So I finnaly got around to asking the girl I had a crush on for 4 years since we 16 and we have spent nearly EVERY day...

So I finnaly got around to asking the girl I had a crush on for 4 years since we 16 and we have spent nearly EVERY day together and then when I asked her out she said I wasn't her type because she likes guys that are into sports or whatever and I like books I read most days which is fine but I logged on her FB and read her inbox I saw she made fun of me to her friends and said I was a nerd and she needs a 'man' not a boy I don't get it I taught her all about aristotle and socrates this year and we both were going to read infinte jest at the same time so we could talk about it but she just rejected me. Does she really think it is better to date a muscular jock who probably cant even literally spell his own name and bullies people like a stupid moron and doesn't want a smart and compassionate humble guy like me especially when I listen to REAL music and they only listen to trashy idiot rap and pop?
I have read hemmingway, Wilde, homer and all the classics and I'm still not good enough?
that doesn't even make sense.
Why are girls so vapid and mean and toxic like they can't say anything nice about anyone and they're stuck up?
It's disgusting and wrong.



The things you are calling your virtues are negatives to women, especially at your age. Unless you have some killer DNA it will be some time before a woman will allow you to entertain her. Don't think appreciating books entitles you to appreciation. In all reality, most can barely even read. If you want to banter with women watch some reality TV, stay abreast of celebrity gossip, ask her how much she hates the people she works with. Keep the reading shit to yourself. No one cares.

KISS = keep it simple, stupid!

fuck off to r9k

Should have taught her Schopenhauer and Hegel and read Brothers Karamazov instead

You messed up, try another girl

>girl says she loves me
>tell her that I love that interacting with her provides an escape from overdeveloped consciousness but that escape could just as easily be reached with another woman or by drinking myself into a coma
>she calls me cold and breaks up with me
Beaches and shores

Your maman would be proud.

>"i love you"
>"thanks but you are replaceable"
>gets dumped


Have you read Elliot Rodgers manifesto? I think you would like it, my euphoric friend.

But it's true. Everyone is replaceable. She acknowledges that by dumping me and knowing that she'll find someone else to love.

Pls, pls kill yourself.

>Everyone is replaceable
We all know this already though. You're pathetic.

mods need to crack down on the rk9 losers infecting lit

>being honest is more pathetic than constantly policing your language so you don't hurt people's feelings
Incredibly cuckish

Top kek

It's not policing. It's being incredibly defeatist and most of all boring. If I were that girl I would have laughed at you and said - no fuck?

Either youre very autistic or you think youre much smarter than you are

Acknowledging the truths of the human experience is probably the least boring thing you can do. It's a more fulfilling activity than sex you degenerate fuckhole

I do go to Princeton University and I was valedictorian of my high school, but I'm certainly not the smartest person in the world. I doubt I'm autistic.


my maman died from this post, not sure when tho

>but I logged on her facebook
LMAO, beta to the max! Yes, women want men who aren't immature creepy childish stalkers. Are you really lacking so much in self awareness or are you just trolling? 5/10, got me to respond.