I'm financially ruined

I'm financially ruined.

Attached: DeepBrainChainLogo.jpg (750x430, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>buying high

You were destined to be financially ruined regardless of what you bought.

Buying something named Deep Brain Chain. Yeah, that's a marketable name.

It's not even buying high... the only coin that crashed harder than DBC is probably BCC.
I followes DBC's path a lot actually, did a lot of research when it floated around 10 cents and was shilled on biz for the first time.
Then youtubers talked about it, then they basically exit scammed, never trust chinks. They got away with a lot of cash. Haven't heard anything from them.
Damn I feel so good I invested in something that actually held its value.

To be honest you must have a very large brain to completely understand DBC's purpose

bought this shit at 20 cents. now its 4 cents.

This is why i only invest by percentage of my port thank fuck

Wait for huobi listing it'll moon


good, sell your bags to me cheap

This is why I chose BBN. All of these other Chinese projects were so fucking selfish in their ICO.

Meanwhile BBN raises a humble 5 million because that is all they needed to create what they aim to accomplish. They talk about it in this interview here - youtube.com/watch?v=6PAPZNIPkOY

This is why you look at marketcap when you invest you dumb fucks.

real coins like WAN goes and get listed right away on Binance

they don't fuck around on Kucoin and shit
they gots the money and they paid Binance

I bought NMR at 35 dollars and its now at 13. Been bagholding for more than 6 months. You are fucked OP. Wait to the next bull run and dump that shit at whatever loss you have then and dont look back.

You got deepbrained, OP. Right in the asshole. To the hilt.

Just wait for the next altcoin run, it will reach at least 1,50.

Thanks for daily YLYL thread OP

DBC binance listing imminent

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All in all the time
Never change biz

Imagine the people who bought it at 60 cents believing it would go to a dollar immenently. Ahh the bull run of early/mid january was a glorious time.

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yeah, its when u bought ur crypto newfag.

>deep brainletchan

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*leans into mic*
I bought at 27 cents and sold at 50

Brainlet Chain

why did you invest in this?
was it something you read in their whitepaper, did the team look professional with realistic goals?
or was it because someone on here shilled it to you and like a fucking moron, you bought in?

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>actually caring what the token is or what it does when you join the pump

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>did the team look professional with realistic goals?
Actually I bought DBC because of this.