Why there is no philosophy in elementary school? Its logical and it teach critical thinking and morality

Why there is no philosophy in elementary school? Its logical and it teach critical thinking and morality

>le logic and critical thinking

How is theology not logical

That gets put into English class.


Nah, for one thing, who's morality does it teach?

The morality of Jesus?

The morality of Peter Singer?

It teaches critical thinking skills - but these are tools with which to challenge ideas imposed from without - like morality, not bolsters to shore up these fragile contextual constructs.

Isn't that math?

Kids can't even sit down, how could you teach them philosophy?

Parables, repetition and boxing their ears when they don't sit still.

Of course, proper discipline is a lost art; modern parents either let their children run rampant or else can't differentiate between bed without supper and not feeding their sprog for three days.

>The morality of Jesus?

We teach Kant's moral absolutism, yes.

Same reason they don't teach economics.

I was taught some philosophy in elementary school

Wait Americans aren't? This explains a lot

Same reason they don't teach how to make improvised explosives with common household objects

i guarantee it will be, its basically a feeder course for computer science as is; private schools recognizing the importance of computer science will start teaching basic logic in 6th grade

public schools will follow suit in ~15 yrs

>talking about philosophy and he still doesn't get it yet
Because everything is predetermined

Because If they teach them how to think for themselves, they might actually do it

> I am no man, I make dynamite

~ Friedrich "Islam is great" Nietzsche

>now imagining trying to convince Americans who don't even think they should learn algebra or geometry that they should take classes that would teach critical thinking skills in a more abstract way

*Tips associate degree and copy of 1984*

Are you stupid, OP? The ability to think abstractly starts as early as age 11 and as late as 16; kids enter middle school around age 11 in the US. You may as well be asking why kids aren't taught calculus or quantum mechanics in elementary or middle school. There is a reason children are taught simple to grasp basic, quantitative information such as language and arithmetic.

Then they're not teaching philosophy and critical thinking; they're teaching Christian Dogma.

You're looking for RE 101 which is down the hall, you can take your turn after the Hindu kid and the Mandinka Witchdoctor.