self-containing?

Why do you think the Tyranids are invading new galaxies?

After that video they released a few weeks before Paris shootings about immigrants being more likely to work harder and integrate into society better then the natives of the countries with all these so called "studies and facts", I realised they were full of suit.

Protip: its entertainment, not science. None of the people working on the videos are actually scientist's.

if you had any understanding of quantum mechanics you wouldn't be afraid.

That's actually pretty neat.
think about it, if you get extremely sick or old you'll fear death every day, it will be the only thing on your mind. But if you die suddenly for no reason, you won't feel or fear a thing unless you anticipated it beforehand because you read too much doomsday shit. You'll he thinking about memes or something and vanish without even noticing something's happening.

Yeah apparently sci is a homosexual "mathematician"'s bug chasing orgy circle jerk. And the bug they're chasing is how useless they can be.

That's the kind of stuff that I simply refuse to believe. If your theory predicts the end of the universe at basically any given time, then you might be looking at a problem with your theory and not the universe. Would be extremely improbable that we could trigger anything energetic enough that just happens to wipe out everything. Especially considering super high energy shit in space like AGNs and whatnot.

The problem is that it is based only on the known matter, that 4% of the whole universe, to understand it better, we have to investigate both dark matter and dark energy, by the way, I read something of "for there about which a micro-black hole could trigger such an event, the answer is: Yes, but they do not."

vacuum decay will not end the universe. Most galaxies are moving away from us faster than the speed of light, so a higgs field would destroy a couple of galaxies, but thats a scratch compared to the hundreds of billions of galaxies that are still out there.

could you build a higgs bomb? similar to a nuclear bomb, but much much more destructive? literally whiping out the planet in the matter of split seconds? great candidate for the absolute great filter.

No, it is not possible, but an anti-matter bomb yes, and would do the same thing you are looking for.

>ive been worrying about vacuum metastability for almost a decade now, fuck you
Are we supposed to be impressed?

Yeah, since gamma ray bursts have been firing every second for billions of years, i'm kinda not worried about high-energy anything triggering anything ending the universe.

Not to be too sci-fi here but this is why we need to figure out inter-universal travel pronto.