Open Harry Potter: the first one.pdf

>open Harry Potter: the first one.pdf
>ctrl+f: "stretched his legs"
>457 results

>open Blood Meridian.pdf
>ctrl+f: "they rode on"
>457 results


Oh, look.

This thread again.

Last time i made this thread was like a month ago.

>open No Country For Old
>ctl+f: "for a long time"
457 results

>open No.8509967
>ctrl+f: "mad quads"
>9999 results

>open my diary
>ctrl+f "no gf"
>four-hundred and fifty-seven results

Has it been that long already?
I swear I saw it just a month ago.
Time really flies when you're shitposting

>open Infinite Jest
>ctrl+f "Discernible Talent"
>no results

yeah, I did it

>open boards.Veeky
>ctrl+f: this topic
>26 results

>open Lord Foul's Bane: the first one.pdf
>ctrl+f: "clench"
>??? results

>open gravity's rainbow
>ctr+f "dick"
>457 results

how about smelly and stinky?

>open your diary
>ctrl+f "gf"
>four-hundred and fifty-seven results


ayy lmao pynch uses the word "cock" you faggot

>open 1984
>ctrl + f "anally and vaginally"
>0 results

hack book.

>open The Odyssey.pdf
>ctrl+f: "Once they'd had their fill of meat and drink"
>CDLVII results

>he doesn't understand the purpose of repetition in oral poetry

>listening to bard by the money-changers tables
>hear "rosy-fingered dawn" for the 1000th time
>defect to Sparta

>Greek epic
>Roman numerals

Tryhard pseud
