Herro. I have a quessschtion

Herro. I have a quessschtion.

Since the earth is moving at 30 km a second in it's path around the sun, why doesn't the iss crash into earth when they are in front of the path of the earth?

iss altitude: 330 to 435 km
iss speed: 7.66 km/s

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Stopped reading there.

s/they/it although i suppose the same point stands for sattellites...


the ISS is also moving roughly 30 km/s around the sun

Is that the best you have? I should get canned messages like yours to use in the worst possible times.

Because (((they))) made the ISS like that.

Why don't airplanes just fly straight up and wait for the Earth to rotate underneath them?

>he admits that he need me.

Because the earth is flat and only moving upwards at g.

the earth moving upwards thing is a psyop.

I never understood how gravity was weak enough for me to be able to counteract it for a short moment - i.e jumping - but simultaneously strong enough for binding satellites to an object moving 30 km a second in one direction and 200 km a second another way.

When will the revolution happen? I am a hermit. How mainstream is The Lie?

Gravity is as strong as em mathematically.

The question is why does the Higgs field couple so weakly to subatomic particles.

The iss doesn't crash for the same reason you aren't blown off the earth when you jump.

That might be /a/ question but i doubt it is /the/ question. AFAIK the higgs field isnt even proven.

I think questions like mine can't even be mathematically proven. Iv'e seen people try to model it but they can't... because it's bs. Every "realistic" model of the universe can't be based on physics but has to be based on the numbers from nasa. live-action animation with the help of numbers from nasa. trustworthy.

because it's bs?

Because you do not fully grasp relativity.

There is no actual speed, in any direction. There is only speed relative to another reference.

The airplane flying 600mph is not moving at all. It is sitting still with a 600mph wind blowing against it, and a planet below spinning 600mph.

The satellite is not orbiting the planet. The planet is orbiting the satellite.

Oversimplification, but try to grasp the concept. Everything is stationary. There is only acceleration.

And the full truth is that the satellite and the planet are orbiting each other.

And the satellite, the planet, the star, every other planet, every other star, every other galaxy, are all orbiting each other...

explain this.

If i fly upwards in a plane with the speed of 8g im going to feel 8g on my body.

Why is it that im not feeling 2000 g(or however much it is) even though the planet is moving 200 km a second upwards?

The point is that electric charge is many magnitudes greater than mass at small scales. Because of this, it takes a lot of particles to generate the same amount of mass "charge" relative to electric charge.

another way to say it:

It is clear that g forces would be felt by a space pilot (((in space))) as long as one is accelerating, decelerating or moving in a curved line.

the earth is a spaceship - spaceship earth - and it too is moving in a curved line - possibly accelerating and decelerating (((in the official doctrine))) too.

So why can't we feel any of this?

Because g is acceleration, a change in velocity. The velocity of the Earth around the Sun isn't changing, so you don't feel it.

If you put your foot on the gas pedal in a stationary car you get pushed into the chair (or rather, the chair pushes into you). If you slam the brakes on at speed you get yanked forward and the seatbelt stops you. If you sit on the freeway at 50mph you don't feel anything, if you sit on your driveway at 0 you don't feel anything.

yes, but you feel it when your car curves... earth curves...

Earth is not accelerating or decelerating. It is traveling in a straight line at constant speed (speed relative to the sun's POV).
The gravity of the sun (and everything else, but most importantly from our POV the sun) curves space so that the straight line of the earth's progress is warped into a circle around the sun. The earth is not moving in a circle and requires no delta-v for course correction to maintain a circle.

So there is no acceleration.

it also spins btw.. and it wobbles..

it spins 446 meters per second at the equator...

When you going around a corner in a car you're changing your velocity from going in one direction to another direction, so you feel it. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun isn't changing velocity at any point, the same (mostly) with things that orbit the Earth, such as the ISS or the Moon.

The reason orbits curve is because an orbit is essentially falling but going sideways fast enough to not hit whatever object they're falling towards. The Earth is falling+going sideways at the same rate, there is nothing adding to or taking away from its velocity.

> It is traveling in a straight line
No! It is curving!

here's a "researcher in particle astrophysics" agreeing with me:

"Traveling in any path besides a straight line at a constant velocity requires some type of acceleration. Therefore, the Earth is always accelerating as it bends its way around the sun. "


Read the third paragraph he wrote there. The Sun has the same effect on everything on the Earth as the Earth itself, so to us it doesn't appear to do anything.

You don't feel acceleration from the spinning of the earth because the earth's gravity acts on all parts of your body at once, AND your body is adapted to this constant gravity so that it maintains its structure. If parts of your body deformed under the earth's gravity, you would feel it.
I'll try to give an extended example:
You are traveling at 50mph in a car.
You apply the brakes.
The wheels spin slower.
The body of the car seems to surge forward against the suspension due to maintaining velocity
Your body does the same, is stopped by your seatbelt/steering wheel/windshield
The fluid in your ears does the same, giving orientation feedback to your brain, which you interpret as a feeling of deceleration.

But the earth's gravity and rotation are constant, nothing changes, no feedback to your brain about a changing environment.

If you were in a vehicle traveling at mach 5, and decelerating/accelerating at a constant rate if 1 meter per second per minute, you would also feel stationary, but your idea of where "up" and "down" are would be slightly different than if you weren't accelerating/decelerating

So it is clear that the earth is accelerating, thus we should feel the g's of spaceship earth -- just as a spacepilot would feel g's when he were flying in a loop...

the "gravity" of the earth doesnt even come into the picture. that force is way to weak to even have an effect on the immense g forces that would have been felt if this wasnt bs...

In 1768 general relativity proved that the earth actually decelerate so the moon can pass every 28 days, for gods sake op read the news

The problem you're encountering is that gravitation and acceleration are indistinguishable.
The sun can be said to be accelerating the earth toward itself (and vice versa, though much less so).

But it can also be said that the earth and the sun are traveling at straight lines through space curved by their gravity.

The iss speed is relative to the earth and the earth's speed is relative to the sun

You would only feel acceleration/gravity if it were changing in strength/direction, or if it were significantly higher/lower than your body was adapted to.

The acceleration applied is so low (since it happens over a long period of time) that it is well below the level of human perception. You can't feel it.

>if this wasnt bs
You are getting directly disproved at every turn with real examples that you can test for yourself, and all you can cling to is that you choose not to believe it.

>You don't feel acceleration from the spinning of the earth because the earth's gravity acts on all parts of your body at once

youre missing the point. if youre not a shill please think. the force of the earth spinning, wobbling and flying through space at insane speeds are a million times stronger forces than your precious gravity...

it is akin to saying that if i throw a tennisball at 30 km a SECOND bound by a magical super-strong string(just for this example) to a pole, that a lego man bound by a thin string to this ball wouldnt snap and fly into space because of the centrifugal force...

and thats just mentioning one of these velocities...

Since you clearly can't grasp the difference between constant velocity and change in velocity, I'm going to consider your post as trolling.

If it isn't, then I am really sorry for you for either being an idiot or a child.

the force of the earth spinning, wobbling and flying through space at insane speeds are a million times stronger forces than your precious gravity...

No it isn't moron, you can easily calculate that yourself if you already finished elementary school

Because the iss is also moving at ~30km a second around the sun on the same path as the earth on the same

>really sorry for you for either being an idiot or a child.
It's worse than that. It's a polspawn. The beast that knows nothing but memes and directionless spite.

why should i care how you consider my post. either put up or shut up shill.

The earth is flat.

O RLY? I've seen physics professors being unable to calculate it.. what now, shill?

Where is the janitor?

lul. how can you even have those two things in your mouth at the same time. the iss (((apparently))) has its own path, even the masons claim that.

They're morons then, you can easily calculate the inertial forces here on earth due to
1. Earth spin
2. Earth going around the sun

Its plug and chug and you can have the numerical result, I once calculated the effect of the moon/sun in our weight and included earth's orbit inertial force the overall result was that it'd be a change of about 10^-2 kg between day and night.

Really user, take the centripetal force equation and plug and chug

Fuck off with your elitism shill. If a physics prof can't model your bs masonic system then you cant claim people having finished elementary school should be able to now can you? you fucking idiot.

and noone's answered the iss example. prove how on an earth that is travelling 30 km a second, an iss that is travelling 7.66 km a second at an altitude of 435 km max won't come crashing into the earth after 14.5 seconds..

bu6t im going to bed. adios

Wow user, you really need to take a lecture on reference frames and gravitation, peace

the spinning and wabbling of the earth "throws" us off the surface with a force of about 0.003g at the equator because we are effectively on a string being spun once per day the force of gravity is 1g so the difference is imperceptible. According to your numbers the earth is traveling around the sun at 30 Km/s and the ISS is traveling around the earth at 7.66 Km/s therefore the ISS is traveling around the sun at between 22.34 Km/s and 37.66 Km/s depending on where it is in it's orbit around the earth. it's rotational speed around the earth prevents it from crashing into the earth due to their combined gravity and their rotational speed around the sun prevents them from hitting the sun.... I would like to know who the professors were and exactly what they were trying to calculate ???



>says "herro"
>calling others autistic

the ISS is moving at 30 +-7.66 km a second in it's path around the sun.

Velocity is the same as stationary. I.e., you can't tell you are moving unless you are accelerating.
The ISS is also moving with the Earth's orbital velocity, but it has its own orbital velocity around the Earth added to that.
If you were to remove the Earth from the picture (but keep its gravity) you would see the ISS moving in an orbit around the sun, but with a helical circle instead of a straight line circle.
There will be a constant slight offset of the Earth from the centre of the ISS's orbit due to minute acceleration changes (I think) but that is nowhere near significant enough to cause a crash.

Relative speeds.

Great. Relativity. You know how we have been told that GPS uses relativity to get accurate measurements?

It was all a lie: my.mixtape.moe/mtjhye.pdf Now, why do they keep harping on this lie? Why did they even say it in the first place? Use your fucking heads people...

Just like Crepuscular Rays which they used to (((explain))) as (((haze and light scattering))) and they now (((explain))) as (((perspective))) was a lie. Just like the (((coriolis effect))) which we have heard our entire lives makes water flow one way in a sink were a lie and now they say "oh, but hurricanes at least are effected by it(moving the goalposts and this is also bs). Just like the "boat going over the curvature of the earth" was a lie. Just like everything concerning this topic is a lie if you take the time and use your noggin to see is a lie.