Only the comfiest of readings need apply ITT

Starting off with:


>A Confederacy of Dunces.

i didn't find slaughterhouse five "comfy" at all. apart from the factual inaccuracy i found the endless so it goesing just fucking tedious. i mean jeez kurt people die get over it

Both of those books are trash. If you find trash comfy, power to you I suppose

Bottom's Dream was a pretty comfy afternoon read.

My girlfriend fell asleep halfway through, haha.

old ghost stories on stormy nights in late autumn/winter are great.

Mason & Dixon

Atlas Shrugged if you're willing to read the entire thing in one go without sleeping.

Lies, Confederacy was hilarious. What makes you say it's trash?

Dubliners is comfy as hell

what book isn't though?

Ass Goblins of Auschwitz

some underrated comfycanon coming through

Repping dat shit boiiiiiiii

You feel mighty free and easy and comfy reading Huck Finn

I, Claudius
The Leopard

Milne or Morley essays

Montaigne's Essays

Damn.. them titties thicc

Dead Souls

Ultimate comfy is wrapping up in a blanket in front of a crackling fire in a dimmed room and reading about peasent lives in early 19th century Russia

Kurt Vonnegut is the Reddit of authors

House of Leaves desu

came here to post Dubliners

Chekhov is great for this, especially the collection called Peasants

The Road

Literally the comfiest book once they get to Galt's Gulch. Capitalist paradise comfy.


It's an ass

Too infrequent if you ask me

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Peep Show of literature

Oh Whistle and I'll Come to You genuinely spooked me

>tfw im on the last essay
The past 3 or four months have been so nice ;-;