Have any of you had good English/Literature teachers?

Have any of you had good English/Literature teachers?

What were some things that they did that you liked?

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They were all women... So, y'know..

Okay, so what did they do that you did not like?

They were thinking more with their feels than with rationality and logic

I had one in High School that was pretty woke and provided a lot of historical and literary context for the books we read.

Extra Credit for reading more and providing an oral report on it.

I hated it later but doing some dramatic acting of scenes was a helpful experience. It taught me another way to express myself, how to perform in front of a live audience, and was an interactive way to teach plays instead of just reading them.

Seeing plays on field trips was good too.

most of them had a boner for Judith Butler

>he thinks logos is more important than pathos
>when it comes to life
>when it comes to literature

user you've slain my sides, foul rogue!

>doing some dramatic acting of scenes was a helpful experience
Okay, I'll make a note of that. Anything else you can think of?

Yeah, I get the ideology part is an annoying influence. But, what were they doing with it that made it irritating?

Anything and everything had to be contorted to fit their ideology. We couldn't study a subject freely if it couldn't be molded into their PC interpretation of it. I'm ok with learning about leftist points of view, but once that becomes a filter it gets in the way of everything. I may have just had shitty teachers in that respect.

I think oral and visual presentations are good because they require students to internalize the text and be able to present their own opinions rather than copy paste something off the internet and be done with it. It's really hard to do oral presentations but if you assign a number of small ones over the semester with a larger final presentation the students might get good at it.

What would you have preferred to have learned about instead? I see you mention becoming familiar with other points of view.

Got it. I think doing those in groups would probably be best.

Another fun project that I remember was dissecting advertisements. I think the theme that year was thesis writing. It was interesting to learn how intricate advertisements can be.

>What would you have preferred to have learned about instead?
Nothing, its not about the subject matter. I actually enjoyed the content even though it wasn't something that would usually interest me. All I'm saying is don't harass people into agreeing with you.

I prepared a lesson on analyzing and creating clickbait headlines, but I'm not sure if anyone will care/enjoy it. I'll try to do more stuff to break up the units.

Link: daily.jstor.org/how-does-the-language-of-headlines-work-the-answer-may-surprise-you/

Got it.

I loved my senior year teacher
She was god tier. She hated Young Adult fiction and had this bookshelf full of shit like Dostoyevky, Wolfe, Satre, Kurt Vonnegut, Hesse, Jünger etc

She would go on little rants about shit like tattoos, pop music, controversial shit. She would have us solve disputes through a debate.

.....I miss her lads. She's what got me into literature

>She would have us solve disputes through a debate
What kind of debate?

She had 2 standing desks in the front of the class. She would find the disagreement and give themboth 2 days to study and get information. On the 3rd day they would go to the standing desks and have 30-45 minutes to debate.

Nice, I like the idea of standing desks

They're pretty lit. You feel really powerful when you're speaking from one.

Stop entertaining this faggot. 'Redpill me' you virgin.

No, they were all passive aggressive old bitches and a try hard nu-male who completely turned me off any interest in reading till I was in my 20s

Yeah, I agree

Okay, so my plan is to include more dramatization and debate while making fun of stuff...while teaching to standardized tests

Thanks Veeky Forums

sounds like she loves memes and staying hip

was she the one who introduced you to reddit?