Kant btfo

>kant btfo

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literally who

>Chris has a commanding stature, with a height over 1.80 m
dwarfing kant both mentally AND physically

Who? The solver of everything that's who.

come back chiller


chiller we need you
how are we supposed to read spinoza alone?

Langan is a fucking joke.


>Langan styles himself as a misunderstood genius; indeed, Filmmaker Errol Morris directed a short documentary on Langan titled The Smartest Man in the World. However, his pet theory, the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe," appears to the casual observer to be a steaming mound of incoherent babbling, and Langan has reportedly used ad hominem attacks against those asking him to explain it further, which does not bode well for his "misunderstood genius" claims.

>Under the handle Asmodeus, Langan and his partner have been caught repeatedly trying to postively skew the Wikipedia article covering him and the CTMU. Exhibiting his typical highly aggressive style of combative dialectic he attempted to brow-beat everyone who edited the page; this eventually led to him being topic banned.[11]

And his CTMU is a load of shit.


He's just a meme, a literal meme.


t. deficient iq

>meme replies


what's he thinking about Veeky Forums

literal children in my country are taller than that

literal children in your country are getting raped by muslims so it all balances out

There's a radio interview with him where you find he's actually very reasonable and knowledgeable about physics, mathematics and philosophy. He's great with language, describing Einstein's processes of thought at 1000 miles per hour as if he were talking about baseball.

I personally can't evaluate his contribution, that is meant to enrich and unite the fields of science, mathematics and philosophy, but (1) he at least does seem to identify the right problems and (2) his work, even if not useful in its entirety, does introduce and discuss elements like his SCSPL, 'telic recursion, and principles he draws from other thinkers that are of great selective value.

My own temperament is more artistic and obviously his CTMU does not project a most favorable image, nor do I think it should constitute any attempt to get at Absolute Truth unmatched everywhere and everywhen in the planet. But it's a great xontribution in its own terms, biased towards a logical temperament, but that seems to be the direction of millions of fedoras aroĆ¹nd

welcome to Veeky Forums chris, make yourself at home

>blowing the fuck out of Kant
>an accomplishment worth noting

I did it before I even read anyone else as an undergrad.


Bullshit, likely.


Average height in the world's tallest countries aren't much higher than that

There is not a single philosopher in the world that cannot be BTFOd. That's a fact.

As for Langan-- No amount of intellect will amount to anything if the person is uneducated. And that's exactly what he is, an uneducated twat with delusions of grandeur. Just like an edgy kid on Veeky Forums, except self-assured because he worked as a bouncer.